No. [-] fell into a dilemma. Danger and profit forced it to fight between heaven and man, and the fluctuation of light and shadow became more and more violent.

At this moment, a light and shadow lit up on the seat numbered one.


A person wearing a silver mask suddenly appeared, and his voice was finalized: "Success is the best proof of recovery from failure. Get up wherever you fall. Shen Hai shouldn't be a nightmare for the council."

No. [-]'s light and shadow vibration stopped, these words gave it a shot in the arm.

No. [-] took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement and said calmly: "Second No. [-]... Four votes in favor and two votes against. According to the parliamentary voting system, it is agreed to implement the exploration of the Shenzhou Empire! The initiative of the meeting was transferred to No. [-]. No."

The golden logo on the round table landed on the No. [-] seat, with a silver robe and a silver face, with an impenetrable majesty and mystery.

"I will personally lead the project, and No. [-] will be the assistant and the highest executor of the project. All the apostles will be entrusted to me. Do you have any objections?"



Six votes, unanimously passed.

The members of the parliament present dare not have the slightest voice of opposition.

No. [-] is the speaker who created the council. No one has ever seen the lineup under the silver mask. All he knows is that the speaker has the strength to suppress peak heroic spirits. For some reason, he fell asleep ten years ago and now wakes up again. This means Gone are the days when Parliament was passively beaten.

It's just that in the past ten years, the parliament has hardly accomplished anything, and it has led to an unforgivable major failure. If the speaker investigates one by one, all members of the parliament here will be assassinated without exception.

"The meeting is over." No. [-] did not pursue the mistakes of other council members, but quickly ended the meeting: "For the sake of correct civilization."


"Muscular man?" Bai Jue heard a very powerful word from the communication, and blurted out subconsciously, but then he realized that the surrounding situation was not right, even those eyes were not right.

"No, I didn't expect..." Big Whale was also shocked.

"No, this is actually a sign... No wonder this guy likes to post philosophical pictures in the group." Bei Gao suddenly understood something.

"It's okay, we won't discriminate against you..." Quincy also patted Bai Jue's shoulder.

"I'll fuck you..." Bai Jue was about to say something again, when the communication sound came from his ears again, which made him stand up: "Is there a muscular man throwing a meteorite?"


ps1: I spent half a day sorting out the plot today. In fact, I have not considered the specific plot direction before this, so I have dragged on the plot for a long time, but now I have sorted it out clearly, and the plot is enough to push to the first part. The six singularities are over, and there is no need to continue to stand still like counting water words, let's get started.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"A muscular man?" Li Xiuning froze for a moment.

"Meteorite?" Liu Xiu tilted her head, she didn't activate the treasure...

Bai Jue was silent for a while, he looked around, and finally chose to open the screen.

There appeared on the [-]-inch screen a majestic appearance of Theresa with her arms folded. She called up the surveillance video from outer space: "Captain, a giant meteorite with a diameter of seven kilometers was discovered in outer space. The spherical meteorites on the left and right landed in Shenhai City, and the meteorite hit Shenhai City's crust head-on, and they couldn't survive for hundreds of miles."

"Can you shift its orbit?" Bai Jue asked.

"It's possible to deviate, but at most it will fall into the ocean. Even if such a huge meteorite falls into the ocean, it will inevitably cause a tsunami, and the result will inevitably damage Shenhai City." Teresa pursed her lips. She didn't look at the other people in the coffee shop: "However, according to calculations, the main cannon of Huberian can destroy more than [-]% of the main body of the meteorite, and it will not cause much impact when it falls into the ocean after it splits and disintegrates. only……"

"The consequence is the exposure of Huberian."

Bai Jue knocked on the table, he frowned and asked, "How long is it until the meteorite lands?"

"Ten minutes at most." Teresa said cautiously: "I will arrange for the Huberian main gun to recharge, and it is up to the captain to decide whether to fire or not."

In fact, in her opinion, the failure of the battle is far less important than the lives of tens of millions of people in Shenhai City, but she did not say this. Out of trust in Bai Jue, she did not need to urge her, but only when necessary , she also had to press the trigger of the main gun.

There was silence in the cafe.

The conversation between Bai Jue and Theresa was a bit endless, but it seemed that the heroic spirits present had already sensed something was wrong. They didn't ask who Theresa was or what Hyperian was, they were more concerned about... ...the 'Meteorite Falling' problem.

If there is anything more important than sleep in the hearts of the heroes here, it must be the stability of the Chinese Empire and the safety of the [-] million people.

Therefore, their eyes are already very serious, and there is no room for gags here.

"Okay, let me explain...don't worry, we have enough time." Bai Jue adjusted the flow of time as he spoke, making the time in the cafe ten thousand times longer, and ten minutes in the outside world is too long A full ten thousand times.

He thought about it and explained it from the beginning.

From the real purpose of this gathering, to the magic of the coffee shop itself, to the identity of the reinforcements he called, he did not explain some parts in detail, but he explained his identity as the savior accordingly.

Liu Xiu naturally knew about it in advance.

As for the other heroic spirits wanting to accept this fact, it does take some time.

Naturally, Bai Jue didn't tell them the truth about the singularity and the completeness of memory, but simply gave a basic explanation of the broad concept of "savior" - he travels through many different worlds to save the world , For example, Huberian is one of my strongholds, and Chaldea is also my lair.

The relatively ambiguous explanation has decisive evidence, which makes these joke-like words have unbelievable force.

They can choose not to believe, not to accept.

But if you choose to accept, in this way, many unexplainable problems can be explained clearly.

Li Shiming recalled the Gundam soaring in the sky in Chang'an City... In fact, the facts that cannot be explained in many ways can all be explained with this somewhat nonsensical setting explanation.

"Actually, I've noticed that this is within the last year." Bai Jue continued to pick up his omnipotence theory of amnesia: "I can remember some of the past events, but not all of them..."

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