The sound came from Lingdao's communicator.

He paused, picked up the microphone, and asked as calmly as possible: "I can hear you, who are you, where are you from, is that idiot still alive?"

"This man is still alive. I come from a place you don't know. I don't have a name. You can call me... The Destroyer." The magic of daring to laugh: "Slightly ridiculous name, feel inappropriate, you can call me 1st or First, then, please answer my question... who are you?"

"I am..." Bai Jue said naturally, "The savior is just the opposite of you."

"That's right, you are the one from ten years ago, and the information that you stayed in Shenhai City is indeed correct." The other party obviously knew of Bai Jue's existence, and easily asserted: "It seems that this time the Shenzhou Empire The commotion about the disappearance of the Heroic Spirit was also caused by you."

"Yes." Bai Jue said lightly: "Thank you for this meteorite that will split automatically, which ruined my fishing plan, but you also sent yourself to the very center of the battlefield. The Divine Empire is a hospitable country. Since you are here ...then don't go."

His voice was suddenly cold.

"The home field advantage seems to make you too blindly confident." F said lightly.

"Then, let's try it?" Bai Jue turned around and stepped into the elevator shaft: "World Destroyer, stand there and don't move, I'll come and beat you to death right away!"

Chapter four hundred and eighty fourth

Bai Jue left as soon as he said.

His speed is not slow at all, he has even used the fastest speed, and he can't care about the reactions of ordinary people.

The second holy soul phoenix was released. It spread its magnificent wings and flew across the sky. With a shake of its arms, it reached its destination at a speed faster than that of a Boeing plane. The huge energy fluctuations could not be concealed at all.

It was only fifty seconds since he left the bridge and arrived at his destination.

Bai Jue's eye pupils and hair color turned into a dazzling red, and the raging fire surrendered under his feet, reflecting his mask.

He stared at the silvery-white meteorite fragment, it was in operation, the silvery-white light was streamlined, and hidden in the icy light was an invisible mystery, it was the crystallization of an extremely high-end technology.

At least beyond Bai Jue's comprehension.

Similarly, in front of the silver spire, someone stood.

Silver-white holy robe, a cold mask, the basic facial features are barely outlined on the mask, judging from her figure, she can see some sensational body curves from under the spacious robe, this is indeed a woman, That mask added a lot of mystery to her, which made her feel a little curious, and even added a cold texture.

Gender doesn't matter, Bai Jue won't underestimate his opponent just because his opponent is a woman, he just doesn't understand why this woman who claims to be the first is so confident.

She really didn't leave, just stayed here, just like the most powerful person who accepted the challenge, unmoved, waiting for the arrival of the challenger.

I don't know where this calmness and confidence come from.

"Is it strange?" The other party said lightly: "I will stay here instead of choosing to escape."

"It's really strange. In my memory, most of the anti-heroic spirits are gangsters who don't dare to be upright, and can only use various schemes and schemes." Bai Jue calmly said: "I don't know what gave you such Huge confidence stays here for me, but you might regret it."

"Then what strategy do you think I will use." She stood still.

Bai Jue glanced at Ling Dao, who was five steps away from her. He took three steps closer and said, "It's not so much a strategy as an exchange. You have a hostage in your hand, and you have a certain amount of initiative, but you can't do it." That's all."

"Judging from the current situation, it is indeed the case." F spoke rationally and indifferently: "But I may not have no backup."

"You don't have enough backup." Bai Jue said firmly: "All the apostles have been transferred, and your control over Shenhai City is far behind mine. The only surprise is the remaining three meteorite fragments. Judging by your own intentions, what kind of weapons of mass destruction, or nuclear bombs, or whatever ... it doesn't matter, because someone is going to deal with it."

Yes, it's home field advantage.

Due to emotion, reason and facts, the opponent's strategies are very limited. There are nearly ten heroes in Shenhai City, all of whom are on their own side, and they are trustworthy objects. It is impossible to become two or five little girl.

Even without counting the combat power of this world, Bai Jue's own combat power is the Huberian ship, the Valkyrie combat team, the three servants, and Altair. This power is by no means inferior to the heroic spirits. , is only strong but not weak in functionality.

Different from fighting alone in the singularity, today's Bai Jue is in a period of complete victory, and there are many helpers, and he is fighting at home.

Use strength to break cleverness, and one sword to break ten thousand spells.

The so-called stratagem, the so-called wise plan, is meaningless before absolute power and influence suppress it.

Bai Jue has the absolute chance of winning and the absolute initiative, so he doesn't understand why this self-proclaimed World Destroyer F is so calm and calm, without any panic, as if everything is planned.

While Bai Jue was thinking, F spoke lightly.

"It is true that everything you say is true."

"For the Shenzhou Empire, there is not enough intelligence, and there are not enough spies. Since the last time Yanjing tried to capture Liu Xiu and failed to obtain the data of the Tiantingdishi Observatory, the erosion of the Shenzhou Empire's intelligence network has been seriously insufficient. There is a lack of weight enough to determine the pattern."

"Parliament poured more than [-]% of its resources into European countries, trying to divide their alliances, and arouse national conflicts, stealing the country while the two gods are asleep... Originally, Mary of France was captured with the holy sword, and Charlemagne woke up , the conflicts between France, Italy, and Germany will become a hotbed for the cold war of espionage.”

"Britain can't stay out of it. To deal with Britain, you only need to replace Elizabeth to easily complete the act of stealing the country. The existence of Lancelot is a pawn that can overturn the situation. Now that the King of Lan can't recover, the European countries can be said to be at your fingertips. "

"If you master the European countries, it will be enough to set off a storm that shakes the world. In just three years, you can start a war on the border and open the prelude to the Second War of the Heroic Spirits... involving the Shenzhou Empire, Tsarist Russia, Egypt, etc. It will be a matter of time before the flames of war."

"Originally, every step of the plan was superimposed and complemented each other."

"However, every step is shattered because of you, and you have become the biggest obstacle to the council."

Her rational words have no hatred at all, just as indifferent and ruthless as the narrative machinery.

"You're welcome." Bai Jue said without shame: "Actually, it has nothing to do with me. I just think that you will follow me wherever I go. I live in Shenhai. You come to Shenhai to make troubles. I go to Kyushu. Dao Mianji, another group of people came to play dirty, went to England for vacation, and was assassinated... You may not believe it, but every time I am just self-defense."

It sounds fake, but... it's true.

He put his hand on his forehead, and the mask covered his headache expression: "It's good for everyone to do less trouble, I don't understand why you anti-civilization elements always want to make big news...Aren't you shooting life pills? Come up with a big new article."

F stood still: "You are very calm, because you are sure of winning?"

"Almost." Bai Jue knocked on his earphones: "I have received news that the other three places have been suppressed, but no anti-heroic spirits have been observed. It seems that you are the only one here this time... hundreds of apostles It has also been suppressed in the subspace, and there is a dedicated sand sculpture group to clean it up... It’s okay to hand over the abuse to them.”

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