At this time, the door of the conference room opened, and a young man was panting in a hurry, running out of breath.

"What's the matter? I'm in a panic. Don't disturb me if there is no important matter in the meeting."

"No, no, cabinet ministers, something has happened, something big has happened!" The young man adjusted his breath, licked his chapped lips, and said, "Jixia Academy, Xun Sheng and Meng Sheng are also gone! Six days ago, after they came to the Forbidden City, they never went back! They didn't leave any news!"


Dozens of cabinet members suddenly turned their heads, their movements were uniform, and a line of words was written on their expressions - are you kidding me?

"No, no, it's absolutely true!" The young man said, "The two saints really disappeared!"

"Fuck..." A cabinet made a difficult voice: "The emperor is lost, the princess is lost, and even the saint is lost? What did my Shenzhou Empire do wrong, why is it so embarrassing?"

"A man of Diunima size! This is called Diu Yingling!" A cabinet minister held his head in both hands, his scalp was numb and his brain was trembling.

Countless cabinets have heard the sound of their mentality cracking, and their mentality is still a mile away from collapse.


"Report—!" Another person pushed open the front door of the conference room and broke in, panting in the same voice, and trembling in the same voice: "The three heroic spirits of the Kyushu embassy are also missing! According to reports, it was also six days ago After entering the Forbidden City, there will be no news!"


The extremely crisp voice resounded through the atrium, and the cabinet ministers lowered their heads one after another, feeling that their frail and helpless hearts were devastated by a dozen strong men taking turns wrestling.

Well, even the heroic spirits from abroad were lost in the territory of Shenzhou. I am afraid that a black hole suddenly appeared on the ground and sucked them all in...

I thought the problem was already serious, but I never expected that a more serious problem was still to come.

It wasn't just the emperor who was lost, the two saints of Jixia Academy were also lost!

The three heroic spirits from Kyushu Island who came to visit are also lost!

"Ouch, this is a serious problem~~ hey!"

With the spread of this ridicule, the cabinet, which was still stable, was completely blown out, the scalp was numb, and the entire cabinet was in a mess. The discussion site was full of demons dancing wildly, and the meeting lasted for several hours. Under the bombardment of shameful information, it became the scene of a violent syndrome attack, as if someone threw a can of herring into it, and a group of people roared, "Have a fucking meeting, find someone!" ! ''Why did so many heroic spirits suddenly evaporate from the world?''Could it be that they went to find a man, who? So capable to seduce so many heroic spirits to elope! '

The storm began to spread, and the news was dense.

Without exception, the insiders felt their scalps go numb, and those who dug deep into the ground began to look for someone.

But no matter how you look for it, you will definitely not find it. After all, even the missing person himself does not know that he is missing, and he is still addicted to the game, trying his best to collect reward points to exchange for various attractive store rewards.

Of course, taking a step back, even if they knew, most of them would still be indifferent.

Needless to say, Li Shiming, she couldn't care, she didn't care ten years ago, and now she doesn't care, the same is true for Li Xiuning, but Liu Xiu may feel that her conscience hurts, but it's enough to smooth it... What to touch, or what to touch, Xiuxiu is happy to be a dove, after all, how could she be willing to work overtime as a young girl.

The person who personally directed all the changes in the outside world is sitting at the computer desk... drinking water.

Don't ask me why Bai Jue can't run out of water...he's carrying the water dispenser to the head office, right?

The six-hour wait was not in vain.

Finally, at [-]:[-]:[-], Teresa switched on the communication device again, and her voice was a little serious: "Confirm the trace of the upper apostle... There are three people in total, this seems to be the first Bo, the average combat power of these three people is estimated to be about [-], which is equivalent to a B-rank Valkyrie, and should not be underestimated."

"...Let go, wait for the second wave and the third wave, when the heroic spirits officially enter the arena, and then close the door and beat the dog." Bai Jue was still leisurely: "It doesn't matter if you can't keep an eye on everyone, this time I only catch the big ones." Fish, leave the rest of the rotten fish and rotten shrimps to Tiance Mansion and the Nine Central Divisions to eat... Someone called me, so I'll go downstairs first, and I'll contact you when I have information."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Guys, are you enjoying the game?"

Bai Jue walked down the second floor and asked everyone with a smile on his face.

Even though he asked this question, his eyes were all on the expressions of the group of sand sculpture friends on the screen. Without exception, their eyes were blank, their eyes were dull, and unknown liquid flowed from the corners of their mouths, like a group of teenagers and girls helping traffic overload .

Almost all the appearance equipment on everyone has been updated for a round. Because most of the equipment that Bai Jue input with some kind of thought are strange and shameful women's clothing, after this group of people put on the new equipment, the whole group is even more confused. People are not good, some equipment become more lustful after upgrading, and some equipment become more cute after upgrading.

For example, the big whale at this time is wearing a red skirt and holding a teddy bear toy. If you ignore his slightly rough style of painting and his face full of vicissitudes, it is still least there is no Beidou Shenquan And JOJO's fierce men's and women's clothing styles.

When Bai Jue himself came to the lobby of the coffee shop, all the attention was attracted by him. At this time, Bai Jue was dressed in home clothes, and he was not dressed so weirdly, nor was he wearing a mask, nor did he transform into a white tiger hero Long Xia or something, from the outside, he looks like an ordinary sunny boy... It just reveals a little bit of Asakusa from time to time.

Being mediocre can be regarded as the standard configuration of a male protagonist. I have emphasized many times before that Bai Jue's basic charm and appearance are not high among the Bai family, even lower than Bai Ge, and only In the case of transforming, the charm value can be strengthened, and the probability of falling in love with a woman at first sight after going out for a walk is not high... On the other hand, Bai Di, a handsome guy, has incurred so many emotional debts because of his good-looking face and Owe the mouth of Baji.

Under his sunny smile, all the heroic spirits temporarily put down the games in their hands, and turned to look in his direction, but Bai Jue didn't stop there, because the eyes of these women revealed some contemplation It seems that there are many things that I want to talk to him alone ♂♀.

Bai Jue smiled apologetically at everyone: "Although it's a bit late, it's almost time for afternoon tea. There are desserts and drinks prepared in the kitchen. Let's take a rest for now."

He approached the kitchen, started and quickly set up the buffet scene. The cafe itself has been expanded, and the interior space can be expanded to a boundless range. However, the desserts and dishes are all made by Bai Jue himself, and the presentation and the like The problem is that it can be set up with one click. After all, it is inside the subspace, and the system that comes with the bookmark will manage itself.

The final evolutionary form of the savior is the clerk, which is now confirmed.

Not to mention these digressions.

It was half an hour after Bai Jue entered the kitchen and came out again. Heroic spirits were sitting in various positions in the living room, and the different positions of each person showed their different moods and positions.

The people who eat melons sit far away.

Looking at the slightly deserted coffee shop, Bai Jue remembered that the audience in the game hadn't been released yet. He snapped his fingers, and the Gate of Myriad Worlds opened. Li walked out, and their clothes were quite normal.

"Yo!" Bai Jue raised his head to say hello.

The big whale raised its head, and light slowly gathered in its lifeless pupils. He looked around, and then clenched his fists suddenly: "I, I, I finally came out? Bai, I'm going to kill you! Today It's hard for anyone to talk!"

"Don't get excited, Big Whale!" Bei Gao pressed Big Whale's shoulder, looking at the sky speechlessly, he said forcefully, "Let me come first!"

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