With a serious face, Bai Jue swears a poisonous oath in his heart - he is Bai Jue.Even if he died and was dragged away by the heroic spirits, it is absolutely impossible to want to fall in love!If you don't let me work, it's better to let me die. I will stay here now, and I will never say anything unrelated to work to anyone!

Just as the vow was finished in his heart, the phone turned on again, Bai Jue looked at the screen helplessly, then his eyes straightened, his solemn expression turned into an awkward smile, and finally softened into a helpless compromise.

Caller ID - Mary.

Bai Jue tapped his forehead, waited for the phone to ring three times, and then chose to comfort himself—it's about his girlfriend, not a relationship.

Someone who couldn't escape the punishment of the True Fragrance Law answered the phone and replied in a normal tone: "Hello... this is Bai Jue."

"Hey, hello, this is Marie!" A lovely voice came from the other end of the phone, with a little complaint: "It's too much, it's been so long since we've been apart, and you don't even give me a call. How can there be such an irresponsible man?" Friends, hurry up and coax me, or I will get angry, the kind that can't be coaxed well without kissing."

Bai Jue laughed out loud immediately: "Who taught you these lines?"

"Hmm...I searched it on the Internet of Shenzhou Empire, isn't it suitable? I heard that girls who call their boyfriends like this say it's cute?"

"It's different, they have to pretend to be cute, but you don't need to do anything, you are already cute enough." After Bai Jue finished speaking, there seemed to be a reminder in his ear——Your flirting skills The level has been raised, and the distance to the full level is getting closer and closer, please continue to work hard.

Hearing the lovely child's voice next to his ear, Bai Jue suddenly felt that - falling in love at the tense moment when every second counts... seems to be quite good.


ps1: Recommend a book, "Please give me a normal campus life"

His brief was straightforward—it's a good romance novel.

The youth love series brought by the evil god Kabbalah Tree, he wrote this before, so he must have a solid foundation in this area, highly recommended, you can read it.

However, it's not fan-comics, but original ones.

In fact, I have the idea of ​​​​creating a youthful love of the fandom type. Recently, I feel that I am not proficient enough in writing stomach medicine, and my skills have regressed...


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The call with Mary lasted about half an hour, and she hung up the phone very reluctantly, because there was still work to do.

Although Mary, who is active as a Heroic Spirit idol, has plans to retire and become a full-time wife, it is obviously unlikely that the French side will agree. At least for now, it is impossible for the French side to allow a Heroic Spirit to retire at such a young age in vain.

The French political leaders must think so-what a joke, you, as the heroic spirits of France, should work overtime for me, for a hundred years and a thousand years!Anyway, it is a heroic spirit, so there is no need to think about sudden death from overwork!Work overtime, work overtime to death and you're done!For the motherland, vive la france!Shout out the slogan, louder!

Regardless of whether this rhetoric is exaggerated or not, it is so normal that the heroic spirits of various countries work overtime, so that there is no time for private life at all. After all, the heroic spirits of various countries are in high political positions, and high-ranking politicians rarely have time to take care of family life. Wait a minute, even if it's going out to relax and play golf, that's a necessary political move and a socially closer relationship.

Personal space is really pitiful.

Mary, as the number one idol in France, has a large number of fans all over the world. She kills all ages, and is of great importance to the stability of the French regime. She is to France what Liu Xiu is to the Chinese Empire. Retirement is impossible. Yes, only by continuing to be an idol can we maintain the country's political system and maintain the national support rate, it's really emmmmmmm...

It's just that this situation will not last forever. After Charlemagne wakes up, Mary's retirement plan can be put on the agenda. According to the memories of the heroic spirits, it seems that Charlemagne consciously owes Bai Jue a big favor, so... It seemed that Charlemagne could not refuse this very reasonable request to ask for a Mary to be taken away.

Bai Jue didn't think about it in such a deep way for the time being, it's really not possible, the big deal is abduction... Picking up Mary is a charge of thousands of kilometers, and he thinks that France will not be able to catch up.

When it comes to the concept of a girlfriend, Bai Jue only now has a little sense of reality. It is impossible to be shy when he is shy. He is very thick-skinned, but he feels like he is raising a daughter and a younger sister... Although it seems that the end result of raising him is not good. No difference.

After the call was over, the Hyperion on the other side continued to show that the secondary apostles were being discovered continuously. The number of them had reached about [-], and the abandonment rate was very high. There was no further action from the Anti-Heroic Spirits organization. .

Bai Jue was not in a hurry, waiting for the other party to take the bait.

He started time acceleration again.

Three hours passed in a blink of an eye. In the coffee shop, the time had just reached three o'clock in the afternoon, but to the outside world, it was another three days.

Heroic spirits from all over the world disappeared for six days, and the upper management of the Shenzhou Empire had a headache. There were signs of anxiety in the cabinet. This sign has not been known to the public for the time being, but the aftermath of anxiety has already shaken the entire upper level of the pyramid.

This is even more violent than the shock caused by the last time Liu Xiu sneaked out of the Forbidden City. The last time there was an emergency in Yanjing City, Liu Xiu was almost kidnapped and taken away. The puppet chosen is Ye Yu, and it happens that Ye Yu is well known in the jirijiri group. If there is no distress signal from him, Bai Jue would never know about it.

This may also be Liu Xiu's destiny's passive skill attack, forcing the savior to detect and save the field. However, no matter how powerful the meteorite summoning technique is, it can be summoned twice, and it will eventually fail.

Since the last time, Liu Xiu has been stared at by the baby even more, and she was almost not allowed to go to the summit meeting. In the end, if Li Xiuning hadn't resisted the crowd, she really had to stay in the Forbidden City and be a good baby.

This time, not only Xiuxiu was lost, but Li Shiming was also lost.

So the cabinet held an emergency meeting after the arrival of the sixth day.

In the spacious conference room in the Forbidden City, there are a group of cabinet ministers sitting. The average age of this group is around [-] to [-] years old, and they are still in their prime. The minister who was promoted from the middle.

They are the mainstay of the Shenzhou Empire. When Liu Xiu was unable to independently undertake government affairs, they were responsible for more than [-]% of the government affairs. Sudden death, and then carried out to the next...

Times are different now, the reconstruction project is over, and Liu Xiu is an adult, they have begun to quickly delegate power, and they have gone further and further on the road of fishing for tea.

During the meeting on weekdays, this group of people are all smiles, the meeting starts, the problem is explained, and then the solution to the problem is said, "Your Majesty will take care of it", "Your Majesty will bless us", "Long live Your Majesty, long live, long live", One of them raised his arms and shouted, and then he responded, so all the problems were solved so easily.

The topic started, Liu Xiu was praised angrily, the filming was over, the case was settled, and he left. The whole process was done in one go, without any delay. No matter how serious the problem was, it could always be finalized within half an hour.

It can be seen that he is a hero among the gang of fishing gangsters.

However, today, their expressions were serious as if they were discussing 'Dumplings are delicious when dipped in vinegar or soy sauce', so solemn that there is nothing to add, and they couldn't continue to praise Liu Xiu to end the discussion, because... the emperor lost what!

Also lost two!

This fucker is still touching a fart fish!Meeting, bastard!

"It's been six days, and there's still no news." A minister wiped his glasses with a slightly trembling hand: "I'm afraid it wasn't because we fished too much on weekdays, which caused His Majesty to run away from home because he couldn't bear the heavy pressure at such a young age. gone."

"It's possible, but it's not likely. Why did His Majesty leave? Even the previous generation...even Princess Qin disappeared? Even Princess Xiuning? Are they close enough to go on vacation together?" Another minister Touching his Mediterranean hairstyle, it was a sequela caused by overtime work, he sighed: "To be honest, to Your Majesty, that's not considered overtime at all... it's just a bit of tempering, she handled it very well. Yes."

"What's the use of saying this now? If you don't hurry up and bring your Majesty back, you guys will continue to work overtime until you die suddenly!" A minister angrily slapped the table: "If this matter gets out, our Shenzhou Empire will lose face what!"

"I don't think it's a matter of face..." a cabinet member muttered.

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