Li Jianan: I don't think so... well, I don't think it doesn't matter if it works or not (drink water)

Ye Yu: The [-] subjects of the Shenzhou Empire...your Majesty is going to be kidnapped~

The reaction of this group of people was surprisingly consistent, without exception, they all watched the show and ate melons to express their spiritual support by the way.

"Well, before other people attack me... I have to ask the question clearly." Bai Jue stared at Liu Xiu very seriously: "What do you mean by 'haven't agreed'? I think there must be something between us." Is there any misunderstanding..."

"That's right..." Liu Xiu blushed, "That's the one..."

"Which! Make it clear. If I have confessed my love, you must tell me which volume, which chapter, which paragraph, which line, which word!" Bai Jue broke out in cold sweat. This is a matter of life and death. A little bit of ambiguity in words, otherwise Zhao Zheng'er would not be able to save him when he came!

"Just... just the last night attack." After Xiuxiu finished speaking, she shyly lay down on the table, like a cute ostrich, and the stupid hair on the top of her head was bent into a heart-shaped symbol.

"Last night attack?" Li Xiuning thought of what happened in the embassy of the Empire of China in England, so she calmed down a little bit, and she also showed doubts: "Isn't that a joke? Although there was a misunderstanding at first, but later I clearly explained Clear."

"..." Li Shiming on the other side looked at the group of people, always feeling that something ulterior was being concealed.

"Eh? Was it a joke?" Xiuxiu suddenly raised her head and said in surprise, "Isn't it serious?"

"Is your memory so bad?" Bai Jue wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Didn't you explain clearly last time?"

That night, Bai Jue comforted Liu Xiu at the cost of sharing some of her memories. After she was satisfied, she quickly calmed down, and then played a few games of backgammon with herself. Other than that, nothing happened... right? ?

"Hmm..." Xiuxiu also tilted her head, she clearly has this part of the memory, but since Bai Jue said no, she finally nodded obediently: "Then, maybe I remember it wrong?"

What do you mean probably... Bai Jue wanted to complain, but since the question was skipped, it was naturally the best for him.

"Since it was a misunderstanding, it would be best..." Li Xiuning breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it was a misunderstanding, what if it wasn't?" Li Shiming said lightly, "Abducting the emperor of Shenzhou, this crime cannot be explained in a few words."

"This may not be an opportunity for the Shenzhou Empire." Himiko thought that things were not messy enough, and said with a smile: "If you enter into a marriage contract with the Shenzhou Emperor, he will be a member of the Shenzhou Empire, and other countries will lose their hands. As for righteousness and fame, judging from the current situation, this is not a bad thing."

"Of course it's not a bad thing, and it can also drive away a group of vixens who can't steal it." Xun Qing made a mockery: "From the result, it is enough to stop some thoughts that shouldn't be there... You are right Is it? Senior Sister Meng."

"I personally don't mind." Meng Ke smiled gently: "Although this is an impossible thing, if it is really possible, it is indeed... not... a bad thing...."

Her tone of intentionally lengthening the pause was as permeating as a monologue telling a horror story, and even a refreshing smile could not change the chilling indifference in the shadow under that smile.

"Hmph...Duplicity." The second daughter of Sasaki said indifferently: "One is one, and two is two. Why are there so many twists and turns."

"After all, not everyone in this world likes to speak in plain language. Straightforwardness can also hurt people." Uesugi Kenshin made two rounds: "Everyone should continue drinking tea and chatting, so as not to make it difficult for Manager Bai."


Fasalia also said with a smile like a person who has experienced it: "There is still a lot of happiness in the world, there are many people and things worth cherishing, everyone is not a child, nor is it a teenager, it is no longer that kind." If you don’t fall in love, you’re going to die, so why bother with those mundane affairs, why not drink tea and chat happily.”

Sister Fa is already a mature woman who has been divorced. Her love values ​​come from the West, and I am French. In her opinion, love, marriage and divorce are not particularly important. If you like it, stay together. Separate, how can there be so many loves from life to life, if you don't love me, I will show you to death, such extreme love is too complicated and heavy.

"Yes, yes, you don't care about eternity, you only care about what you once had... If you don't have love, you will die or live, how can you?" Big Whale also muttered.

"Wen Qian..." Su Yuan'er sighed, "Shut up."

"Ah?" Big Whale was full of doubts, obviously not reacting.

Su Yuan'er looked at the big whale helplessly, didn't you find that the more you talked about them, the more angry they became?

"I don't agree with these words." It was not someone else who spoke, but Du Mi, a sickly beauty. She held a detailed teacup handle and said softly but forcefully: "For ordinary people, maybe it is...but We are not ordinary people, and it is precisely because we have lost or not obtained that we will always remember, always remember... until it becomes a long-cherished wish that we are eager to achieve in the next life."

She stared at Fasalia: "This is no longer a question of liking or not, you don't understand... and you won't understand."

Du Mi waited for Li Qinglian's whole life before he found fate. After a hundred years of cultivation, he could cross the same boat, and after a thousand years of cultivation, he could sleep together.

The word fate really depends on good luck.

Although the heroic spirits were silent, these words did penetrate their hearts, isn't that true?

Sister Fa couldn't refute, she is not a heroic spirit, she doesn't know the afterlife, she is a thoroughly modern woman, and she doesn't understand the era of thousands of years ago, so she can only bow her head and admit her mistake: "I was rude, maybe for the heroic spirit, some things are even reincarnation. Reincarnation will not change."

As she spoke, she suddenly felt a little envious: "It's a pity, if there is such a tough emotion, I would like to experience it once."

"It's impossible, it doesn't exist, it's just a daydream." Ling Dao complained in a voice that others couldn't hear.

Le Luo sat on the other side and heard it, and the corners of his mouth turned up wildly, and he even repeated it on the spot: "Sister Fa, Ling Dao said—it's impossible, it doesn't exist, it's just a daydream."

"My day! You!" Ling Dao stared.

"Lingdao~" Sister Fa hooked her fingers and said, "Come on, come here, I want to ask you something."

"Don't, don't... Sister Fa." Ling Dao's calf trembled, and he said with a smile: "I was just complaining, there was no malice."

"I just want to ask, when will you find a girlfriend." Sister Fa held her chin and said, "You see, many people here are in pairs..."

"Huh?" Drinking Porridge, Shaman, Ye Yu, and Li Jianan raised their heads at the same time: "In pairs?"

"Speaking of which, I have matched the few couples present here." Bai Jue glanced at the big whale, and said in shock: "Without my help, this embarrassing lolicon probably wouldn't have the courage to undertake it at all, thanks to me Forcing him to choose; Li, don’t laugh, you are the same, don’t think that you are not ashamed if you look good! Quincy, you are also going to die with me, you are cold without me! In my opinion, You are all brothers, you know?"

"Aren't you younger brother?" Bei Gao countered lightly, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"We have all found girlfriends, how about you? Almost all the people who went on a blind date at Jixia Academy on Qixi Festival have found a partner, but you are still undecided." Big Whale feared that the world would not be chaotic, and the old things would be repeated, he suddenly Thinking of this problem, he slapped his thigh immediately, and laughed three times: "Ha-ha-ha! Do you dare to choose someone who was not selected at the beginning? I saw Yuehua from The sky is falling, you must have chosen someone!"

He finally found Bai Jue's weakness!The big whale was full of excitement, stood up excitedly, and asked loudly: "Come on, don't be shy, speak out!"

"Speaking of you!" Bai Jue glared: "Presumptuous, throw it out!"

Hollows appeared under the whale's feet, and the excited expression froze instantly. The result of singing against the administrator and wanting to rebel was the result of being quickly suppressed. The whole person fell to the ground in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

"I'm causing you trouble..." Su Yuan'er stood up helplessly and said, "Wen Qian's character is like this, he is easy to be overjoyed and get carried away."

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