"Ah?" Ye Yu raised his head with a blank expression on his face, then he looked into the eyes of the big whale, and said very artificially and unnaturally: "Oh? , yes, yes, yes..."

"..." The people around fell into an unprecedented silence.

The corners of Bai Jue's mouth gradually rose.

The big whale's expression gradually panicked.

He suddenly remembered, it seemed... lolicons and young girls have never been allies, neither in the past nor in the present!



ps1: After watching the plot of fgo2.3, I just want to say - Daqin is TM's invincible!First Emperor NB!

ps2: There are too many pictures of silly dicks today

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was a matter of course for Ye Yu to sell the big whale.

Lolicons and young girl-cons are at odds with each other. The former regards the latter as a pervert, while the latter regards the former as a jerk. dialogue.

For a moment, Shi Lezhi believed in Ye Yu's words, and he was destined to be sold.

"Oh hoo?" Bai Jue glanced at everyone present: "Have you all heard of it?"

"No, no, it doesn't exist." Quincy hurriedly lowered his head, holding his fiancée's little hand with half strength, almost wanting to hug her for comfort. woke up.

"I worked overtime like crazy, and I didn't even know it happened." Ling Dao really didn't know about it. When this happened, he was wrestling with Anti-Heroic Spirit, and his mind was filled with philosophical memories.

"Eh? There is such a thing, Big Whale. If you spread rumors, you need to think carefully." Le Luo also looked at Big Whale seriously, and began to throw stones into the water, beating the falling water whale: "Once the words of this piece of evidence are spoken, the consequences will be dire. It's serious..."

"Maybe there is, maybe not, but what does it have to do with me being a poet without emotion?" Bei Gao read the poem calmly: "Ah, the boundless fallen trees are rustling, and the endless Yangtze River is rolling... "

The sick beauty at the side rolled her eyes, she didn't want to read so many poems, she insisted on reading poems written by her in her previous life.

"Okay, okay, let's go to Xiu Enai." Xinglu Nan rolled his eyes, thinking carefully that his own ID was taken from Li Bai's poems... Who knew that his group of friends was the reincarnation of Li Bai, fortunately, he didn't have the memory of his previous life, Otherwise, it would be really embarrassing, and he is also glad that he is not a black fan.

In this era, it is really magical. If you hack the history of a certain heroic spirit on the Internet, maybe after a while, the reincarnation of that heroic spirit will come to your door and stretch out a casserole-sized fist to hold you down. Face rolls on the keyboard.

"I really don't know about this." Drinking porridge shrugged his shoulders, and calmly took a sip of coffee: "Obviously we are staying in England together, if you want to talk about girlfriends, I think the two girls in the coffee shop are more Maybe."

The fireproof girl didn't respond, she was very calm.

Altair didn't seem to be very applicable, but instead he stared sadly.

"It doesn't matter. This kind of thing." The shaman's voice was not too loud: "You can have a girlfriend if you want. I remember that the Shenzhou Empire is not monogamous. If others want to, just step on multiple boats and it's over."

He spoke from a long distance, because his passive skills were too terrifying, Bai Jue forcibly isolated him from five tables, and sent Li Jianan to sit at a table with him in order to fear that he would be lonely.

"Although it is not monogamous, it is basically recognized...Unless you are a heroic spirit in this modern society, it is impossible to get two or three, like the two pairs of sisters in the Zheng family. It's relatively rare to catch them all in one go..." Li Jianan muttered in a low voice, as if intending to bring the topic to Da Jing's house.

"That's right... I heard that there seems to be more than one Zhenyuan under the command of the big whale, and there are Zhiyuan, Dingyuan and so on..." Sister Fa also joked: "Although it is not right for Miss Su to say this here. It's very suitable, but big whale, you should be careful about the boat, don't think you can drive a warship and split your legs randomly, if you split two warships, your crotch will be in danger."

"Hey, hey, you guys are going too far!" Big Whale felt wronged, obviously he wanted to shoot at Bai Jue, why did you guys turn their guns and bomb me instead?

Aren't we a team?Isn't it!

The group of friends cast strange glances—you are so shameless, how could we be in the same team.

So far, most of the people in the jirijiri group have been teasing the big whale, but the big guys have also spoken in turn.

Li Shiming said indifferently: "Su Yuan'er is now a maid in my Yihua Palace. She is directly under the jurisdiction of this palace and belongs to the second-level female official in the palace. This marriage is for the sake of Zheng Wenqian's mother. I personally do it As a matchmaker, if he dares to cheat before the marriage contract is completed, I don't mind breaking his root of right and wrong, and he should do so!"

Big Whale's face turned pale, should he say that the other ship girls have already clamored to come to Yanjing to meet people.

Bai Jue fell into silence, the last sentence was clearly aimed at me, Bai.

"It's okay, I am very familiar with the doctor." Meng Ke said with a smile: "If it is cut off, let him pick it up for you, just feel free to cheat."

As soon as this remark came out, countless people immediately cast surprised glances—wow, is Meng Sheng such a person?How could such a gentle and kind woman say such obscene words?Has your personality collapsed?

Bai Jue squinted silently, his eyes drifting away.

Parting from Meng Ke was only a short time ago to him. The senior sister in his memory is still a strong, independent and gentle elder sister. More than two thousand years have passed in the real world. Bai Jue guessed that she would change somewhat, but she I have really lost more of my integrity. The senior sister who was lustful but not courageous back then can now speak skillfully and make jokes like old hooligans.

Hey... people's hearts are not ancient, junior brother, I don't know whether I should be happy for you, or feel sad for the integrity you discarded.

"Actually..." Li Xiuning held her delicate chin with one hand and picked up the teacup with the other: "I personally don't object to polygamy."

Everyone's hearts were shocked, and the dignified Iron Lady actually said these words. As a heroic spirit, as a princess of a country, as a strong and self-reliant woman, these words should not be serious, right?

"No, I'm serious." Li Xiuning said calmly: "Originally, this system was designed to serve the upper echelons of society. The social hierarchy of the Shenzhou Empire is like a pyramid. Because of the existence of the blood of the heroic spirits, the part that is fixed at the top is not What has changed... To a certain extent, allowing polygamy is also to preserve the blood of the heroic spirit as perfectly as possible."

The principles of heroic spirits can be inherited through blood inheritance. The descendants of the first generation of heroic spirits will inherit at least [-]% of the principles of heroic spirits, and they are born with the potential to surpass the superior apostles.

And this bloodline of the heroic spirit will continue to decrease with the inheritance. In order to reduce the decline of the bloodline of the heroic spirit, many families will choose to combine with each other to reduce the decline of the power of the bloodline. There are many things about my own wishes, and there are many things to beat mandarin ducks. At this time, the polygamy system comes in handy.

As for Zheng Wenqian's reason for not being arranged as a fiancée, it is relatively simple, because he is a special case among special cases, and he has not inherited one percent of the spirit of the heroic spirit, so the target is up to him, and the elders will not take care of it.

In this way, the existence of polygamy is reasonable.

However, these are superficial rhetoric.

For Li Xiuning, the situation is different. There are obvious differences between female heroic spirits and male heroic spirits, and the concept of mate selection is also different.

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