First didn't hesitate at all, she immediately escaped into the space, and activated the phase transfer array, waiting for the transfer.

As long as she leaves the territory of the Shenzhou Empire, the heroic spirits will not be able to chase her, not to mention, if it's just a heroic spirit, she doesn't need to hide.

The pressure that the Fireproof Girl put on her was too heavy, and Thanatos couldn't lock multiple targets at the same time, and she didn't have the ability to fight multiple heroic spirits... But it was only temporary, she had been asleep for a long time, and her strength Still recovering and thawing.

"The future is long." First said in a low voice.

The light of the phase transfer array lights up.

But at the same moment, the space was shattered again, a sword edge entered into the shattered space, and took her head straight. The attack was so fast and powerful that First didn't react, but the defensive measures saved her. After reading her name, eight layers of overlapping quantum shields lit up on the shattered mask. The silver-white holy robe is also woven from special materials and has a passively activated defense mechanism.

The repeated defensive measures shattered seven layers before the spiral sword edge, but the last layer was not shattered.

First took advantage of the little time he had won to hold the spiral sword in his hand. The hot blade burned her skin. The pain did not change her expression, which was still dull like a machine. Those silver pupils Through the shattered space, staring at the woman behind the blade.

Her mask was shattered again, and under the shattered mask was a cold and expressionless face.

The fire-proof girl stared at this face, she held the sword forward again, and said in a cold voice: "Of course it's you..."

The dialogue did not continue, because the phase transfer array was activated.

In a burst of dazzling light, the silver figure hidden in the space moved to the other side of the earth, making it hard to find.

Only a gust of cold wind was left blowing across the face, unable to blow away the flames on the spiral blade.

Bai Jue's stiff body fell forward and fell into Altair's arms, as if his head had hit a steel plate, and he fainted on the spot... Oh no, it was his soul that was on the verge of its limit and fainted.

The battlefield was in chaos, and the people around were silent until they looked at the fainted Bai Jue and Liu Xiu, chewing the bitterness between their lips and teeth, feeling the helpless sorrow.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Time is like a white horse passing by, passing away in a hurry.

Half a month has passed since the end of the Shenhai War, and the Shenzhou Empire has fallen into the most restless period of vibration in ten years.

The attack brought by First is actually far more far-reaching than that of Shenhai City. Even though she has retreated as the leader, the rebels remaining in the Shenzhou Empire have already brought a lot of losses. In fact, terrorist activities in the Shenzhou Empire Different key cities launched at the same time, the purpose is to constrain the heroic spirits stationed in each military region, making them unable to help each other in a short period of time.

In the end, although the riot was quelled, the loss of the Shenzhou Empire was indeed not small.

Of course, the losses in other cities are nothing compared to Shenhai City. At most dozens of civilians were injured and some buildings were destroyed. After the military region’s combat power was invested, the damage rate was suppressed to a very slight level. .

However, Shenhai City is not the case.

Although it has not been described, the aftermath of the confrontation between Bai Jue and First has not been controlled at all. The battlefield has fixed one-third of Shenhai City, including a part of the downtown area. Can't get in.

According to the basic statistics three days later, the number of casualties affected in the aftermath of the battle has exceeded [-], and the economic losses caused are even greater. Shenhai was originally the external port and economic hub of the Shenzhou Empire, and nearly one-fifth One's damaged area can be said to be extremely heartbreaking.

Fortunately, only one-fifth of it was lost.

In fact, when the battle started, First planned to include the entire Shen Hai as the battlefield, but failed.

For the heroic spirits who experienced the war ten years ago, when it became a battlefield, they no longer considered whether the city could be preserved. They could only hope to protect as many civilians as possible, and now they can leave one fifth of the city. The city of four is already a blessing in misfortune.

It's just... Can the loss really be considered weak?

Liu Xiu's heroic spirit is on the verge of being broken, and I don't know how long it will take to restore it. She is still in a coma and has been sent back to Yanjing. The medical sage Bian Que also hurriedly ended her wanderings, and rushed back to Yanjing three days ago to treat her. heal.

Part of the crack can be vaguely seen on the Tianzi Sword. This has never happened before. No one knows whether it will repair itself, but at least within a hundred years, the sword will not be able to move again.

Similarly, the Clover Cafe in Shenhai City has been closed for half a month and there is no movement.

After the war ended, the two sides completed the handover in a hurry. After Altair expelled everyone from the coffee shop with a strong attitude, he closed all communication channels, so that the heroic spirits outside did not know whether Bai Jue was safe, but since then Judging from the situation surrounded by death, it is far from optimistic.


In the coffee shop, the air is much quieter than before.

There was silence in the cafe with the passage closed.

Altair stared listlessly at the picture on the screen, and was in a daze for the whole afternoon.

The speed of the fire-proof girl weaving the scarf was also much slower than before, did she stop, and the stop lasted for a long time.

Abigail refused to leave Bai Jue's room, and waited for him to wake up, but after half a month, Bai Jue was still asleep, and the death energy lingering around him didn't seem to slow down in the slightest.

Altair's patience was limited, she got up: "I can't wait any longer, I want to go out."

"Where are you going?" the fire prevention woman asked.

"Go find a place to vent, and find a doctor to treat him. The world is very vast, and you can always find some doctors."

"Ordinary doctors are useless." The fire-proof woman shook her head slightly: "As long as Bai stays in the coffee shop, all his injuries will heal, but if he never wakes up, it proves that what he injured was the soul itself, which is not something medical skills can do." The scope of treatment."

"Then find something that replenishes the soul," Altair said.

"...You are too restless."

"I'm not calm, so why are you so calm?" Jun Ji leaned on the table, propped up her body with one hand, and stared at the fireproof woman: "... Or, what have you seen? I haven't seen anything these days. I ask you, but what exactly did you see?"

"He'll be fine..." was all the Fireproof Woman said, but otherwise she remained silent.

This silent attitude made Jun Ji even more annoyed. In the past, she might have turned the table, but now she can control her emotions. If Bai Jue is still awake, he will be responsible for how she messes up , to help clean up the mess, but now that Bai Jue is injured and sleeping, she doesn't want to add to the mess...

What's more, she already knew about the tepid and indisputable temperament of the Fireproof Girl...

She always treats things and people with such softness and weakness, as if everything is not important to her.

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