
Drinking porridge screamed, but Meng Ke still pressed the start button mercilessly. Saints are not afraid of ghosts, and any terrible things are false bubbles to her. A heroic spirit who can even cross death, naturally Don't be afraid of strange powers and chaos.

"Next, it's your turn."

Bai Jue cast a kind smile to the group of friends on the other side.

Shaman and Li Jianan are both characters who control themselves, so all freedom depends on them, but...but...is it really free?Of course it didn't exist, even if Bai Jue didn't force them to change their outfits, the others would definitely hold grudges, and when the situation calmed down, they would frantically put on small shoes for the two of them.

You can't share the same difficulties, so what's the use of keeping you as a group of friends!

Isn't sand sculpture netizens just used to drag them into the water together!

"I wear..." The shaman swallowed a bitter tear, opened the backpack and randomized the equipment, but he also knew that he would definitely not be able to find any good equipment randomly. After all, a shaman is a shaman, and a non-chief is a non-chief.

The piece of equipment that appeared in front of his eyes... was very strange, it was actually a cane.

"This, this is..." The shaman instinctively told him that this is not a good thing.

"This is a good thing." Bai Jue looked relieved, as expected of the non-chief who lived up to everyone's expectations and drew the artifact: "The staff of the heart of the rising sun, congratulations, from today onwards you are a magical boy shaman sauce."

"Are you kidding me! How can I be a masculine man with a girl's equipment? A strong man dares to pretend to be a girl!" The old shaman shook his head: "No, this is absolutely not possible! Transformation or something is too shameful! I Can't do it!"

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. You will get used to it." Bai Jue comforted: "It's always uncomfortable and sad for the first time, but it will become more comfortable after a long time. It's all like this, please Don't resist, people... always have to experience the first time, women's clothing is the same, there are countless times for the first time, gradually your heart will become happy, even your body shape and appearance will..."

"Shut up! Shameless old thief!" The shaman yelled angrily, "I, shaman, even if I die here today, I won't..."

Bai Jue snapped his fingers expressionlessly.

"I am the heir to the mission. In the name of the contract, release your power. The wind resides in the sky, the stars reside in the night sky, unyielding courage resides in my heart, hold magic in your hands, the heart of the rising sun, Start (Set up)!"

The staff called the Heart of the Rising Sun made a rather stuttering and reluctant sound.

——Stand by ready set up!

Then a burst of dazzling pink light flickered, as beams of light wrapped around his body, and then transformed into a white magic costume, because Nao Takamachi's magic costume was not exposed and had a high degree of concealment, so it was a shame The speed is mainly reflected in the process of transforming. The person concerned has to put on a series of shameful poses despite his reluctance. This process is not long but quite tormenting.

As the light fades away.

A shiny magical boy just appeared, slightly better than the magical girl Ayumi Aikawa...just a little bit.

It takes a long time to transform for the first time. After the transformation time of more than ten seconds is over, the shaman squats down slowly and pale as if he has been seriously injured, and said: "It's really fragrant..."

Bai Jue squeezed his chin and said, "I really want to know if the video of your transformation is recorded and sent to Takamachi Naiha himself, will this white tyrant come directly towards the guy and shoot you in the face? .”

"Please, don't irritate me, or I'll really give myself a life-restarting gun." The shaman put his hand on his forehead.

"It's just a change of body. It's not so shameful. It's much better than others." Bai Jue said lightly, "And the fighting ability endowed by the Heart of the Rising Sun is very strong. I won't talk about the specific method of using it. Let's start a random game."

He clicked on the screen, and the big turntable started to rotate, and a picture like this appeared three seconds later.

[Game name: An Neng can tell if I am male or female]

[Game introduction: A true warrior who dares to face up to the dripping reality, and who dares to identify the real fake girl]

[Game process: Please find a real woman from the following ten characters within three days, and confess to her. Koji Mizuho, ​​Kiritani Kiriko, Wuhe Shiori, Kinoshita Hideyoshi, Senona Tsuryu]

[Precautions: 1. Don't try to find the truth by lifting your skirt, because there is such a cheating artifact as safety pants; 2. I know that even if you confess, there is a 3% chance of being rejected ([-]% chance of being cruel Rejection), so the success of the confession is not important, and the failure can also be regarded as the success of the task; [-]. Of course... If you are willing to know the man, I can introduce you, these people are real]

[Game reward: [-] reward points]

"Because there are no major difficulties in the game itself, at least the safety of life can be guaranteed, so the reward points are just a little less." Bai Jue smiled and said: "Come on, comrade shaman, at least you don't need to transform this time. "

"...is it really so safe and so simple?" The shaman looked suspicious, because to be honest, this task is a bit too simple. Whether it is a woman or a master of women's clothing can be easily judged after a long-term contact. Don't you know if she goes to the women's bathroom or not?

Although he was skeptical, he couldn't see any traps on the surface, so he could only nod suspiciously and agreed to enter the game.

As the shaman entered the game, the corners of Bai Jue's mouth rose wildly. One of the above ten people is indeed a woman, but it doesn't mean that she is always a woman.

"Hmm...it's your turn, Jia Nan." Bai Jue looked at this bald man of the same age, and suddenly sincerely hoped that he wouldn't get some scary appearance equipment, otherwise everyone would be eye-catching.

In all fairness, although the sand sculpture netizens in the jirijiri group have different personalities, they are really good in terms of appearance, except for the ordinary shaman and Li Jianan, Li Jianan is not ugly, but his hairstyle... emmmmm, It may be due to excessive overtime that led to balding at a young age.

——Or simply playing too many mobile games.

The latter is more likely.

"Come on." After the preheating of the field by the first few people, Li Shouzuo, who is the last person, is already mentally prepared. He solemnly opened his backpack, and his posture is like the confident smile of a teenager who is preparing to flop. , one can't help but wonder whether he can reverse the situation with the next card.

Then there was just a flash of blue light.

"Wow... blue is normal." Bai Jue said lightly: "The initial equipment is all blue, why do you put on an expression that you want to get the golden legend and the purple epic, I almost suspect that there is something wrong with the system settings. "

"No, I'm a little excited, this equipment is more friendly to me." Li Jianan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "I'm afraid that if I get some weird equipment, it won't be good for everyone to get hurt together."

Bai Jue glanced at the appearance of the equipment: "The Fat House Happy Set is okay."

The Fat House Happy Set is naturally the standard Fat House Happy Water, Fat House Happy Things, Fat House Happy Flower, Fat House Happy Day, etc... In short, they are all things that make Fat House happy. This equipment does not add defense or attributes. , even the appearance is at most just holding something in your hand, holding a bottle of Coca-Cola that can never be drunk or something, and its equipment special effect is to make people around you as happy as you.

But it should be noted that although the special effects of the equipment have no cooldown, they cannot be used more than ten times in a game, otherwise they will turn into a slow-moving, fat and weak, fat man with big ears... This equipment is Bai Juexian It was designed for nothing, although it is full of a deep malice.

Because he had no deep hatred with Li Jianan, he let him go, and started the random game without adding any harshness, and soon the screen showed that the match was successful.

[Game Name: Finding Delicious Journey]

[Game introduction: Eating is a kind of life, looking for food is an attitude, and dying on the spot after eating is also a kind of happiness]

[Game flow: eat and you're done. Next, you will act as a gourmet, go out to find food that can cause a near-death experience, and make up an ascension package that will die on the spot after eating. There is no fixed process in this game. As long as you complete the Ascension package and reach the passing score, you can pass the game]

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