It's not just that the people are boiling, all the high-level officials in Yanjing can't sit still, and the top officials in Shenhai City are even more scalp-numbed.

Because the cabinet doesn't know where Liu Xiu, Li Xiuning, and Li Shiming have been in the past few days, and they can't get in touch with them at all. Now that they saw some clues, they hurriedly started to search. They overthrew the stronghold of the short video marketing team, uprooted the tainted team and began to ask the source of the video.

The poor video dealer was laying his guns in vain. Although he explained the transaction process, it was impossible to find the specific coordinates of Bai Jue.

Although the actions of the Shenzhou Empire Cabinet are extremely secretive, it is impossible to escape the eyes of those with a heart.


"Request to connect with the council." An ordinary-looking young high school student looked at the floor not far away, and he could clearly see everything that happened.

[Permission review... Secondary apostle 241M, your request has been approved, you have three minutes to report to the council]

"Confirm the traces of the activities of the Shenzhou Empire's Tiance Mansion and the Central Sixth Division's apostles...the other party is looking for the lost emperor."

"Understood, do you want to get further information?" The mechanical voice asked slowly.

"No...the other party took him away for interrogation, and has activated S-level alchemy weapons for information control. I can't continue to approach."

"Understood, secondary apostle, your mission has been lifted, goodbye forever."

" the Right Civilization."

"For the right civilization."

The communication link came to an abrupt end.

[After the report is over, your information has been removed from the records of the apostles, and the council will permanently cut off communication with you]

[Please perform self-amnestics and disarm your apostles]

The ordinary-looking high school student nodded, closed his eyes, and performed the operation like a machine. When he woke up again, he would forget everything and really live like an ordinary boy.

[The project is over, the task is aborted]

The same scenes and scenes will repeat themselves in the next few days.

Bai Jue: The plan works!

ps1: No one reminded me of the wrong chapter number... I just found out why I kept writing more and more.

ps2: Yesterday Lingdao reported the previous sissy picture, and my chapters were banned. Later, I was reminded by the editor and found out... There is actually a picture of being dated on the far right of the picture, oh, oh, before Didn't notice it at all, which is insane.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Have you started to act yet?" Bai Jue sat at the computer desk and connected the phone.

"Well, it's almost certain." A crisp loli voice replied: "What does the captain plan to do?"

"Let's look at the answers from Mei and Jizi first." Bai Jue knocked on the table: "Let them pay attention, although the Anti-Heroic Spirit Organization does not have any information about the Valkyries, but after all..."

"Don't worry." De Lisa said confidently: "In terms of technological level, the Destiny Organization is several generations ahead of here. Even the Hyperion ship has come over, and the entire sky over Shenhai City has been completely covered. The level of technology is blocked, so who else, whoever checks and fills in the gaps."

"Little girl, you must always respect your seniors before you speak." Da Vinci's voice came from the microphone: "Although I don't understand the level of technology, the mystery of ancient magic is not inferior to your future cutting-edge technology."

"Kouheng..." Teresa didn't argue with her. Although she was an aunt and in her forties, she was no match for Da Vinci, an old monster.

"However, this world is quite strange." Da Vinci lightly changed the subject: "I am a little interested in the composition of the world's elements. Many different forces can coexist here, so it can be seen that this world The rules of fabrication are quite abundant."

"You can study slowly when you have time in the future. This is not the important thing now." Bai Jue skipped this topic: "What I care about is whether you can find out the target behind the scenes."

"Of course, I'm an omnipotent genius." Da Vinci said to himself: "The calculator achieved on this ship is more enhanced than the event recording computer Demon Laplace. Use it to simulate the enhanced earth environment? Caleb Dias, you can see the future to a certain extent without even using a bus, but unfortunately, you can't perform spiritual jumps. What's strange is that the structure of the earth in this world is almost the same as ours, although there is no magic or magic. Just a magician, perhaps, thousands of worlds are created because of the differentiation here..."

Da Vinci, who didn't know that he had accidentally revealed the truth, continued to deduce.

Bai Jue laughed a few times: "Let's talk about this later, first help me pay attention to the anti-heroic organization, don't move for now, wait for other people's news... Let them not be too tired, it may take a long time For a while, I went to see other people..."

After speaking, Bai Jue hung up the phone.

He went to the collapsed world and the Xingyue world, and retrieved a certain amount of technology and magic wisdom crystallization. Of course, it also made the Valkyrie and the heroic spirits curious about what he was going to do. Bai Jue hesitated and said his own Intend.

The face-to-face meeting is only the first step, what is important is the fishing plan.

The Valkyries and Heroic Spirits couldn't sit still for a while, and expressed their desire to participate.

Of course, Bai Jue didn't agree at first, and I don't know what kind of riots will happen when this group of people settle in the main world... However, when Da Vinci easily used the wisdom of the almighty genius to hang his broken body so that he couldn't look directly at it. After making the plan, he had to obediently give up his position as a staff officer, allowing these girls to take the initiative in the plan.

Da Vinci also specifically emphasized that the heroic spirits of the main world should not be informed of the plan, which can save a lot of negotiation time, and it is best to end everything quietly without their knowledge, so they must have nothing to do.

Having said that, Da Vinci was actually worried that Bai Jue would be picked up by the other party and rubbed at will. She is a genius, ranging from conspiracies and schemes to stealing the country, she can do everything, it just depends on whether she is willing or not. difference.

As for the Honkai world view... Without Tesla and Edison as the two think tanks, there is not even a wise man on Hyperion, and the captain is just a wise cleaner who can split in the air, and no one can take advantage of tactics. Those who succeeded were forced to follow the plan formulated by Da Vinci.

So far, the cooperation has been relatively successful.

Looking out of the window, he could see Huberian parked tens of thousands of feet above the coffee shop. He felt some subtle and complicated emotions in his heart. He never expected that after such a long time, the girls on the screen really arrived across the world. In reality...

His vision was a little dazed, it seemed that so much time had passed, and the time hadn't even reached a year, less than twelve months.

Time passed really fast, and suddenly realized that a handful of gleaming hatchets were already lit up around...

"Bai Di, Bai Di, I don't want to end up like you."

Putting his hand on his forehead, Bai Jue sighed deeply.

At this time, his mobile phone automatically connected to a communication.

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