He paused at this point, waiting for them to accept who they really were.

After a while.

Li Xiuning was the first to speak, and she said with some difficulty and obscurity: "To be honest, it is very difficult for me to accept this in such a short period of time, but it is also the fact that I am in a very complicated mood right now... I just want to Let me ask you a question, you are still Bai Jue, right?"

"Of course." Bai Jue said happily, "If I'm not me, who else can I be?"

"Very good." Li Xiuning looked at him seriously, she took a deep breath, and said, "I accept it for the time being, but I still have a lot of things to ask you... What is important now is not this, but the sky above Shenhai City." The meteorite that is falling... You should also calm down, we can deal with these things slowly later, and now time waits for no one."

"I've calmed down." Xun Qing said softly.

"Junior brother is not from this world. I actually knew it from the beginning." Meng Ke also whispered, "Now I'm just a little surprised... Those things are not important, right? I'm just a little surprised that he is still the same as before. Bold, just like [-] years ago, always laying out the game quietly, without mentioning a word to us."

"I roughly understand the situation. The other party aimed the meteorite at Shenhai City. First, they used the lives and deaths of [-] million people as a threat to force the hidden heroic spirits to take action. Second, the other party did not know whether we existed in the Shenzhou Empire. , So, this is a temptation from the anti-heroic spirits, to test whether any of us are still here, if you make a move, your plan will fail."

"If you don't fight back, Shenhai City will be erased from the map..." Li Shiming was surprisingly calm, she judged the situation quickly, and looked at Bai Jue: "What are you going to do?"

"The plan that has been implemented for so long is to give up if I say give up. Of course I don't want to, but it is too arrogant to exchange the lives of tens of millions of people in Shenhai City. Of course I would prefer the latter, but being so forced Make a choice, tell the truth..." Bai Jue crossed his fingers and said coldly, "I'm very upset."

Big Whale complained: "You just say 'I want it all' and it's over?"

"It's very difficult." Bei Gao glanced at Saki Asama: "This is not an exchange between [-] million and [-] million. Ordinary heroic spirits can't stop a meteorite with a diameter of seven kilometers from hitting head-on. Only by taking a shot can we achieve a perfect interception..."

Li Xiuning shook her head: "My treasure can only be deployed for a maximum of [-] kilometers, and the height cannot exceed [-] meters. The defense ability is limited, and it cannot protect the entire Shenhai. The safest way is to smash it halfway."

"I haven't tried to shoot through meteors... but I can try." Li Shiming held his hand empty, and an illusory giant bow emerged. Her treasure giant bow is an extremely powerful long-range treasure, but unfortunately it is not light cannon.

"No, the key is... how to intercept the meteorite without the heroic spirits taking action." Xun Qing analyzed: "To preserve the integrity of the plan, all the heroic spirits here cannot take action."

"But the difficulty is indeed... too great." Meng Ke sighed quietly: "Of course, with the observation ability of the Observatory, the meteorite must have been detected by now, and its whereabouts have been predicted. All the major powers in the world are aware of it, but it is not convenient for them to take action, and the Chinese Empire is currently not equipped with secret weapons and space weapons."

After some discussion, all the heroic spirits present showed a tangled look. Under the premise that they could not rely on their own strength, it seemed that the defensive capabilities of the cities of the Chinese Empire did not have the rigid conditions to resist natural disasters.

"But to be honest...the opponent's counterattack is really beautiful, and it's a new move that I haven't seen before." Lingdao propped up the table with one hand: "The previous anti-heroic spirits were all sneaky and sneaky. Secret activities, this time the meteorite is directly airborne, it is clear that there are other plans, do you want to start a war?"

"Fight head-on?" Le Luo shook his head and rolled his eyes: "Ling Jiang, don't be joking, do you think it's a matter of splitting on the pins and needles? If the other party really wants to start a war, why doesn't the target Aim at Kyushu Island, which also lost its heroic spirit?"

Himiko's complexion changed slightly, but he calmed down quickly. Now that the meteorite landed on Shen Hai, it proved that the opponent's target was in the Shenzhou Empire, and Kyushu Island should be safe... I also left behind in advance, even if it falls, it will not So soon, it would be better to say that helping the Shenzhou Empire to tide over the difficulties is the most important thing now, because the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, because the skin will not survive.

Once the behemoth that dominates Asia crosses, Kyushu Island will be swallowed sooner or later.

She spoke quickly: "My power can resist meteorites falling, but..."

"The result is the same when you go out." Bai Jue frowned, and he thought silently: "Is it possible that I really want to see the King of Lan, and it's not impossible to ask her to return favors, but if you don't anchor the Storm Spear, As a peak heroic spirit, she can't destroy such a huge meteorite... Tsk, if only Joyeuse could borrow it and use it."

When everyone is silent.

A figure came slowly, and Altair joked in a relaxed and humorous tone: "The store manager, why do you have such a serious expression, it's just a stone, can't you push it back with a Gundam?"

"... I have a Gundam, but whether I can go back or not is a problem, and whether I can get it done is another problem." Bai Jue rolled his eyes: "Don't take me for a fool, I want to solve the meteorite in a reasonable situation It's not that simple."

"No, it's very simple." Altair put on that evil smile full of aura in the middle two: "In Yu's opinion, you have misread the place. Meteorites are not important, what is important is how to hide people's eyes and ears. You have deceived the other party's sight, making them think that the heroic spirit of the Divine Empire is really no longer in the world, and lured its main force over. If it is to deceive people, you only need to cover the other party's line of sight so that they cannot see anything, or... …let them see the facts they want to see, pass on false information, and then lure you into the urn."

"It's easy to say, but it's easy to do..." Quincy was about to refute.

But when he saw Bai Jue standing up suddenly, he suddenly realized: "There is another trick... I have a subspace here, as long as I copy the territory of the Shenzhou Empire, I can copy the entire Shenhai City. Creating a scene of a meteorite impact is enough to confuse the real ones, but it is a bit difficult to hide it from everyone's eyes and ears, unless the subspace covers the entire Shenhai City. I have never tried this, but I am afraid to hide it from everyone's consciousness It's not easy."

"No, it's not difficult." Bei Gao stood up and took out the precious wine gourd: "I forgot to mention that I have already crossed the barrier, and now I am a third-level heroic spirit... I have a treasure that is opposite to the city." It is called 'drunk life, dreaming death', the effect on heroic spirits is slightly worse, but for apostles, one hit is accurate."

The shaman muttered: "It's okay to be drunk and dream about death... I heard that you were drunk and drowned in the river in your previous life... I'm sorry, I shut up."


Chapter four hundred and eighty first confrontation in the first game

"Where is the coverage of the treasure?" Bai Jue asked out of curiosity.

"Taicheng treasure, what do you think?" Bei Gao said to himself: "Don't worry, I usually belong to that kind of unnamed heroic spirit in the Shenzhou Empire. If I go out, I won't be caught. It's just that the treasure needs A bit of preparation time, but not too long."

"That's up to you." Bai Jue nodded: "Then, after deceiving the apostle's sight, the next step is to calculate where the other party will enter the main world. If there is no accident, at least a few anti-heroic spirits will enter. "

"Heavenly secret arithmetic." Meng Ke said: "I am a sage. Although I am not good at fighting and fighting, deduction is the part I am best at. Calculating with Xun Qing, I can calculate where the opponent is coming from."

Xun Qing said indifferently: "Unless the other party surpasses the holy position, they cannot escape the deduction of Tianji arithmetic."

"It's over to you."

Bai Jue didn't talk nonsense: "Meteorites can be handed over to Huberian for bombardment, and the falling meteorite fragments will not cause serious impact if they are guided into the sea tens of kilometers away, but it is just to evacuate the passengers on the coast in advance. In this respect..."

"Let me do it." Big Whale took the initiative to take over the topic: "I called Sun Tiance and asked him to release the Navy's acting report. It happened that there were signs of a meteorite falling overhead. It is normal to cause some confusion."

Then Bai Jue looked at Sister Fa: "What are your plans?"

"I planned to go back to the headquarters of the Judgment Scythe, but it seems that it is too late in terms of time, so I will stay." Farzalia smiled gently: "I am also one of the three judges, and I still have strength. I'm an expert at dealing with Anti-Heroic Spirits."

"It's meaningless to go at a time like this." Ling Dao squeezed his fists and sneered: "I'm not in the habit of being beaten passively. When the opposite lair is located, all the sword bearers in the Judgment Scythe will be dispatched to copy him. Ya's home."

"Just be careful not to get hit on the dog's head." Le Luo poured a bucket of cold water: "I'm not leaving either, I'll stay here to watch the show. Anyway, this coffee shop is safe, right?"

Quincy glanced at Le Luo, and complained, "You are so weak..."

"I'm just a harmless phantom thief. You expect me to rely on the magic of the three-legged cat to confront the heroic spirit? Are you kidding? You are a second-order heroic spirit yourself, why not?" Le Luo Fan sneered.

"Because I'm weak too." Quincy squinted, showing no shame: "I'm sorry, I was a weak chicken in my last life...and I am also in this life."

"Okay, okay, I know you are weak, so don't make fun of each other even if you are useless." Xinglu Difficult came out to smooth things over: "In the combat configuration of heroic spirits as combat units, we really can't be of much use, it's nothing It's worth embarrassing, just wait and make a call honestly..."

"I don't agree with that." Drinking Porridge shook his head, and he said seriously: "We are useless, but it doesn't mean that some people are useless."

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