"I don't think you have any chance of turning the tables... Soon, even the function of the device behind you will be interpreted. I have a universal genius on my side, and she won't let me wait too long." Bai Jue stared Looking at her, she began the routine process of persuading her to surrender: "Why don't you choose to surrender, and I can get you a sentence that is not too excessive, provided that you tell everything you know."

F does not answer.

"It's okay if you don't want to say it, but at least I want to ask a question, why are you doing this?" Bai Jue asked, "Is it because of hatred? Is it because you were abandoned by the principles of civilization, or..."

"Heroic spirits who have betrayed the principles of civilization do exist." F's silver-white holy robe shook gently in the wind, and she said slowly: "In the council, there are three seats of anti-heroic spirits who have betrayed the principles of civilization..."

"Three seats?" Bai Jue didn't think there would be so few members in a parliament.

"But the others are not anti-Heroic Spirits... Although the composition is very similar to Heroic Spirits, you follow the principles of civilization, and what the parliament pursues is not the principles of civilization... No, it is better to say that the principles of civilization are for us The existence that should be burned, it is the best fuel and the most suitable object of plunder."

"After observing this world, there is only one reason for the existence of the parliament, and that is to destroy your civilization."

"Destroy the civilization on this planet, strip off the cloak of the principles of civilization, take away its core essence, and use it as fuel, so that our world can continue to run for a long time and achieve a new round of take-off."

F's words are calm, but creepy.

She slowly revealed her true purpose, which was very similar to what Bai Jue had guessed.

The fundamental purpose of the parliament is actually the principle of civilization, and the destruction of the world is the means. Only by destroying the civilization on the surface of the planet and eradicating all intelligent creatures can the shell of the principle of civilization be peeled off.

The principle of civilization is the law on which the heroic spirits of the main world depend. Its existence not only creates the extraordinary individual "heroic spirit", but also maintains the development of civilization. The library is a rule that only exists in this world. Once this rule is cut off, civilization itself will cease to exist.

There is no so-called sequential relationship, the two complement each other.

It didn't take long to understand what F said, but Bai Jue was still silent for a while.

He finally spoke slowly: "I'm very pleased that you can be so straightforward, at least you don't have to go around in circles... You also gave me a reason to completely erase your unrealistic ideas."

Bai Jue stared at her inorganic mask expression: "I'm not an executioner, and I don't like to do massacres, but... at least the Labor Council, I don't think there's any need for it."

"Arrogant and ignorant." F said indifferently: "Now, let me answer your previous question."


"You're wondering why I'm so calm. I can answer you clearly if the representative council has something behind me." The woman in the silver robe said loudly, "No."

"There's no such thing as a plan."

"There is no so-called planning."

"Everything is just an illusion for you to see, and everything is a bait to lure you to appear."

"This silver-white meteorite fragment is not a special device, it's just a prop, to leave enough space for you and me."

"Come here alone is your biggest mistake, and also your biggest arrogance and ignorance."

"The purpose of my coming is not to destroy the Shenzhou Empire, but...to destroy you."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Facing the picture of first, Bai Jue was slightly surprised, but only a little.

"It turns out that the target from the beginning was me, indeed... If the target is me, there is indeed no need for any planning and arrangement." Bai Jue said clearly: "This is the method I like to use very much, because no matter how complicated the strategy is, say In the end, it’s just that the strength is not strong enough, if the strength is strong enough to surpass everything, no matter how complicated the layout is, it can’t stop a person, in short, it’s just a reckless person.”

Bai Jue doesn't use tricks much, and only chooses to use his brain when his strength is insufficient.

Under normal circumstances, he would not choose to use his brain but directly use his fists, because the former is too troublesome compared to the latter.

In the same way, he can use it, and the other party can also use it.

Colliding head-on with the strongest force is indeed not like the means that the anti-heroic spirits would have, but this time is different from that time. Before the summit meeting in England, their existence was in the dark, and now they are forced by Bai Jue Bright place.

Therefore, the same method can no longer be used, and Bai Jue has become a thorn in the opponent's side, an intolerable sand.

He thought that what he was facing was an assassination, but he didn't expect that it would be such an open and aboveboard challenge.

Yes, aboveboard.

Bai Jue also never imagined that this group of troublemakers who were operating in the dark would also have a rare passion.

Neither using the lives of tens of millions of residents in Shenhai City as a handle, nor the important hostages at hand who voluntarily sent over, these are two important factors that can distract Bai Jue, but the other party has abandoned them from the beginning.

He didn't even have the intention of hiding, and omitted the effort of sending out the challenge letter. He took the initiative to show up in Shenhai City, stood on his own home court, and faced all the enemies around, but still calmly stated his intention and purpose.

Isn't this too frank?

Or, in her eyes, I'm not even a threat?

Bai Jue was not sure which one it was, nor was he sure what the other party was thinking.

"Since you came here to look for me, then I should be able to avoid it and not fight." Bai Jue folded his hands on his chest: "I have battleships, supplies, and more than a dozen heroic spirits, and I can even move gods to fight." Zhizuo, in the face of the encirclement and suppression of half the world, you will never win. I can drag you to death by relying on the superiority of numbers, it is just a simple war of attrition, this is a war that must be won."

"You can avoid the battle, leave now, and I will not launch a chase." She said lightly: "But if you don't fight, it will be the heroic spirits of the Shenzhou Empire and your subordinates who will fight me. You can't guarantee them Whether you can survive is indeed a war that must be won, but do you need this kind of war that must be won? According to the deduction of the mental model, you are a perfect altruist with a very high desire for self-satisfaction. "

"Oh? Are you so sure that I won't avoid fighting?" Bai Jue narrowed his eyes: "Then maybe, people will change...Since I know you are going to kill me, why can't I be afraid of death?"

"... If you are afraid of death, others will die instead of you, that's all." First looked at Bai Jue's mask: "Even if you retreat now, you will come back sooner or later. What I need is just a little Just be patient and wait."

"You really have self-confidence." Bai Jue smiled. It wasn't for nothing that he had spent those years in the Warring States Period. He had already been familiar with the way of attacking the mind, so he continued to talk about his arrangement: "Then I can do it too." Do nothing, just spend time with you here, as long as I delay for half a day, when the King of Lan arrives with the Spear of Storms, you have no chance of winning."

"Oh, that's true..."

First seemed to be smiling, her mask didn't change, but her tone was indeed laughing, the smile was very faint, but very clear.

After a while, she said, "So, here I come with it."

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