First raised her right hand, her hand was also covered with white gloves, not showing any skin, and Bai Jue's thunder of punishment remained on her fingertips.

"This is the way you are most proud of attacking. Thunder and lightning are indeed one of the most powerful destructive energy sources in nature, capable of destroying all organic and inorganic substances. However, controlling thunder is also an almost impossible way of fighting. , This kind of lightning does not originate from the natural world, but is similar to the release of spiritual power." She said slowly: "It is different from the principle of heroic spirits, but it is similar to a certain extent."

"The power of idealism is beyond your comprehension." Bai Jue said lightly, "This kind of thing is similar to the spiral force. The louder you roar, the stronger the power. But you, aren't you going to make a move?"

"I'm just experimenting. Your strength didn't exceed my expectation, even much weaker than I expected." First said lightly: "I can wait for you to be tired before doing it, but now... indeed, you can Priority shot."

As she spoke, her voice fell.

In an instant, Bai Jue raised Feixue Sword, the sword swayed thunderously, and the sword slashed down. The brilliance burst out in that instant, and half of the sky in Shenhai City was illuminated brighter than daytime.


"This is a trap." Li Xiuning stared at the indestructible space cage.

"The opponent's goal is not the Shenzhou Empire." Li Shiming also whispered: "Where did he go?"

"It's in the center of the battlefield." Fasalia stared at the other end: "We may have noticed it a little later, and it seems that we have already started."

"Can this barrier be broken?" Liu Xiu looked at Xun Qing.

Xun Qing shook his head silently: "This barrier is not a wall made of pure power, but the crystallization of technological creations. It cuts off and connects different spaces. Unless it has the power to shatter the space itself, it cannot be broken through. it."

Meng Ke's fingertips ooze blood, and a little golden light flows in her blood: "It won't last long, it will last about three days, but three days is indeed too long."

"The people inside can't get out, and the people outside can't get in." Altair stared at the inner space: "But you can see what happened inside, this is a hunt for the store manager..."

"Although I don't think he will lose, we can only wait?" Li Xiuning's tone was very unhappy.

"The seat of God may be possible, but it also requires a great price." Xun Qing said.

"Where's the Son of Heaven Sword?" Liu Xiu asked.

"At the price of the Emperor Sword, maybe it can." Meng Ke fell silent after finishing speaking. The Emperor Sword is the representative of the imperial power, and it can control the dragon veins of Shenzhou. It cannot be used unless the country's survival is critical.

Ten years ago, Li Shiming had already used it once due to the battle of demon survey, but now he used it again, and the consumption of dragon veins was too huge. It is equivalent to a big killer that can only be used once in a hundred years. If it is used, it will not only consume the dragon's veins, but also very likely cause damage to the Son of Heaven sword... This is equivalent to the loss of a god's seat in other countries.

For Bai Jue, they could even risk their lives, but the Tianzi Sword cannot be broken.

"...Let's wait and see." The last one to speak was Liu Xiu. This usually cute girl broke the silence. She held the Emperor Sword: "If it is necessary, the Emperor Sword is not indestructible."

"Xiuxiu..." Li Xiuning frowned worriedly. If she lost the Emperor Sword, Liu Xiu might not be able to be the emperor, and she might even be questioned.

"The sword was passed down from the hands of the first emperor back then. I believe that if she was still alive, she would nod if she traded a sword for his safety." Liu Xiu said, "It's just a sword. If necessary, make another one."

Hearing these words, the expressions of the Heroic Spirits were complicated and unspeakable.

Li Shiming turned her head away, hiding her self-deprecating gaze. She abandoned the throne ten years ago because she did not want to face this kind of dilemma, because she knew that if she was still the emperor, she would definitely not be able to make Liu Xiu's choice. ... She can abandon the sword, but she can't.

It has nothing to do with right or wrong, it's just the difference between whether you can bear it or not.

"There's no need to be pessimistic, he might not lose..." Himiko reassured: "His actual combat power is even stronger than that of God's Seat, this may be just a cover-up of the opponent, used to divide our sight and create a sense of panic. "

"Yes, the store manager is very strong." Altair also did not believe that Bai Jue would lose.

It was also at this moment that the vast sword light lit up, illuminating half of Shen Hai's sky.

Smoke and dust rose, and the sword light was like Ultraman's signal light, giving confidence to the spectators.

But it is also like Ultraman's signal light, and when it starts to flash, it also means that defeat is not far away.

The sword light shattered.

Among the flying smoke and dust, a figure was thrown away.

It was none other than Bai Jue himself.

A stern wound ran from the right shoulder to the left abdomen, dripping with blood, the flesh and blood were distinct, and the bones were visible. The fire of Nirvana was burning on the wound, and the flames regenerated the flesh and blood, but it still couldn't hide the tragic breath. It was as if such a big knife had been cut on his body... He sat up from the ground and wiped the flames from the wound. The blood burned in the flames, making the fire of Nirvana even more blood red.

Bai Jue remained silent. He hadn't been able to figure out exactly how he was cut just now. It seemed vaguely that it was a knife, a pitch-black knife... The knife passed through his sword and hit him. his body.

"Flame, phoenix nirvana... the fire of regeneration." First's voice came from afar: "Being able to regenerate the body countless times before the mental power is exhausted, is this the second ability?"

"It's only the second type." Bai Jue snorted coldly, the phantom of the phoenix emerged, and the phoenix danced for nine days, waving flames as a robe.

"The ability to regenerate is indeed tricky, but it's not impossible to crack." First said lightly; "It's just a competition of strength, but you are still fragile, and you are still in my palm without defense..."

A faint black light and shadow suddenly appeared on her mask, and she held her five fingers in the air.

"The flowers on the other side bloom—"

The dark flowers are in full bloom, and Bai Jue is still in the sea of ​​flowers without knowing when. The red flowers are in full bloom on the ground, one by one fluttering in the wind, and one by one manjusawa... When it blooms, I hear The sound of the knell.

Bai Jue froze all over, and blood gushed out from the wound that hadn't fully recovered, as if the moment the high-pressure water gun was turned on, the blood spurted from the body, and the red blood fell into blood rain, and the manjusawa dotted all over the ground became more vivid the red.

What was drawn away was not only blood, but also a huge life force.

In an instant, Bai Jue was weakened to the extreme, but the fire of Nirvana was burning, and the phoenix crashed into his body, and the fire in his heart kept alive.

If he hadn't endured the horrible and pitiful curse in England, Bai Jue might have knelt down at this moment, because he is more or less used to being weak, so he can still hold on now, not only can he hold on, but he can also fight back !

The breath of the ice field spreads, and the extremely cold winter descends. Fenrir, wrapped in ice and snow, falls to the earth. With its arrival, every breath brings infinite cold, which makes the earth frosty white, everything stops, and life stagnates. .

Even the bright red manjusawa was frozen in the ice, and the flowers that grew from sucking blood could not withstand the breath of the ice wolf. After freezing into ice, they shattered into countless ice crystal dust in the wind and dissipated. .

"The third ability." First said lightly: "Frost cold."

"Fenrir doesn't have a strong offensive ability, but he is a top-notch player in controlling the field. Given enough time, I can even freeze a territory and spread countless deaths..." Bai Jue let out a white breath, his His face was still pale, but he was still calm: "It's just that once this trick is used, there will be no suspense. It's rather shameless, so I try not to use it as much as possible."

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