Today's Shenzhou Empire, it is a pity to say... the yin flourishes and the yang declines.

Seventy percent of the female heroic spirits in history were celibate, and there were many cases in which a man became a woman in this life in the previous life. Since there is no penis, there is no consideration for the inheritance of the family.

Since no one can force it, and no one can look down on it, then stay single.

This is probably the case, so it has never happened in the two thousand years since the heroic spirit came to the world that multiple heroic spirits have taken a fancy to one person at the same time.

After all, as heroic spirits, they all want to save face... They are not creatures that will die if they don't fall in love, so there is no problem with self-respect.

It's just that Bai Jue's situation is so special that ordinary people can't even imagine it—his strategy started in his previous life, and he crossed a reincarnation, allowing the strategy to run ahead of the beginning of his life.

Xun Qing naturally disagreed: "Princess Xiuning's words do not apply to special circumstances. Although this system is good for stabilizing the inheritance of heroic spirits, it is not worth advocating. At least there are still a small number of female heroic spirits who are willing to do so."

"There are relatively few, but that doesn't mean there are none." Li Xiuning said again: "Didn't the daughter of the Romanian Impaler open a big reverse harem? Surrounded by three hundred or three thousand beautiful men, the castle is full of singing and dancing all day long. What is needed?" When it’s time, it sucks blood to nourish itself, and when it doesn’t need it, it can also be seductive.”

"The pathetic vampire who indulges his desires is absurd. Romania, a small country with few people, dares to do so. He is really not afraid of being annexed. Also, the Impaler is getting old and has begun to let go of politics. He has long known that the rotten internal affairs cannot be redeemed. Shenzhou The empire is not the same... If Princess Xiuning wants to, don’t say three thousand? Some people are willing to thirty thousand, I’m afraid you don’t dare or don’t have the guts.” There is something in Xun Qing’s words, which is not only a kind of mockery, but also a kind of provocative.

Li Xiuning narrowed her eyes and suffered from being dumb. She quickly formed a language to fight back: "Xun Sheng's words are wrong. I'm just giving an example. It's like a bad joke. It's okay if you don't want to laugh, but don't laugh. After all, you yourself Don't tell bad jokes."

Xun Qing looked away and stopped entangled in this topic. If she continued, it seemed that the problem would always turn to a certain person.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit tense, Bai Jue couldn't open his mouth to avoid detonating the powder keg.

At this moment, Liu Xiu said weakly, "So... is it true?"

"What does Your Majesty want to ask?" Xinglu Nan asked.

"Girlfriend... that matter?" Liu Xiu's big eyes were shining with curiosity, the hair on the top of his head was dangling, his expression was like that of Chitanda Eru. : "Is it true, is it true?"

Xiuxiu's sudden question was unexpected.

Only Li Xiuning, Gao Wen, Dion, and Mary knew about this matter, and none of the other heroes knew about it. Naturally, she didn't know about it either. Isn't such an abrupt question forcing him to express his opinion?Now that I express my opinion, I will stand still.

No, not necessarily... Xiuxiu is not an idiot, she is really curious and shouldn't ask in front of so many people, why is that?Did she expect to deny it?Expect yourself to tell everyone that you don't actually have a girlfriend?

Ah, it seems to be the same... After all, Xiuxiu knows her past situation, and thinks that my dignified savior is indeed a noble single noble... I think so too, but in the end I still can't escape the sanctions of Wang Jingze's Law of True Fragrance.

Bai Ge was silent for a long time, and this silence seemed to be a default answer.

With his personality, if it wasn't for him, he would deny it, and silence was more like a silent excuse.

Xiuxiu's eyes also widened.

She opened her mouth slightly and said in surprise, "Really?"

Bai Jue had no choice but to bite the bullet and nod in the end: "Yes."

The movement in the air has changed, and many cats are about to explode.

But no one expected it.

Liu Xiu's face turned red suddenly, her lips trembled, and the hair on the top of her head was spinning like a propeller. She immediately hugged her knees, buried her head, and blushed loudly, "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! That one!" I haven't even agreed to the joke—!"

The flow of air shifted again...

This sharp drift technique made the steering wheels of everyone on the spot fly!

Bai Jue:? ? ?


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xiuxiu's sudden outburst was like the elegance of an unskilled old Si Ji, leading all the passengers to roll over from the highway, not to mention the steering wheel was gone, even the clutch could not be found.

The three black question marks above Bai Jue's head did not understand why Liu Xiu made such a statement.

——When did I confess my love to her?

——What does she mean by 'not yet'?

—Is it too late for me to explain now that I don't know what's going on?

Bai Jue himself really didn't understand, but other people didn't think so. The sand sculpture group friends suddenly showed different eyes and different reactions.

Big Whale: As expected of you (thumbs up)

Bei Gao: Then you are cold (drink tea calmly)

Quincy: Yes, yes, very strong... I feel ashamed to be a manager. (casts an admiring look)

Ling Dao: You thick eyebrows and big eyes dare to commit suicide like this, you are better than me (I lost)

Le Luo: You thick eyebrows and big eyes are actually more deadly than Ling Jiang, I admire you (Your Excellency won)

Difficult to travel: Even His Majesty dared to strike, the old iron clasped his fists! (bows in salute)

Xiao Wu: Your Majesty has just come of age!Sure enough, is the rumor about lolicon true? (pretending to be surprised, but actually excited)

Drinking porridge: Lolita is sick... Although His Majesty Xiuxiu is no longer a loli, I always feel that there is something wrong with this marriage (eat melon.JPG)

Sister Fa: I agree with this marriage (raise both hands in favor)

Shaman: I think it's ok (SKR~)

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