"I'm going to hit you guys, I'm almost exhausted." Ling Daoruan fell on the seat, his whole body seemed to be exhausted: "I never thought in my life that being played by someone is such a sad thing... "

Le Luo also lost his usual vigor and death attitude, and sat quietly on the chair, as if burning out, the whole person was silent and completely closed to himself.

He said in a tone of seeing through life: "After drinking this cup of tea, I will go to meet my ancestors..."

"Le Luo, don't give up!" Ye Yu comforted loudly, "Don't stop! Life is so precious, it's not something to throw away!"

"Beigao has become a meme, so where is there any hope? Life is so precious, isn't it just for dying?" Quincy also let out a series of deep laughter: "Obviously I'm just a melon eater, Why do you have to be involved... In the last life, you were tricked so badly, but you still refuse to let me go in this life, do I owe you money and haven't paid it back?"

"You're talking about melon-eating people, think about our feelings?" Drinking Porridge sighed, "Even if it's as strong as me, it's still almost unbearable. The script of love between a ladyboy just now really disgusted me."

Xinglu Nan said indifferently: "Me? This is the first time I've lived so big. It's so revealing and exciting. Wearing a bunny boy's equipment and holding two big knives to open the unparalleled experience among thousands of people. I probably won't experience it in this life." With... it can be regarded as experiencing a unique life, I think it's okay."

"Before you say it's okay, can you stop staring at me with the expression of wanting to kill me with your eyes?" Bai Jue slapped indifferently: "Don't care about the things that have happened, the most delicious Fill your stomach with something, and you will continue to be ravaged later."

"Fuck!" The big whale jumped up.

"Knock you!" Bei Gao yelled angrily.

"Mom sells batches!" Ling Dao hoarse.

"Broken leg!" Le Luo was weak.

"You can just swear at others, why are you still talking solitaire?" Bai Jue greeted these people to sit down, and he smiled sincerely and said, "If you think about it for a while, it's not me who caused you to suffer in the game, right? I just arranged for you, I don't know the specific process and the result... If you want to blame, you can blame them."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, one after another glanced at their controller.

Su Yuan'er smiled sweetly at the big whale, and Du Mi smiled quietly at Bei Gao.

Himiko looked up at Quincy, not taking it seriously at all.

Li Shiming glanced at Lingdao lightly, and Li Xiuning didn't even look at Le Luo.

Xun Qing snorted coldly at Ye Yu, and Meng Ke gently stirred the coffee.

Liu Xiu and Xiao Wu were discussing something, laughing and laughing constantly.

Sister Fa was also smiling and saying something. Anyway, this group of women... didn't feel guilty at all.

The sad men bowed their heads one after another. At this moment, they could only say, 'You are happy'.

Otherwise, what else can we do?

Everyone present here is a big shot among big shots!

Your identity is suppressed, your status is suppressed, your strength is suppressed... Playing with you is a matter of one word, and whether you agree or not is not up to you. If your group of people really can't bear it, they will rise up and shout "The prince will It's kind of like Xiang Ning', and the result is still being settled every minute.

The whale's brain was shaking.

This is really a good trick!Just count!Fight back on the spot!

He originally thought that calling the heroic spirits in the Shenzhou Empire, such as Princess Qin, such as His Highness Xiuning, once these two went to the face-to-face meeting, they would definitely make a commotion in the Shura field, and Bai Jue's scalp felt numb. I will take care of them when I have time, and when the time comes, they will eat sunflower seeds next to them, fan the wind to light the fire, and wait for Bai Jue to explode in place, and the group will be peaceful and happy, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Who would have expected that Bai Jue would choose to use his tricks to suppress others instead.

With the identities of Li Shiming, Li Xiuning, Liu Xiu, Xun Qing, and Meng Ke, it was too easy for them to suppress this kind of junior present, a look was enough, and they didn't even need to move a finger.

It was intended to be used to restrain Bai Jue, but Bai Jue restrained them instead, causing them to fall into an extremely passive situation, unable to refuse or resist, even if they wanted to overturn the table and leave, they would still be obediently suppressed.

It's just that the big whale couldn't figure out why the group of heroic spirits still seemed so calm at this juncture?Seeing that Bai Jue was right in front of them, they didn't move at all?Can you even bear not to say a word?

Putting so many explosives here, a small spark can detonate the whole venue, but why didn't there be sparks from friction?

What about Shura Field!I want to see the Shura field!

The big whale was roaring inwardly, and he winked at Bei Gao—Bei Gao Bei Gao, don't pretend to be dead, we should set fire to him, burn him, blow him up!

Bei Gao closed his eyes and rested his mind, turning a blind eye to things like setting a fire on fire, if you make a wrong operation, you will get burned. These gangsters are all powder kegs that explode at a single touch. We don't have the heart to accompany Bai Jue to spiral up to the sky here. If you want to set fire to you Set fire and remember to seat away from me.

The big whale continued to gesture with its eyes—then you just waited to die?After the break is over, we're going to go in again to embarrass ourselves!Do you really want to become an emoticon bag that is popular all over the mainland of China?

Bei Gao smiled indifferently, and the Buddha's light enveloped the surroundings - I have already detached, everything doesn't matter anymore, what you said as if I would not become a meme if I resisted now, it is a fait accompli, then think about it the other way around, I have already There is nothing to lose, but your lower limit of embarrassment is still being refreshed, why not just give up and be a Buddhist youth like me?

Ling Dao also cast a Buddha-like look——Buddha, it’s pretty good, it’s okay, I think it’s OK...

Le Luo clasped his hands together—hell is not empty, and he vowed not to become a Buddha... I will go to hell first.

Ye Yu's eyes are full of evil—Buddha fart, I have a Taoist mentality, I must not let this surnamed Bai go, I agree with the big whale, we are going to make trouble, even if everyone explodes and spirals to the sky together, it will be easier Leave him alone!

The big whale casts approving eyes—very good, then we will be like this, like this...

Ye Yu readily agrees—good!

Ever since, Big Whale made some preparations, and he said to Bai Jue, who was chatting and laughing with Sister Fa, "Speaking of which, isn't there a little less people coming this time?"

"Aren't you few?" Bai Jue said, "Familiar group friends, everyone who can come, has come, if you want to say less..."

"No, no, no, I mean... I heard that you have a girlfriend." Big Whale rubbed his hands, God knows how he got the news, and said with a smile on his face, "Why, no this time Invite her?"

As soon as these words came out, the coffee shop was suddenly so quiet that a needle could be heard.

"Oh? Who did you listen to?" Bai Jue's smile gradually became playful. Mary is his girlfriend. This news is almost top secret. Only a few heroic spirits know about it, and Li Xiuning, Gao Wen and others have agreed to keep it a secret. , There is no channel for spreading it out.

"Ah, many people in the group know this, right, Ye Yu?" Big Whale winked at Ye Yu.

Ye Yu is seriously tasting the cheesecake.

"Ye Yu!" the big whale shouted again.

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