Similarly, the wine he poured down now is also a rare treasure that is no longer available. The speed of the wine gourd seems to flow slowly, but in fact, every drop of it is enough to make thousands of people drunk to death... Nearly a thousand kinds of treasures are constantly decreasing. It has been lost to the point where it can no longer be replenished.

It would be a lie to say that it doesn't hurt...but so what?

Bei Gao stood up, he took the initiative to stand up, no one asked, no coercion, since he was voluntary, he would not regret it, it was just a little regret... What fell was the wine, which was also his unchanging promise.

In fact, he himself knows that he doesn't need to stand up, because the meteorite can always be solved, but the plan prepared by Bai Jue will fail, Shenhai City will not be in danger, and the safety of the people is guaranteed.

But why did he still take the initiative to speak?

Maybe Beigao itself can't figure it out, and can't figure out many problems.

Why did I, who was so addicted to alcohol, waste twice for this group of people...

Why is it not a pity to look at the wine flowing down, but a little bit of joy and relief...

Why does he, Li Qinglian, want to pick up the proud character that he left behind back then...

Maybe, it's because someone is looking forward to it. If you can respond to that expectation, this life is not illusory.

He smiled, looked at the vast land, and began to recite the bold and unrestrained poem that has been sung through the ages.

"Don't you see it, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning! Don't you see it, the mirror in the high hall is sad and white, and it looks like blue silk in the morning and snow in the evening!"

This poem has been recited by countless people, but no one can recognize Li Qinglian's boldness or his own strength of character.

"The bells, drums, and jade are not expensive. I hope I won't wake up after being drunk. The ancient sages are lonely, but the drinkers keep their names!"

Even in his previous life, he would not have his current state of mind. This detachment and freedom have already surpassed that talented scholar who had a lonely official career in his previous life.

"Five-flowered horses, thousands of gold, Hu Jing will exchange fine wines, and sell eternal sorrows with you!"

After mischievously changing a word, the sound of Beigao's recitation covered a hundred miles with the spreading Dragon Qi, covering the entire Shenhai. The voice of the heroic spirit entered my ears.

The Noble Phantasm is the symbol of a heroic spirit and the sublimation of his life.

Therefore, Shen Hai under the control of his consciousness should be silent and intoxicated.

As with living things, so with inanimate things.

On an ordinary street, a passerby leaned against the side of the road and collapsed drunk. The fall of one person seemed to trigger a domino-like chain reaction. The pedestrians on the entire long street showed signs of drunkenness. After walking three or two steps, he fell down.

Waiters carrying trays, couples talking and laughing,

In the roaring car, the driver hiccupped and fell on the steering wheel. The roaring vehicle was about to rush forward, but it also stopped suddenly, and it was silent for an instant in a form that violated the laws of physics. , didn't move for half a minute on the spot, and the roaring engine also stopped vibrating.

Not just human beings, but the whole city is intoxicated with the same drink.

Even the apostles who are all over the streets and alleys are no exception.

When most of them didn't realize what was going on, they were overwhelmed by strong drunkenness, and their consciousness was blurred for an instant, and they couldn't maintain normal thinking even for a short moment of sobriety, and soon fell to the side of the road.

An apostle is just an apostle, facing the treasure of a heroic spirit, he is not much different from a weak mortal.

The moment the apostle fell, Bei Gao sat down weakly. He looked above the clouds and nodded.

At the end of the sky, Altair is holding a reduced three-dimensional image of the city in her hands. Together with the computing equipment installed in the Hyperion and the Lingon computer installed by Da Vinci, the two work together to assist her in the project. The whole process is very smooth. It fits well, and the coordinate locking with an error within [-] micron is completed in less than one breath.

There are a total of [-] secondary apostles and five high-level apostles.

"Coordinates locked, start teleporting..."

Altair declared so.

Then the light came on, and the teleportation ended.

Standing on the bridge, Bai Jue watched the countdown from three minutes to one minute and fifty-nine seconds. During the whole process, he didn't move or say a word, but the first step of the plan was completed perfectly.

Because of this, Bai Jue just realized that his worries may be superfluous, and the people around him are not ordinary people.

"How?" came the question.

Bai Jue replied, "Awesome."


Chapter four hundred and eighty third confrontation in the first game (Part [-])

The transfer is completed in the subspace.

All the apostles carried out precise teleportation.

The subtle sense of disobedience in their consciousness will be quickly smoothed out, and they will wake up in the false Shenhai city created in the subspace, and then continue to report the situation, and the starting position will also be left in place by the space beacon captured.

The plan went smoothly.

Bai Jue stood on the bridge, watching the falling meteorite, silently clenched his five fingers.

The moment the apostle transferred, the huge Hyperion ship appeared in the sky above Shenhai City. With the removal of the optical camouflage, the roaring sound resounded, and the opened main gun muzzle was also locked.

"Sixty seconds until the meteorite lands."

"Hubrian's main cannon is fully charged!"

"The optical camouflage has been removed!"

"The target meteorite is locked! It can be launched at any time!"

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