"It's okay if you don't want to say it, but... we can guess it." Bei Gao also booed and said jokingly: "Tell me a hint or two, let us guess who it is, just treat it as an activity in the group, Do you see that they are all chatting and not listening?"

Bai Jue glanced at the heroic spirits out of the corner of his eye, and indeed saw them talking, as if they didn't care about the conversation here at all, in fact, it was definitely a show of indifference, and all their energy was concentrated on the conversation here.

"Okay, then I'll give you a reminder!" Bai Jue didn't deliberately lower the volume, and was about to say something, but suddenly a signal came from his ear, indicating that the communication from Huberian was connected, and he repeated subconsciously communication content.

"Huh? Muscular guy?"

Once again, the steering wheel is gone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

unknown location.

There are thirteen chairs in sequence in front of a star-shaped round table.

The thirteen chairs were empty until the silver-white light came on, and virtual figures in silver-gray robes appeared one by one around the round table, and each chair had a corresponding number engraved on it.

It's just that six of the thirteen seats are vacant now, and only seven lights and shadows are still bright.


The silver-white figure numbered 3 read in a calm and mechanized voice: "The sub-god creation plan has declared a total failure. Members of the Council on the 7th, 9th, and 11th have died in battle. The damage is immeasurable for the time being. It is expected that the achievements of the past ten years will completely collapse. , only a few fragments were recovered.”

The figure numbered 5 opened the mouth and said: "Three members of the council died in battle. This incident has nothing to do with No. [-] as the commander. I request you to submit the communication records and combat plan of the battlefield command, and replay the battlefield video."

The parliamentary round table was silent for a while, and number two said slowly: "Allowed."

A virtual screen appeared above the round table, and the audio and video recordings were played simultaneously.

Because it is a broken record, the picture is quite blurry. The only thing that can be seen is a fairy-like back in white clothes and five flying sword lights. Without falling behind, he even suppressed the three of them head-on.

That back figure is too familiar, if Bai Jue is here, he must recognize that this person is Zhao Zheng'er who has been missing for a long time in the main world.

The video is not long, only more than ten seconds.

No. [-] was silent for a while, and said: "So far, the council has lost six members, and three died in battle on another plane, which is still to be discussed... But the death of three members is a major loss. I request that this Judging from its appearance and the expression of the heroic spirit, the capture or killing of a female should belong to another plane, and it should not be let go!"

"Secondary!" Number Four also catered to him: "The combat power shown by the other plane is already astonishing. This heroic spirit cannot be allowed to leave. I propose to dispatch more than half of the members of the council to carry out a capture plan."

"Negative!" Members of Council No. [-] sat in a solemn posture, and could not see the person's face clearly under the cover of silver-white robes: "The capture plan is too unrealistic. If more than half of the council members are mobilized, the council will be useless. I propose to induce it. Banish it to other planes, just delay the time."

"Second No. [-] and reject Proposal No. [-]." No. [-] also seconded it.

One wants to confront each other head-on, and the other wants to induce procrastination.

Although the tactics are completely different, they all express a strong fear of Zhao Zhenger. The existence of this eternal emperor itself is a huge deterrent. If he is not induced to go out, it will hinder the various action plans of the parliament.

"Two votes to capture, two votes to expel."

No. [-] recorded: "What about the rest of the opinions?"

No. [-] was silent for a while, reluctantly but also helplessly said: "Agreed to expel! The focus of the current action item is not on this heroic spirit, our purpose is for the correct civilization... For this reason, even if you let the enemy go, bear Shame is also what a rational person should do, and we don't need to spend too many resources and combat power on this heroic spirit."

No. [-]'s hazy light and shadow trembled a few times: "My votes are complete by default, two votes for capture, and three votes for expulsion... Then, according to the parliamentary voting system, it is decided to activate the expulsion plan... The plan is in charge of No. [-]."

No. [-] nodded: "Follow the will of the council."

No. [-] said indifferently: "Continue with the meeting report... In the past six days, the [-] secondary apostles we have set up an ambush in the Shenzhou Empire in advance have delivered important information about the "disappearance of the heroic spirit" of the Shenzhou Empire, which has been repeatedly confirmed. , On the sixth day, the superior apostles were dispatched to carry out intelligence spying, coupled with the information leak in the Central Nine Divisions, it is already possible to confirm the number of missing Heroic Spirits of the Shenzhou Empire."

"There are five heroic spirits in total, Princess Qin Li Shiming, Princess Xiuning Li Xiuning, Emperor Liu Xiu of Shenzhou, Jixia Academy Meng Ke, and Xun Qing. The total disappearance of these five heroic spirits lasted more than six days. Among them, Liu Xiu and Li Xiuning The whereabouts of the person was determined in Shenhai City, but whether it is a false image has not yet been determined."

"Similarly, the three missing heroes from Kyushu Island, Himiko, Uesugi Kenshin, and the second daughter of Sasaki, disappeared in the Forbidden City on the morning of six days ago in the territory of the Shenzhou Empire. The information is all true."

"The current issue - whether to continue the investigation of the Shenzhou Empire and send heroic spirits to carry it out."

The heavy question spread, and several lights and shadows flickered.

"I abstain."

No. [-] was the first to speak: "The Shenzhou Empire is a big country with extremely strong military strength. If you succeed in stealing the country, you can control the power of a country and subvert civilization. All the projects failed, and the failure of England and China caused unpredictable consequences. Not long after the time passed, such a flaw appeared in the Shenzhou Empire. There should be something strange in it. It is a pity to let it go, but if it is a trap, the council cannot afford this loss. , not to mention that Shen Hainai is there."

No. [-] spoke very briefly, but also very capable, explaining all the reasons.

The three projects initiated by the council in Shenzhou Shenhai, Kyushu Island, and Yinglun all failed. The first time the Holy Sword was stolen and Mary was captured, and the second time Abigail was captured...The losses in these two times were not so serious, at least Within an acceptable range, the third failure directly ruined the country-stealing plan for many years, not only exposing Lancelot, a crucial pawn, but also promoting the unity of will of multiple countries in the summit talks .

If it weren't for the fact that member No. 11 of the council had died under the sword of Zhao Zheng'er two months ago, and the Faceless Man was a subordinate of Project No. 11, the council would have poured out the anger of this failure on member No. 11.

Of course, there is another important reason.

The council has already learned that all three projects failed due to the involvement of one person, and this person...is Bai Jue.

This is why they are afraid, and even the parliament has made a decision in advance to target countries such as France, Germany, and Tsarist Russia, just because the danger of the Shenzhou Empire is too high, and even activities in different countries must be as careful as possible. Enter the village secretly, not those who shoot.

But now, with such a big piece of cake right in front of him, even if he knew it might be poisonous, he would naturally lick his lips subconsciously.

"I agree." No. [-]'s voice was a little high: "But maybe, this is also an opportunity...We should send personnel to conduct in-depth investigations. It would be a pity to let such a good opportunity go, even if it is the worst ending. , it’s just giving up the Shenzhou Empire ahead of time.”

No. [-] nodded, also feeling that the opportunity must be missed: "Second."

No. [-] said without hesitation: "No, there are too many uncertain factors in this matter plan. If it is a bait, it will definitely give the other party the opportunity to track our position. At that time, the parliament will start in advance in the least willing situation. In war, at that time, the parliament will face the Legion of Heroic Spirits from another plane, and the possibility of victory is infinitely close to zero."

"No." No. [-] said lightly, "I'm not in charge of the project, but what No. [-] said makes sense. The priority of this matter should be placed after the replenishment of the parliamentary staff. Now we are seriously insufficient in the number of members."

Two fell silent.

With one abstention, two in favor and two against, one vote in its hand is crucial.

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