Theresa looked at the meteorite whose surface had turned red due to friction with the atmosphere, and she whispered: "Captain, please order."

Bai Jue nodded, because the range of the main gun is limited, the most suitable distance to fire the main gun is when the time reaches [-] seconds. He watched the numbers decrease one by one, and the red meteorite continued to enlarge.

Wait until the time reaches thirty seconds.

Bai Jue said in a low voice: "The main gun fires..."

The last word 'shot' has not yet been uttered. As the meteorite on the screen continued to expand, Bai Jue clearly saw that before the main cannon hit, its rock surface had begun to crack, exposing a deep red metal shell.

Bai Jue sensed that something was wrong. This didn't seem to be a simple meteorite. How could there be such a square-shaped metal with sharp edges and corners inside the meteorite? He hurriedly stopped: "Wait—! Don't let the main gun..."

But time was running out, the main gun had already been released, and the orange-red energy beam shot up into the sky like a sharp sword. The accumulated energy tore a gap in the atmosphere, and blasted towards the falling body with great force. meteorite.

But an astonishing scene happened, the meteorite actually began to split ahead of time, it began to split before the main cannon hit, just like the metal cube of the Pentagon began to disintegrate from the center, turning into five uniform steel pieces of the same size.

Four of them disintegrated, deviated from their original orbit, and spread out towards other regions. The main gun of the Hyperion only hit one shot, knocking down one-fifth of the meteorite, and the other four remained It flew to different areas intact, as if it had been planned from the beginning.

"This is not an ordinary meteorite, there must be something hidden inside it!" Bai Jue realized that the plan could not keep up with the changes, and the purpose of the existence of this meteorite might not be just to force Mr. Ying Ling, it must be tricky to split itself actively, he hastily shouted : "Track the fall of the four meteorite fragments!"

A dynamic demonstration of the impact of meteorite fragments was immediately performed on the screen.

In the end, the locations were confirmed. Although they avoided the downtown area, they were all located in remote areas of Shenhai City. At most, they only damaged a few roads and ordinary demolition houses, seemed safe, but Bai Jue could see it at a glance. It can be seen that it presents a special figure, like a pentagon with one corner missing, including most of Shenhai City. If a piece of debris was not knocked down at the beginning, they should be constructed on the map A huge five-pointed star appeared, covering the entire Shenhai.

Bai Jue is very familiar with this formation.

He was recruited once, and lost an arm for it.

In Kyushu Island, the same phase shift array!

The original phase transfer array is very small and can only carry individual units, but Bai Jue can't imagine what such a huge phase transfer array is used to transfer, but it has already been destroyed, so it should not be possible to complete this huge array Law it.

Bai Jue was thinking about it.

The meteorite fragments in the sky have accurately landed on the ground according to the expected trajectory.

"Captain..." Teresa asked, "This doesn't seem to be in line with the plan."

"Well, it's no wonder that the apostles stayed in Shenhai City instead of evacuating actively." Bai Jue tapped the table and chairs with his fingers: "Fortunately, all the apostles have been transferred to the inside of the subspace, and they can't leave even if they notice something strange. The important thing is what are these meteorites, it doesn't necessarily mean that there are Predator inside, right?"

"I hope there is nothing strange inside." Da Vinci had already boarded the bridge at some point: "I observed the meteorite from the very beginning. Although I predicted in advance that the plan might diverge, I did not expect It will be like"

"It's okay, it's still under control. The currently missing Heroic Spirit didn't show up, it just exposed Hyperian in advance, and the Divine Empire didn't even know Hyperian's affiliation..." Bai Jue squinted his eyes: "Anti-Heroic Spirit also Impossible to know, keep hiding, and see what their next move is. I have synchronized the changes between the subspace and the real space in advance, and the meteorite splits synchronously. Observing the reaction of the apostle in the subspace will know what the meteorite is. "

He said: "Lingdao, you are the closest to the meteorite landing point, go there."

"It's really convincing, Sister Fa is obviously faster than me."

Lingdao's icon began to move on the map.

His speed was not fast but not slow. Five minutes later, he arrived at the expected landing point of a meteorite. A hundred meters in radius became a huge crater. The charred black and high temperature were still spreading. Lingdao looked at the silver-gray meteorite standing in the huge crater. Fragment, its appearance looks like a triangular signal lighthouse.

"This is not good. From the appearance, it is a creation of civilization, and the level of civilization is quite advanced." Lingdao frowned: "It is even ahead of the current world level, this thing looks awesome from the outside. ..."

- Ding dong.

A voice came from the communicator.

"Fuck!" A surprised voice came from Lingdao.

"What's wrong? What are you doing?"

"It wasn't me. A dog ran over to pee just now... and then this thing started to glow. I said... it must have been peed by a dog. I couldn't help it until it exploded." Lingdao was still thinking about it. After making a cold joke, his face froze immediately: "It doesn't seem to be an explosion, it seems to be a positioning device, what kind of combat unit is being transmitted, I feel a strong aura, and the combat power index is constantly soaring..."

"Leave quickly." Bai Jue warned: "There is danger, evacuate immediately."

"Don't worry, I'm the sword bearer, and the plan did say at the beginning that we would deal with the first wave of opponents." Ling Dao said without any pressure: "I'm wearing a war weapon, it can't hurt me at all root..."

The last word didn’t land on the ground, the dull sound and rapid noise resounded over the bridge, and the blue icon representing Ling Dao on the screen began to move at an extremely fast speed, like a baseball hit by a heroic spirit. Galloping in the air, the speed has already broken through the sound barrier in an instant, and the acceleration at that instant is naturally not his escape speed, but the speed at which he was knocked into the air.

In just an instant, Lingdao himself completed a leap of more than a kilometer on the map. Even if the situation on the scene could not be observed, it was enough to imagine the tragic battle situation on the scene.

"The combat unit is silent, and the signs of life are unknown."

"No strong hostile target detected."

"Perform optical detection, unleash drone reconnaissance."

There was some silence in the bridge, which was unexpected by everyone.

That is Ling Dao, although he is deadly, funny, embarrassing, a beast detective and likes to be lazy, but that is Ling Dao, a sword-wielding man who has proved that his strength is comparable to that of a heroic spirit.

He has already put on the war armor, and this is just a face-to-face meeting, so he was killed in an instant?

In other words, the opponent has enough combat power to instantly defeat the heroic spirit level?

Is there someone strong enough to match him?

"Captain." Teresa looked at Bai Jue: "Do you need to send the Valkyrie to..."

"Such a powerful opponent, if Ling Dao dies in an instant, the Valkyrie may not be able to last for a long time." Bai Jue seemed to have confirmed Ling Dao's GG in his words, and he was about to contact Sister Fa.

Unexpectedly... a strange voice sounded from the bridge.

"I know, you can hear me."

This is a woman's voice, somewhat hoarse, deep voice, without any sensibility, and the same cold tone is not due to the indifference of high-ranking people, but is ethereal like a machine.

Bai Jue was attracted by this voice, and felt a little familiar for a moment, but at the same time felt very strange.

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