[Notes: 1. Recommended delicacies: Shimura Tae’s Dark Matter; Senpai’s Vegetable Juice; Aunt Akiko’s Colorful Jam; Xueba’s Canned Herring; Toshiro Hijikata’s Mayonnaise Soaked Rice; Himeji Mizuki’s Finger Cake; 2 , Please bring an emetic with you when you taste the food. It is best to call the medical car in advance, or simply eat it in the hospital, otherwise it is very likely to die suddenly on the spot; 3. Do not waste food]

[Game Reward: Eight!thousand!prize!Encourage!point! 】


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The original face-to-face meeting suddenly looked like a Yu-Gi-Oh.

Although Bai Jue spent some time programming the game, although there is no particularly high degree of freedom in the game, and the open world does not exist, there are many traps and holes dug in it. It is impossible to write these plots in detail, after all, so It is too time-consuming for many people to write it for everyone, so I will stop here. How to write a game and the general process, and how this group of people will be ruined and ravaged during the specific game process is their own business up.

Su Yuaner controls the big whale, Du Mi controls Bei Gao, Li Shiming controls Ling Dao, and Li Xiuning controls Le Luo...

After all, Bai Jue didn't participate in the specific process of the game, and he can't predict what will happen. These are defined according to the actions of each player present. If he really loses his game, he can't be blamed, can he?

"Yes, what happened has nothing to do with me or someone."

Bai Jue took a sip of tea silently. He is sitting in his room now, watching the joy of these sand sculpture group friends in various games being crazily ravaged by all kinds of tragedies, while paying attention to other things.

This face-to-face meeting is actually quite strange.

If it's just a gathering of group friends from the jirijiri group, there's absolutely no need to bring the heroic spirits along. Even if they already know the situation, Bai Jue doesn't need to cause trouble for himself at all. They went into the coffee shop.

Obviously Bai Jue had other intentions.

To be honest, he is not a person who is very willing to use his brain, but he is still willing to use his brain when necessary, such as when cleaning up trouble.

He has encountered crises in the main world many times, once in Shenhai, once in Kyushu Island, once in Yanjing, and once in Yinglun. The four attacks completely exhausted the little bit of laziness he had.

Originally repairing the singularity was already a lot of work, but now there are anti-heroic organizations hidden in the main world, and he is even quite restless. He has been preparing to wipe out the organization, but he has never found the anti-heroic organization. real location.

The lair of the Anti-Heroic Spirits organization is said to be in North America. The establishment of the Dark Dynasty is indeed strange. Bai Jue once caught the Gate of Myriad Worlds and entered its interior to detect it, but in fact...there has become an extraterritorial place, unlike After the fusion of the laws of the different world, there are countless steel cities all over it, full of futuristic styles, but the residents in them have physical characteristics slightly different from modern humans.

After visiting several different cities, Bai Jue was not sure whether there were anti-heroic spirits here, and he was unwilling to stay for a long time, because the whole continent seemed to be assimilated by a different world. Depressed, but uncomfortable.

The first detections yielded little success.

Sister Fa also revealed in the group about the faceless man and the werewolf youth's inquiries, but they didn't get a corresponding answer. Some people even secretly mobilized punishment to punish them in a sub-male way, but the other party remained unmoved. In the end, Sister Fa had no choice but to withdraw the gay siege that had lasted for several days.

Although the existence of the Anti-Heroic Spirits organization has been confirmed, and all countries are establishing international cooperative relations, if the anti-Heroic Spirits organization is not found, they can only be beaten passively.

Bai Jue knows that his identity has been exposed to the whole world, so he can only spend a lot of time in the coffee shop. Anyway, he can go to other worlds to relax, but the existence of anti-heroic spirits is like a thorn in the throat, which must be swallowed If he is lazy, he must put forth some energy.

So the question is, what does this have to do with the face-to-face meeting?

The answer is simple, because of Heroic Spirits.

When Bai Jue cut off the connection between the coffee shop and the real world, it is now independent of the main world without any connection. Any detection method initiated from the main world cannot detect the existence of the coffee shop. It has completely With imaginary numbers, even the concept itself is erased from the law of causality, including all the heroic spirits inside it, which theoretically no longer exist in the real world.

There are still many heroic spirits in the Shenzhou Empire, but the emperor is no longer there, and both Li Shiming and Liu Xiu have left Yanjing.

There are almost very few heroic spirits in Kyushu Island, and only one Takeda Shingen can barely support the scene.

Heroic spirits are equivalent to the pillars of a country, and the importance of their existence to a strong and enduring empire is self-evident. If a number of peak heroic spirits are suddenly lost, it will be a strong and fatal blow to any country... let alone the Shenzhou Empire, Whether it is Kyushu Island, it is a monarchy!

The Shenzhou Empire will not be reduced to a state of disunity immediately if the emperor and empress are lost. The cabinet will react quickly and start to take over all the work of the emperor. Easy to be guided and manipulated...it is because of this that the monarchy must exist.

And Kyushu Island, which lost Himiko, is even more vulnerable... The incompetent cabinet ministers are thinking about putting the big girl on the bed all day long, only thinking about grabbing power from this political organization without considering the actual problems, Because as long as the heroic spirit exists, they can sit back and relax, and never think about how to stand on their own after losing Himiko.

Therefore, today's Shenzhou Empire and Kyushu Island are extremely weak.

This is the bait and trap set by Bai Jue.

Bai Jue trusts the investigative ability of the Anti-Heroic Spirits organization very much. They have a clear understanding of everything in the big world, and they can easily replace Lancelot in the Knights of the Round Table in Britain, which shows how deeply it has penetrated into the systems of various countries.

Soon, the news of the departure of each heroic spirit must be known quickly.

The rest is to wait patiently for the other party to take the bait.

It is impossible for a heroic spirit to leave his country for a long time, let alone leave this world. There may be no movement for a day or two, but what about three or four days?What about a week?What about half a month?It's a month!The other party will always be unable to bear it... This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them.

Based on this consideration, Bai Jue clicked the fast-forward button a little bit, and the time flow rate was adjusted. Within three hours that no one noticed, the time had reached three days later.

A mere three hours of waiting is not too long. If necessary, Bai Jue can let the time continue to speed up.

The only thing he worries about now is the master who doesn't know where he went.

He didn't inform Zhao Zheng'er in advance, because he couldn't find where she was at all. If she also saw the leaderless dragons of the Shenzhou Empire and chose to temporarily take over the job of the emperor of the Shenzhou Empire, then the trap he set would be almost meaningless. Forced out his side's hole cards.

Bai Jue can only hope that Zhao Zheng'er will be smarter and realize that he is fishing, or simply be a star player and pretend not to see it.

Three days later, Zhao Zheng'er still did not show up, which is good news.

As for whether the anti-heroic spirit organization is aware of it or not, he doesn't know...but it's about time to throw the next bait.

Altair has a very useful ability, she can easily create any quality projection that is fake and real, so real that ordinary people can't tell the real from the fake, so Bai Jue commissioned her to shoot a video for playing games with her for six hours. Adding fake and genuine short videos, only about ten seconds long, the general content is that Li Xiuning and Liu Xiu appeared in Shenhai City at the same time.

Now he sold the video to a short video team, got a pretty good fee, and waited for it to quickly ferment on the Internet.

It is true that Li Xiuning, as a diplomat, often appears in various diplomatic videos, which can be said to be respected by everyone, but as a hero, she rarely has any private videos taken, let alone wearing such young clothes, let alone adding a Liu Xiu's gone.

Xiuxiu stays in the Forbidden City all the year round, and is rarely released. Because of her young age, she doesn't often come out on many important national events. This is the first time she participated in the summit meeting. The chances for citizens to see her are pitifully rare. Adding some cute elements to Liu Xiu in this short video instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the diehard fans of the entire Shenzhou Empire.

Although the location was not mentioned, but because the shooting location is highly recognizable, there is a landmark building in Shenhai City not far away, which soon attracted countless people to make a pilgrimage to Shenhai—a literal pilgrimage .

The video was released, and within an hour it became a trending search.

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