
Bai Jue was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, the field of vision was filled with dazzling silver light, and the fragments of the meteorite projected a beam of light directly above the sky. It turned into a sharp tower and rose from the ground. The anchor point is connected to three other different devices.

The four points were determined to take shape, and the invisible barrier covering the sky began to form.

It hung down and covered most of Shen Hai, marking out the battlefield.

The moment the light came on, Bai Jue moved. He didn't leave, but if he rushed to the direction where First was, with a flick of his fingers, the sword energy pierced through the air, and First turned sideways slightly to avoid this slight sword energy.

Seizing the fleeting moment, Bai Jue picked up the fainted Lingdao's ankle, threw it with his bare hands, and threw him out of the space barrier, throwing him out of the closed space at the last moment when the barrier was formed , to ensure his safety.

But this is also what others let go.

Bai Jue turned around speechlessly, and looked at First, but she didn't make a move to intercept it, was it because she saw that she had no intention of leaving?Or do you feel that a mere Ling Dao is nothing to worry about?

"It's really arrogant." Bai Jue commented: "If you killed him in advance, I might not fight you hard."

"There is no difference. If you stay in this space, the result is the same." First said lightly: "You can't go anymore. This barrier is a barrier formed by connecting the space. To the outside world, this part of the space has completely disappeared. cut off from the world."

"It's like cutting out a piece of cloth, and then sewing the cut part together?" Bai Jue asked curiously.


"But I can still see the outside." Bai Jue asked again.

"It cannot be touched, but it can be observed, and the space is still visualized without affecting the transmission of light."

"I understand." Bai Jue immediately understood what she meant: "You want to execute me publicly, obliterate me in front of many heroic spirits, destroy their confidence in the savior, and destroy their spiritual support .”

"Yes, heroic spirits are easy to deal with, because there are differences in nationality, race, culture, and thought. It is not difficult to divide the heroic spirits. Even if the cooperation between countries is only superficial, it is a hypocritical peace. Sooner or later it will be torn apart...but you are different, your existence is a symbol, the existence of an undefeated savior, for the heroic spirit, this is a kind of worship above trust...and the heroic spirit should not have a leader. "

Her words were cold and indifferent, with an undeniable tyrant-like will, and her murderous intent gradually overflowed. That kind of rich blood was incompatible with her silver-white holy robe: "Therefore, you must must die with our own hands execution."

"Very well, I roughly understand the reason why the savior must die." Bai Jue smiled: "But if you want to kill the savior, what does it have to do with me?"

A gust of cold wind blows, and the awkward atmosphere spreads.

"It seems that you don't like cold jokes." Bai Jue smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Now that things are up to now, can one or two bad jokes change anything?" First asked lightly, once her killing intent was revealed, she no longer had any restraint, and a sense of oppression came over her face.

This oppression... is even stronger than the King of Lan.

Bai Jue switched to the holy soul, and the fire of Nirvana turned into the thunder of divine punishment.

The roar of the tiger shook the surroundings, and the white tiger came from the sky riding the thunder. Its size has become bigger and bigger. Compared with the first call, its current size has increased by about [-] times.

Bai Jue will suppress his power subconsciously. In a real battle, the power of thunder is extremely lethal. A single thunder and lightning is enough to destroy carbon-based life forms. After awakening the fourth holy soul, he has almost never liberated the white tiger's full form, and this is the first time he has completely liberated his spiritual power.

Not only Bai Hu, but even Bai Jue himself underwent some subtle changes. His hair became longer, and thunder hovered around his body, condensing around his body like an invisible armor of thunder.

"Huh..." Bai Jue let out a breath, and the huge and full power amplified his whole body.

He has long used Professor Bai Di's soul resonance method to increase his connection with the holy soul. Of course, he has succeeded in practicing, perhaps not as good as Jian Chan, but after years and three years of hard work, the power of the holy soul has not only not decreased, but has made long-term progress.

It's just that he doesn't like to show his strength very much, and there's no need to show it. It's so much fun to be a salted fish.

But this by no means means that he is a weakling.

On the contrary, Bai Jue is a person who enjoys the fun of fighting very much. He is just too self-disciplined and unwilling to use force to hurt others, but if it is really time to fight, he must be the first reckless person to rush forward.

Those golden eyes stared at the enemy, and she was still waiting for her to make a move.

This calmness made Bai Jue's heart a little cold, but it also made him hotter... He was so strong in the main world that he was lonely, and he didn't say it, but his heart already had the thought of 'who can give me a defeat'.

" don't have to keep your hands this time." Bai Jue licked his lips: "Let's go all out..."

Roar... The white tiger growled in response to his answer.

Bai Jue took a step forward, his figure matched the thunder, and the thunder and the strong wind rose together.

The white tiger raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, and drove the thunder back and forth several times in the sky like a flying bird. After drawing a series of dazzling trajectories in the sky, its speed increased continuously, and finally it climbed to the highest altitude.

At the same time, Bai Jue's figure emerged from the thunder.

He held five fingers together, the thunder and the strong wind merged, the sword qi storm and the thunder of heaven's punishment turned into a cage, trapping first in it.

In the end, the white tiger pierced into the center of the storm like a sharp sword, and the flickering thunder reflected a series of afterimages of the tiger.

The center of the battlefield suddenly collapsed for tens of meters, the lightning was dazzling, and the electricity was urgent in all directions. The uniform cracks spread hundreds of meters away, and the power of the blow was terrifying.

After confirming that the move was successful, Bai Jue waved his hand to disperse the drifting smoke, and only then did he say the name of the move.

"The White Tiger is descending."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shen Lei fell to the ground, and Baizhang was startled.

Bai Jue turned the battle into a frenzy.

There is no need for warm-up exercises, and there is no need for a little bit of preparation, just like fighting, the battle starts from the moment the killing intent is revealed.

In the center of the collapsed and shattered earth, a figure walked out of the dust. The flying dust did not stain the silver-white holy robe in the slightest. The clothes fluttered, and the light but firm light seemed to isolate all harm. She was unafraid. lossless.

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