He looked at Bei Gao: "Your treasure is the signal."

He looked at Xun Qing and Meng Ke: "You must immediately calculate the location where the anti-heroic spirit will appear."

He looked at Lingdao and Sister Fa again: "You are in charge of intercepting the first wave...the danger is very high, please be careful."

He looked at the others: "The rest of the people stay in the coffee shop and prepare for the battle in the subspace. I am now leaving for Huberian. Everyone, I wish you good luck."


ps1: recommend a book

Archer's Bizarre Adventure

Introduction: Captured by Alaya in the void to become a guardian, and then an archer.It's just that Roser looked at his wooden bow at the beginning, and always felt that he had made a mistake.Why does he seem to be the only one in archer who is not a jerk?Do you have to kill goblins to level up first?

Goblin Slayer ([-] years before the original story) - TBD


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hyperion Bridge.

Riding the internal elevator passage, the process is not long, just like the loading interface of the game, the mechanical voice prompts 'captain on the bridge', and with the opening of the steel door, a smaller figure stands on the bridge , the kanban lady Teresa turned around and smiled sweetly at Bai Jue: "Captain, welcome back."

Hyperion is not a battleship that can be driven by one person. Apart from Theresa, there are actually quite a few staff members inside the bridge, and the orders are passed on in an orderly manner.

Bai Jue nodded, and walked on the bridge. For the first time, he had the feeling of breaking the barrier of the second dimension and entering the game from reality.

Surprisingly, this feeling is not too bad.

After all, Bai Jue has been used to fighting alone for a long time, carrying the weight of the whole world by himself, shouting 'my drill can break through the sky', and then piercing the singularity alone... well this is Nonsense, relying on strength alone is not enough to undertake the responsibilities of the savior. He often needs to calculate the layout and wisdom.

The first singularity and the fifth singularity are extremely representative in this regard.

Generally speaking, Bai Jue acts alone most of the time, and rarely assumes the position of commander. It is not his style to stay in a safe place and command soldiers to charge into battle. He prefers to carry a meowing white tiger hammer to burst out The dog head of the enemy.

However, the current situation can't go as he wished, he must plan before moving, and stay in the most suitable position. Except for Bai Jue, no one is more suitable for this position of commander. He is the one who connects visitors from different worlds. Valkyries and servants only obey his orders, and the heroic spirits of this world only trust him. This trust has nothing to do with their position or status, it is purely because they trust him to have such a passionate soul.

"I didn't feel it when I was at the front line before, but now I suddenly feel it... It turns out that the feeling of not being able to go to the front line is pretty bad." Bai Jue pursed his lips and said in a low voice: "I'm a little anxious."

Because you can't be on the front line, it takes time for all changes in the battle situation and information transmission. The long wait will continue to consume the commander's patience. All you can do is wait and trust the soldiers on the front line.

Only when the frontline trusts the commander, and the commander trusts the frontline, can tactics be perfectly implemented and strictly executed.

Usually, this awakening takes a long time to cultivate, and the tacit understanding takes a long time to get in. Fortunately, the favorability of all the Valkyries and servants under Bai Jue's command has been maxed out or even maxed out. Even if the order is to die, as long as Bai Jue If they feel able to speak, they will not hesitate.

"Please rest assured." Theresa said softly: "I would like to express my complete obedience to Captain Huberian as the commander of the Far East Branch of the Mandate of Heaven. Your plan and will will be perfectly executed. Will, for this reason alone, we will charge forward, as long as it is the captain's enemy, even if it is not Honkai, Valkyrie is willing to clear all obstacles in front of you."

Bai Jue was silent for a while, then he reached out and touched Theresa's head.

"Obviously I want to protect you."

"No, please give the order. We are weapons, and there is only joy when we are ordered." Theresa narrowed her eyes and smiled and said, "Please don't worry." She turned around suddenly, and said loudly on the bridge: "Report the progress of the battle .”

"It is estimated that there are still one hundred and ninety seconds before the meteorite falls."

"The main gun is ninety-five percent charged."

"The power of the main gun is steadily increasing, and the barrel is warming up."

"The optical camouflage has a one-minute countdown, and the countdown begins..."

Bai Jue stared at Beigao at the top of the Pearl Tower, the tallest building in Shenhai City.

He is drinking, standing on the top of the crowd, reaching out to pick up the clouds and mists, like a banished fairy.

The spirit of the hero is wrapped around his body, the wine gourd in his hand is tilted, and the clear wine flows out, flowing towards the ground like an endless river, but it turns into a fine mist in the air and blends into the atmosphere.

The flying stream went straight down three thousand feet, like a galaxy dotted with stars...

He looked at the continuously flowing wine, with a little distress in his eyes, but soon he couldn't even see the distress.

Bei Gao used to be a person who was afraid of trouble. He had no memory of his previous life, but he inherited the character of the poet fairy in his previous life. He was arrogant but also lazy. For his mind.

Maybe not.

Born as a heroic spirit, he should serve his family and country, that's what he thought, but ten years ago, he was so weak and powerless, watching hell burn the world in front of his eyes, but he was powerless, as if there was a cruel reality that there was no difference between him and others, Confused the newborn heroic spirit.

Because there is no hatred, there is no pursuit.

Stopping the cup and throwing the chopsticks, he couldn't eat.

He is destined not to be the savior, even if he is a heroic spirit, he is just a speck of dust in the world.

In addition, Du Mi's unintentional concealment became the last reason for him to flee, so Li Qinglian exiled herself for three full years, wandering around like an ordinary prodigal son, and used up all her savings.

If there is any reason to support him to be alive at that time, then apart from the group of sand sculpture friends, there is probably only 'wine'.

Alcohol is not only a tool for him to paralyze himself, but also a proof of his enjoyment of life. His wine gourd is his most precious thing, even his fiancée is sometimes inferior to these two fist-sized gourds.

He traveled all over the country, and it took three years to collect nearly a thousand kinds of wine. He was almost successful, and the wine was only short of the last five kinds.

Originally there was only one type of wine missing, but four types of wine were used.

When he was in Kyushu Island, in order to fight Uesugi Kenshin and buy time for Bai Jue, he used four kinds of wine and prepared more than a million swords, and then he barely fought against this peak heroic spirit.

These four wines are treasures that will no longer exist.

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