"Frost is also a good ability, but it's a pity..." First said calmly: "Just now I gave you funeral flowers, now... to give you peace."

As she spoke, her figure suddenly disappeared, disappearing from sight with just one step.

That's not speed.

No amount of speed could escape Bai Jue's dynamic vision.

In an instant, the sight of death enveloped him, maybe it was a subconscious reaction, maybe it was a sixth sense, Bai Jue summoned Chi You without any hesitation, and the bronze armor blocked the fatal beheading.

He clearly felt sparks from a knife blade rubbing against his neck, like an ice cube brushing against his skin, leaving waves of deathly coldness, which almost cut off his head by a tiny bit.

Bai Jue touched the ground, and the frenzied flow of frost washed all around.

The beheading blade only scratched a little bit of his skin before drifting away, nowhere to be found like a ghost.

When First appeared in sight again, she was holding a scythe the same height in her hand, she disappeared out of thin air, beheaded herself out of thin air, and retreated fifty steps away out of thin air. Between breaths, there is no trace of movement.

That is not a movement, nor is it a blindfold, but a shuttle space.

The moment Bai Jue saw the weapon in her hand, he confirmed a fact.

She has power equal to her own.

She also awakens multiple holy souls.


ps1: I'm really confused, I actually passed the player's chapter to the savior... But it will be fine if you modify it, just refresh the chapter, and you won't buy it again.

ps2: Actually, I think it’s okay not to post pictures today, because my practice is enough for sand sculptures...


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The holy soul is actually a derivative of spiritual power, and it cannot be called any special systematic cultivation law.

Bai Di also said that he followed a sideways path, and taught Bai Jue the same way.

There is no systematic development path for this path, because he is the only one who walks this path, relying solely on the power of the soul, it is not some kind of martial arts and magical skills that can be invincible after cultivation, its development is not established , No one can be sure what kind of ability you will awaken next, it may be terrible strong, or it may be weak beyond the scale.

Bai Jue has seen Bai Di's strength before, and his development path is quite different from his own.

Most of the holy souls that have awakened themselves are living creatures, and even have part of their own will.

Bai Di is a means to forge part of the soul into a weapon and use it to the extreme to exert the power of the soul.

In addition, Bai Jue has never seen anyone who can display the power of the soul in such a way. Even Gu Yueqingdeng, who is also the clerk, said bluntly that he could not learn Baidi's desperate fighting style, and euphemistically She has mentioned the fact that Bai Jue is actually quite weak, but she has not vetoed the development path of soul power. No one can be sure how far Bai Jue can go next.

Because of the uncertainty and difficult-to-master nature of soul power, if no one guides it, it is easy to use up the soul power in an instant. This kind of power can be very strong as it grows, but it is essentially a loss of soul .

Think back then, how many times Bai Di blew himself up before he managed to knock on the door.

It is also thanks to the fact that what Bai Jue awakened was the holy soul, not a weapon, otherwise he would not be able to grasp the strength of his power at all, and would easily lead to playing with fire and setting himself on fire.

Having said so much, it is precisely to prove the rarity of this kind of power, unless it is a race that is born with strong soul power, but even if the natural soul power is strong, it does not dare to die too much, and only clerks and saviors who are not afraid of death can Dare to fight the possibility of soul exhaustion again and again to make breakthroughs one after another.

Although Bai Jue's soul power is still growing, it is still far away from the fifth holy soul's awakening. He also knows very well that even if he grows at this speed, it is unlikely that the fifth holy soul will be awakened in the near future.

He also holds the idea of ​​laying the foundation and maintains an optimistic attitude.

It's just that now, he can't be optimistic...

Because the soul power of the first one is almost from the same root, and they are all fighting with the soul power of the envoy. Although the formation of her soul power is different from her own, it is meaningless that it is the power of the same system. It is not a heroic spirit. reason.

First said lightly: "The fourth... It's almost time to reach the limit. The four different soul abilities are indeed growing very fast."

Listening to the other party's words, Bai Jue took a deep breath. He realized that the situation had gone beyond his expectations. They were also masters of soul power, and the other party's abilities were even more treacherous.

On the bright side, there are three types.

The first ability is a sickle. I don’t know what kind of sickle it is. It seems to be able to switch between virtual and real. If I hadn’t put on Chi You’s bronze armor, I would have been beheaded just now. This sickle can penetrate ordinary matter and energy. For example, Feixue sword and other weapons, but they can't penetrate the arms made of soul power, at least there is no need to worry about the defense being useless.

The second ability is the Bianhua, that kind of flower can absorb its own life force, with the fire of nirvana of the phoenix and the breath of frost of Fenrir, so there is no need to be afraid of this ability.

The most difficult thing is the third ability, which is most likely to travel through space, and the cooldown is very short, and it can come and go freely.

The ability related to time and space is the most troublesome among the stand-in messengers, bastard, if she shows another ability related to time, then I don't need to type, just leave the keyboard with both hands.

Bai Jue was already going crazy in his heart, and he wanted to ask where this ability came from, but his expression did not change, and he remained calm. This kind of distraction cannot be tolerated in a battle. You have to win and ask again.

"In terms of the number of holy souls, I still have the advantage..." Bai Jue said lightly, "You have shown three abilities, if there is no fourth and fifth abilities, the scale of victory will still be on my side. "

"You have a lot of abilities, but..."

After First's words fell, her figure disappeared again, and the figure that shuttled like a ghost remained motionless.

In an instant, the sickle waved and the blade was approaching. Bai Jue shook the arm of the bronze giant and danced.

First came from a different direction, and was repelled by Bai Jue's counterattack. While repelling, her figure disappeared, and at the same moment when she disappeared, she adjusted from the posture of flying backwards to the posture of galloping, because with the confrontation The speed of the attack and counterattack of both sides is getting faster and faster. Every attack is also every defense. The attack and defense of both sides lasted for tens of seconds.

Until the moment when the speed increased to the highest, hundreds of silver figures appeared all over the sky almost at the same time. They were obviously not clones, but afterimages, but because they were approaching the extreme, it was impossible to tell the real from the fake.

Bai Jue controlled the four arms of the bronze giant without slowing down at all. Every time the huge body turned and waved, countless smoke and dust were rolled up. It seemed that smoke and dust tornadoes rose again and again on the ground.

When the offensive had reached its limit, Bai Jue pressed his palm on the ground, and his four bronze arms smashed into the ground like drums beating. The shock wave spread for more than a kilometer, and the aftermath shook violently.

There was a momentary gap in the continuous offensive, both for each other.

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