ps2: I finished playing Ancient Sword 3, and suddenly felt empty... There is no game to play, OTZ


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The spiral greatsword swirling in flames.

It was just an ordinary slash, without the aura of burning mountains and boiling seas, nor the power to split mountains and mountains. Compared with the treasures of the heroic spirits, this blow is extremely simple and unpretentious... But Even this ordinary blow is enough to kill the Fire King who is comparable to the gods.

Power is not noble because of its possessor, but in whose hands it exists determines how it is used.

The flame burns the soul and burns humanity.

The sword edge fell, and the space barrier buzzed. The smooth, light-colored barrier seemed to be stuffed into the surface of a bomb, and there were waves of ripples. After a while, it turned into a violent wave, and the barrier trembled crazily. There was an overwhelmed low humming sound, and finally, under the continuous piercing of the blade, the crack expanded, spread immediately, and shattered loudly!

The space was shattered... The moment it was shattered, the silver-white meteorite fragments in the four corners also cracked inch by inch, as if they could not bear the terrifying force and were crushed forcibly. This layer is as firm as a glass cover. The light-colored space barrier that surrounded Shen Hai collapsed rapidly from the four corners, from top to bottom, as if a tower of cards stacked hundreds of layers had collapsed. Eternal memory can not be forgotten.

When the enchantment disappears, the space re-enters the main world, and it no longer has any mystery. Any observation machine can regain the location of Shenhai City, and anyone can freely enter and exit it. can also be observed.

Including the endangered Bai Jue and the unknown woman in the silver robe.

When the space was shattered, a strong vibration and shock wave spread to the surroundings. Even many heroic spirits were fixed in place by this force and could not move. Dotted with the corners of her skirt, the spiral sword rubbed against the ground, leaving a straight path of flames.

She dragged the edge of the sword and swung it under her body, making a semicircular trajectory.

The raging fire scorched the blade, and also drew an arc in the air.

The great spiral sword precisely landed on the place where the silver robe fell. She crossed the space, but the fireproof woman predicted her position in advance. There are already a few scorched black burn marks on the surface.

This is the armor that has resisted the white tiger's thunder, but it has only changed color after being hit by the big sword once.

First frowned: "Who are you..."

"Your enemy." The fire-proof woman closed her eyes, slashed with her sword, and her long skirt swayed with the movement. If the destructive power of the sword and the howling sound were diluted, this scene had a heart-pounding beauty.

Lie Yan (raging flames), great sword and beauty are a perfect match.

The fight between the two sides was both fast and slow, and the speed of the first one was already extremely fast, but the Fireproof Girl didn't want to replace defense with offense like Bai Jue did. , the sword edge is still dancing, and the flames are blooming. No matter how hard First tries, she can't make her take a step back or stop.

It's literally dancing on the tip of a knife.

First realized that the strength of this woman is higher than that of a heroic spirit. This does not seem to be the crushing of strength, but the crushing of combat experience. Her moves are very simple, her footsteps are very solid, and her body does not seem to be strong enough to destroy it with bare hands. Mountains, but she seemed to be able to predict the situation of the battle in advance, she saw every move, and she held such a heavy strange sword, but she struck first.

Her attack is not so strong as to be terrifying, but every blow can indeed cause damage. If she can't dodge in time, it is very likely that one blow will be fatal.

What kind of opponent is this?It seems that he has long been used to fighting against extremely strong opponents.

When the fire-proof girl stepped three steps in front of Bai Jue, her sword dance finally stopped. First realized that this was the last chance. It was filled with intertwined flames, and one hand stretched out, caressing her cheek, as if to uncover her mask.

First's cold and rational heart also trembled for a moment, the fear was quickly suppressed, and she rationally chose to avoid it.

The space distorted again, and she fled quickly, but the fire still left scorched black marks on the two masks, and also shattered part of the mask, revealing half of her temples.

"What a dangerous are very strong." First said calmly: "This is a matter beyond calculation. I didn't expect such a strong man to be hidden in the Shenzhou Empire for such a long time. A savior is still within my scope of response, but adding a combat power of the same level is naturally another matter."

"Well...not many people know, not even Bai, I don't want him to know, I'd rather just be an ordinary fire-proof girl and keep it by my side as a decoration." The fire-proof girl said quietly: "It's just that your existence should be the object of my obliteration."

She slowly opened her pupils, her silver eyes have the ability to see the future.

What is the source of Fireproof Girl's strength?

In fact, it is her pair of pupils, which is the source of her real strength, that is, future vision.

She has a pair of eyes that can see the future. Before she knew the huge price of this power, she had observed countless futures. Branches, and learned and even mastered the ability of the future self, condensing thousands and hundreds of possibilities on the individual self, and finally achieved the invincible fireproof woman who can single-handedly beat the incarnation of the salary king.

It's just that the more unscrupulously peeping into the future, the greater the possibility of her snatching it. In the end, she only saw one future, and that was the coming of the deep sea era... After a while of struggling and thinking, she chose to accept and give up, She peeled off her own pupils, sealed the forbidden power, and then stayed in the Fire Passing Sacrificial Field as a fireproof woman to meet the ashes who were destined to come.

Fireproof girl is not willing to spy on the future, because she has tasted the bitter fruit of spying on the future.

This time, she opened her eyes again and glanced at the future.

Because of this, she left the coffee shop and stepped onto the battlefield... She wanted to kill the first in advance.

Although I don't know what exactly she saw, but I can feel that her killing intent is genuine and icy cold.

The future that Fireproof Girl sees must not be the future from now on, but the future that Bai Jue has never experienced. What he has never experienced, there are only two remaining singularities, one of which is the demon survey ten years ago. battle.

Regarding this war, everything is a mystery. No one can see the whole picture of what happened on the battlefield. Many heroic spirits only know one-sided things, and most of them are unwilling to share the past.

Moreover, from the analysis of the information obtained today, there are too many doubts and doubts.

Wu Zhuanzhu said that ten years ago, he picked up Bai Jue in Yanjing, so why did Bai Jue restore the singularity ten years ago but did not return?

Ten years ago, Bai Jue erected a tombstone in Yanjing. Whose tombstone is that tombstone?

Bai Jue from ten years ago should have been taken away by Heaven and Humanity. What happened after that?

All the mysteries may have been partially seen by the Fireproof Woman, but no one knows how much she has seen, and she will never say it. Telling others about the future is a taboo among taboos, and she must She kept her mouth shut, but the truth behind all this has forced the gentle fire-proof girl onto the battlefield. She had already put down her weapon, and even in the face of Bai Jue's accident and life-and-death crisis, she would never intervene until she sat quietly. On the other side, as a member of the family, guarding Bai Jue's changed life.

But now?

The fire-proof girl stared at First, although her facial features did not change, but her killing intent and hatred were piercing to the bone.

"The battle situation is unfavorable, we must leave."

First has no desire to fight, but now that the space barrier is broken, and the fire-proof woman joins the hunt, she alone has to face hordes of heroic spirits and a combat power that is ostensibly comparable to the savior... What's more, although Bai Jue He was strangled by the throat of his soul by Thanatos, but he was not dead yet, perhaps because his own soul power was too large to kill him in a short time.

If Bai Jue couldn't be killed, once he recovered, his chances of escaping would be close to zero.

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