Altair sighed inwardly, and had no choice but to sit back again.

She really can't leave, otherwise, with Fire Girl and Abigail's temperament, if something happens...

That's what she was thinking.

The Gate of Myriad Worlds suddenly lit up, and the blue runes lit up quickly. After a few rounds of turnover, the blue runes dimmed, replaced by purple lines on the outer layer, which overlapped and turned into purple The branches, buds and thorns, the decorations on the door also changed suddenly, and there was a vast aura from the other end of the door, as if connecting to another completely different world.

Altair stood up again to be vigilant.

She had never seen such a transformation in the Gate of Myriad Realms, and even Bai Jue hadn't mentioned it, maybe he didn't know it himself.

The only way to go to other worlds is to light up different blue runes. What is this purple thorn pattern? Is there such a design?

Although I don't know where the door is connected to, but the coffee shop did not show any danger signals, and its own defense system was not triggered, which proves that it is still within the scope of safety... It is true, only the coffee shop can The Gate of Myriad Worlds can only be connected after the fixed coordinates of the person, that is to say... Is the other party a guest who has been here before?

She stared intently, waiting for the visitor behind the door, hoping that it was not an enemy.

If the coffee shop was served while Bai Jue was asleep, she would have no face to see the store manager.

The purple light rotated several times, and finally settled down. The door that had changed its style was slowly opened, and a white jade-like hand pushed the door open, and the owner of the hand slowly emerged from the light.

Blonde hair, Taoist robe, foreign skirt, purple eyes...

A woman walked out from behind the door, her steps were graceful, but she felt lonely and self-pitying.

The woman like a lady stepped out gracefully, smiled at Altair, then shifted her eyes lightly, and said: "It's connected, as expected, the coordinates have been modified, if you don't find me, the gap demon, without the power of realm, You still can't find out the triple-encrypted coordinates... Sure enough, I can find all the things he hid."

"Don't you feel blushed when you say such things, you monster sage, you know that you are like a voyeur."

Another voice came through the door.

A woman with purple hair and red pupils, a white sweater, and a young girly face but with the tolerance of an older person smiled lightly.

This woman Altair knew, she was the teacher of Bai Di, whom Bai Jue called an unscrupulous clerk, the two had met once, and had more or less contact, although they were not familiar, nor were they friends.

The Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows named Scathach said to Altair: "I came in without knocking on the door, and I am bothering you."

Altair was about to answer, but the third person had already stepped into the coffee shop.

Brunhilde, the silver-haired Valkyrie whom Bai Jue called "terrible and completely sick" walked into the coffee shop. She changed into another outfit, which looked more like a homely beauty. , Added a little quiet temperament to her.

"It's the second time I'm here, but I feel nostalgic." Brunhilde looked at the back left, but she didn't see Bai Jue's figure. She said suspiciously: "Excuse me...but I didn't see Xiao Where's the store manager? Is he resting?"

"The store manager..." Altair said in a low voice, "He was seriously injured and fell asleep."

"Ah, this is really bad." Brunhilde said with a smile: "It seems that we came in time, if I am here alone, I may not be of much help, but since I am Bai's junior, She should be happy to help."

"Her?" Altair looked at Yakumo Zi and Scathach: "You guys, can you heal?"

"The power of the realm does not include healing injuries." Yakumozi opened the folding fan to cover her face: "Bayi...can heal diseases, but she...that's all, it's nothing, anyway, she's not here, so it's useless to say it."

"I do know some common medicinal herb knowledge, but when it comes to advanced parts, I can't do anything about severe injuries. Healing diseases and saving lives is not my strong point, but killing people is what I am good at." Scatha walked a few steps, very quickly. He sat down naturally: "The she that Brunhilde said is not any of us, but another person... She is a little late, but... well, she is coming."

The Gate of Myriad Worlds shook slightly, and the purple light quickly extinguished, like a burnt lamp, and immediately the golden inscription on the innermost layer lit up instantly, turning into a golden glow, as if a hearthstone opened a bag and revealed a legend It kept flashing golden light.

Altair suddenly thought of the scene of Bai Jue's ten consecutive summons, and she immediately thought of whether the three different colored lines of the Gate of Myriad Realms represent the different levels of the summoner's strength,

Gold... probably the strongest level.

A figure came out from the door, with purple hair and purple eyes, white clothes better than snow, plain clothes without a phoenix crown, no gold and jade, no extra pendants, jewels and treasures also looked vulgar, like a beautiful woman who came out of Luoshen Fu. Compared with the beauty of her face, what is more intense is that astonishing aura, which belongs to the immortal aura of a practitioner who does not fall into the mundane world.

If Li Qinglian is just like a fairy, then she is a real banished fairy.

This woman has two names, one is the name that the idiot (Bai Di) gave her, Luan Ziyan; the other is the name she gave herself, Yan.

Clerk Sen Luo has a contemporaneity, Bai Di's contemporaneity, there are three people including him.

Yan is Baidi's contemporaneity and his fiancée.

Her strength is many times stronger than that of Bai Di who has been stagnant for a hundred years. She is also one of the sick girls who forced Bai Di to flee.

But her arrival is not the most important thing, what is important is that there is a golden spider on Yan's shoulder.

The spider's name is Lunzhuan, one of the mythical powers in Senluo, and Baidi's master.

A total of five people came this time, and it was clear who the purpose was for.

"The inner world of the bookmark structure is really exquisite. This is the embryonic form of creating a clerk." Lun Zhuan commented: "Since I intend to pass on the clerk, but I don't want to send him to Senluo..."

"He doesn't seem to be doing well."

Yan looked towards the second floor.

"The soul is severely wounded, and the death energy is entangled."

The spider didn't approach, but just glanced in that direction and explained the reason: "The soul force lost its support, causing the soul itself to become scattered. The dead energy is a residue, and it is also a mental image... The power grows too fast, too much, it should be Bring back Sen Luo and let people suppress his power and throw him into the sinking sea to listen to the waves for thirty years, and help him sort out the flow of mental image and soul force."

"Wait, are you going to take the store manager away?" Altair hurriedly said, "No, he won't agree, he..."

However, no one paid any attention to her.

"...Teacher, we didn't come here for this." Yan withdrew his gaze: "His condition can be serious or not serious. His soul is injured, and he can be saved by giving the Life Soul Pill. The current problem lies in Baidi..."

Lunzhuan was silent for a moment, she thought for a while, and said: "After dealing with Baidi's matter, bring him back to Senluo."

It is true that it is important to bring the wandering clerk back to Senluo, but what is more important is Baidi's safety now.

As Bai Jue's disciple, of course she will take care of her, but not now.

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