Its's a bunny girl, yes, it's not a normal bunny girl, it's the bunny girl equipment worn by the necromancer with rabbit attributes in the Twelve Wars, very sexy, very revealing, and very bloody...even two giant The Nepalese army knives are all ready.

After changing into this dress, the original handsome old-fashioned guy disappeared, replaced by a murderous devil snake mentally ill bunny boy holding two knives.

To a certain extent, it is very visually impactful.

This was not targeted by Bai Jue, it was completely random. He didn't even change the original style of clothes, so he directly put on a template, and who knew that he was drawn by Ananda. Hey, this luck is really bad, but The same is really pleasing.

"Now I'm so ashamed and angry that my blood is flowing backwards, and I always feel that I can use the infinitely angry Tenfold Realm King Fist in the next second." Walking is difficult to hold two knives, his eyes are red, and the terrible evil spirit is about to rush out of the screen.

"It's just a game, don't worry about those details." Bai Jue gave a thumbs up: "Brother, you have nice chest muscles."

This sentence was pressed into the fragile nerves of the difficulty. He roared crazy and collapsed: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Bai Jue didn't pay attention to the sad howling of the defeated dog at all.

Turning to watch Liu Xiu click on the game's matching system under the command of Xiao Wu, this is also random, unlike the previous few people who were forced to make internal appointments by Bai Jue, this time it is indeed a random probability, I can only look at him Good luck.

However, the name of the game that emerged made the corners of Bai Jue's mouth crazily rise, and the joy value in his heart was almost full.

[Game Name: Philosophical Road]

【Game Introduction: Ah♂Gensokyo New Nippori】

[Game process: Please rely on wrestling skills to defeat the following brothers in turn: Golden Pavilion of Power, Toyuro, Night King Fengxian, Iron Gorilla Beast, Super Saiyan Broly, Boxing Champion Rao, Banana-kun, defeat After the above seven brothers recovered their male souls and gathered them on the god tree, they could summon Billy, the strongest brother at this time, wrestle with him and successfully obtain his approval, and then open the door to a new world Nippori Road]

[Precautions: 1. Please be sure to protect your ass, it is very fragile and easily injured; 2. Please do not try to fight by brute force, rely on skills, wrestling is technical work; 3. Summoning Belgium has certain There is a probability that the summoning fails, and the dark elf van will appear at that time. Only after defeating van can you pass the game, otherwise you will be imprisoned in the dark philosophical space, and you will continue to be affected by van's power even if you quit the game]

[Game reward: [-] reward points]

"This is very interesting!" Liu Xiu's eyes lit up: "Wrestling or something, isn't it very interesting!"

"Yes, yes." Xiao Wu also booed: "Although I don't understand, but it looks very powerful."

"It's not good at all, it's not interesting at all! Stop it!" Ananda hurriedly shouted: "Change to another, I demand another!"

He didn't understand it very much at first, but as he stayed in the squirrel group for a long time, some knowledge was forcibly instilled into his cognition. If he could, he didn't want to understand it anymore, but this crazy man The soul symbol told him that this wrestling is just like a dark duel, and if he fails, the consequences will be very serious!

"Go ahead and struggle, it's useless, but it will make me happy." The corners of Bai Jue's mouth rose wildly: "I didn't expect you to be so unlucky, and the difficulty of this script is also difficult in my perception The low-level but extremely terrifying type can only prove... Ananda, you are a person favored by your brother, whether it is your equipment or the game type you have drawn, it proves this point!"

He cupped his hands: "I wish you a successful return from New Nippori."

"I'm going to fuck you!" After cursing a lot of blocked words, Xinglu Nan disappeared in the boundary between light and darkness, and there was a strange battle cry faintly, which was probably philosophy Whisper it.

Having settled the difficulty of walking, Bai Jue looked to the next one.

Meng Ke was holding his cheeks and waiting for him to look over. When he met the saint's eyes, Bai Jue dodged subconsciously. He suddenly remembered that the wooden comb was still with him, but it was not easy to return it under the current situation.

"Want to see it?" Meng Ke asked.

"...Then be healthy." Bai Jue looked at the porridge on the screen. This medical sage was much calmer than he imagined, as if he had seen through the world of mortals, his expression did not change, and he didn't know if he was pretending Calm down, it was still facial paralysis caused by trigeminal nerve necrosis.

Meng Ke opened the backpack, and the system instantly produced a piece of blue equipment randomly.

"This is..." Drinking Porridge looked over, and his calm expression after seeing this equipment seemed a bit strange: "This seems to be..."

"Well, the nurse's outfit from Silent Hill." Bai Jue also said in surprise, "I was surprised to find this piece of equipment."

The nurse sisters in Silent Hill must have seen pictures even if they haven’t played the game. They are a kind of monsters. Although they are monsters, they have an enchanting figure and white silk long legs. It is not as rigorous as ordinary nurse uniforms, but rather tight nurse uniforms, with a large area of ​​white on the chest, and a miniskirt on the lower body, and its scariest face is wrapped in white bandages, and its body movements are weird when walking, but... ...still very social security.

I have to say that the appearance of this dress is not only not scary, but also a bit subtle.

The supporting weapons for the appearance are a syringe and a surgical knife.

He breathed a sigh of relief after drinking the porridge, and he put on his clothes without saying a word. Anyway, with his face covered, even wearing women's clothes is far better than those in front of him.

"Tsk..." Bai Jue couldn't help being stunned when he saw that drinking porridge changed into this equipment without a second thought. He didn't get any new joy, but then he raised his eyebrows: "Don't be too happy , and games, come on, try your luck."

Meng Ke obediently pressed the game matching button, and the big turntable started to spin, and a name appeared in the field of vision three seconds later.

[Game Name: Night Shift Sick Building]

"Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" The shaman on the other side was the first to laugh. Because he controlled his own character, no one was watching him. He was laughing wildly while knocking on the ground. The first moment I arrived, I got the deep malice in these four words.

On the contrary, it was Bai Jue. He was very surprised, because this script was an abandoned plan after his original design. Because it was too insane, half of the design was thrown into the trash can. Why did it appear here now? He was very surprised. He continued to look suspiciously, and then... his eyes gradually became playful.


ps1: I don’t really understand why the picture yesterday was rejected by the reviewer. It’s obviously not sexy and doesn’t miss a point. It’s very strange, but this more or less keeps Beigao’s face, so I decided to post it again tomorrow night (tea), as for why it is tomorrow, it is very simple. Tomorrow is Friday, tomorrow night to Sunday, and the review will not work. Do you know what I mean? (Crazy express)


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

[Game Name: Night Shift Sick Building]


[Game process: avoid the hunt of the evil doctor Ryoji Hisaka, and unlock the puzzles of the evil spirit hospital. There are seven puzzles in total. Saws, floating human balloons, records from the Middle Ages, a beautiful boy without a head, and the song of the girl Saya]

[Notes: 1. This is a horror game; 2. The game is co-created by Lao Xu and Mr. Run Er; 3. If you are caught by a will be raped, and the same goes for men (serious)]

[Game reward: [-] reward points]

"Hiss!" As a medical student, it's normal for him to be bold, but it doesn't mean he won't panic, because corpses don't move, but if he encounters a moving corpse or a floating ghost, he should panic. I still panic, I still urinate when I should urinate, and the familiar "Don't beat me" still roars out of my throat uncontrollably.

This is a trembling from the depths of the soul.

It wasn't until this moment that I suddenly remembered drinking porridge... It turned out that I was really not very courageous. When I was studying medicine, I was fooled by the teacher's words and became a medical student. An illusion of 'I think I'm okay', but just reading the introduction of this game made his scalp tingle, and suddenly recalled what he saw when he learned the Tianzi Wangqi technique for the first time...

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