His sight shifted slowly, and everyone's eyes lit up, and finally they all looked at the melon-eating shaman five tables away.

The shaman gulped down a mouthful of unfinished melon. The subtle and playful gazes of this group of people made the shaman feel uncomfortable. He shivered and said, "You, you, what are you going to do! I'm not a combatant what!"

"Hey hey... It's okay, it's okay, I'll just take a look." Le Luo smiled.

"Your eyes are very strange, hey!"

"Yes, yes, you continue to eat melons, eat more, and I will serve you any delicious food you want..." Ye Yu also showed pity.

"You? Are you implying that this is a decapitated meal!"

"You guys, don't go too far, how can such a good shaman curse him to death?" Drinking porridge said seriously: "Don't worry, shaman, I will book an ICU in Jixia for you in advance, even if If you lose your breath, I can hold you back."

"Fart your mother!" The shaman jumped [-] meters high: "If I want to beat you, what does it have to do with me, an African!"

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world! The rise and fall of the country share weal and woe!" Xinglu Nan reprimanded (flicker), his eyes widened, and the powerful majesty oppressed him, and he asked: "You... want to be a deserter before the war?"

"I, I'm not a soldier." The shaman's momentum suddenly weakened by three points: "I'm a student studying abroad...my hometown is in Africa."

"Don't use your nationality as an excuse. How can you step back in the face of righteousness!" It is difficult to take another step forward.

"Your family killed people from other countries in the war? This is unreasonable." The shaman stepped back steadily.

"Anti-heroic spirits are the enemy of all mankind. If you don't fight at this time, when can you fight? Why do human beings keep repeating the same mistakes! It's because the weak don't understand the truth that if they don't resist, they will die!" .

"Isn't that right? I remember the original sentence is——Why do the weak fight, so it's right for me not to fight?" The shaman responded as steadily as an old dog.

"Sometimes, a man needs a little courage. Would you rather be a coward for the rest of your life, or a warrior? Even if it's only one tenth of a second!" The voice of the difficult journey is full of righteous dedication: "Don't deviate Look, come, look at me, and answer my questions!"

"Emmm..." After the shaman pondered for a second, he said, "Then I'd better be a coward. If I live my whole life, I won't be able to survive more than a second. The rest of my life will only last [-] days. One day is a day."

"It's too real." Li Jianan listened to the tit-for-tat conversation between the two people, couldn't hold back laughing on the spot, overturned the car, slid off the stool, and gave a thumbs up from under the table: "Shaman, you deserve it." It's you."

"It seems that Uncle Ananda's brainwashing education for newcomers in the Tiance Mansion is useless." Xiao Wu couldn't help but smiled and said, "After all, ordinary people can't be required to have such a high level of ideological awareness, not to mention that they are shamans." .”

"This doesn't seem to be a compliment to me." The shaman scratched his nose.

"After all, he is a shaman, that's how it is." He gave up drinking the porridge, and spread his hands: "Being dragged to draw a thousand milliliters of blood would make ghosts scream and die, what a cowardly man. "

"Shut up! Try drawing a thousand milliliters of blood! I've been dizzy for days!" Mentioning this, the shaman became agitated: "I've been drinking spinach and pork liver soup for more than a month to make up for it Blood!"

"Forget it, if I knew that you were such a cowardly and courageous person, why should I be with him in the first place? Today I will cut off my robes and sit at the same table!" Xing Lu raised his knife and was about to swing it, but After thinking about it not long after I bought the clothes, it would be a pity to cut them, so he quickly put the knife back: "Forget it, my clothes are very expensive... It's not worth it to cut your clothes."

"Where did you come from the ancient times, you have a beginning and an end!" The shaman angrily slapped the table: "I have never been sworn brothers with you!"

"That's right, the shaman is also very good at making troubles on the Internet. He is completely a king of mouth. If he put it in reality, he would be cowardly. How do you say it with an adjective?" Ye Yu also mocked: "By the way, the keyboard man."

"You dare to talk about me as a young girl! As a young girl, but ashamed to admit it, you are a disgrace to the world of young girls!" The shaman couldn't bear it anymore, and he couldn't stop like a rambunctious baboon.

"Forget it, don't dare if you don't dare, there is no shortage of him." Le Luo raised his arms and shouted: "Abandon this coward who has no courage, let's seriously draw up a battle plan for our weak! Let him see and see, we in the group Only the weak, no cowards!"

Quincy took a sip of tea silently, he didn't want to get involved in this matter, the real wise men act after planning.

"You, you..."

The shaman was like a Wang Situ who was so angry that he was hurt internally, pointing at this group of people with trembling fingers.

His head twitched, his anger rose, and he said it almost without thinking about it.

"Damn it, just hit me. As for the reckless man, who is my shaman afraid of? Isn't it the anti-heroic spirit? He can slap me to death, and I can jump up and tear off a hair on his leg! Who is afraid?" Who!"

As soon as the voice fell, the face-changing magic of other people began to show.

He drank the porridge and said happily: "I really haven't seen anyone!"

Ye Yu also sighed: "Shaman, you are really a warrior, you are awesome!"

Difficult to travel also nodded: "Shaman, Difficult to travel has never served many people in my life, and you are one of them!"

Xiao Wu also booed: "The shaman is amazing, the shaman is NB."

Le Luo shouted directly: "Shaman NB! One-on-one against Heroic Spirits! Weakness, injury reduction, curse, qi extinction, and European killing are all done in one go!"

Now even Quincy couldn't stand it anymore, he put his hand on his forehead, then looked solemn, and then shouted: "Shaman NB!"

Li Jianan lay under the table laughing wildly, and gave two thumbs up: "As expected of you... Sand Sculpture Group Friends."

There was rambunctious joy on one side, and calm and seriousness on the other.

Others who do not exist as frontal combat forces can maintain a relatively relaxed attitude, but the Heroic Spirits cannot.

Bai Jue heard the movement on the other side: "The shaman's causal weapon doesn't need to be considered in the scope of combat. It can be used when necessary, and it can have some unexpected effects. I don't consider other aspects for the time being."

The heroic spirits finalized the battle plan, carefully drafted the specific content and confirmed it three times.

"Probably the process is like this." Li Xiuning asked: "There should be nothing to add."

"The deployment is not clear enough, and the combat power may not be enough." Meng Ke was a little worried.

"Don't worry about combat power." Bai Jue said flatly, but with sufficient and strong self-confidence: "I'm here."


The female heroic spirits nodded one after another, or smiled or remained silent, and these words were more reassuring than anything else.

With him here, there is no reason to fail in this round.

"Be mentally prepared... There are only nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds until the meteorite falls." Bai Jue stared at the crowd: "Once I open the coffee shop and synchronize the flow of time, there will be no turning back when I open the bow."

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