"It is true that I owe her a life, and I owe this girl such a big favor, how can I pay it back?" Bai Jue asked, "How is her situation now?"

"I don't know." Altair shook her head, she relieved: "But there should be no life-threatening. As for the theory of heroic spirits, that's not my forte. Although I tried to analyze it, I got only a small part of the data. The Medical Saint will have another solution, is the store manager going to see her?"

"...Forget it for now, I'm afraid the past will cause trouble." Bai Jue shook his head: "And I'm not very comfortable now, my head hurts, and I haven't rested well. Maybe I should find an old forest in the deep mountains to recite scriptures, eat vegetarian food, and cultivate myself for a while. It doesn’t matter whether you cultivate immortality or Buddhism, in short, keep your inner peace... the weakness of the soul will take a long time to heal.”

"Then do you want to go to another world?"

Altair wanted to take Bai Jue to travel early in the morning.

"Let me think about it."

Bai Jue didn't make up his mind for a while, he walked to the back of the counter, took out tools, and started grinding coffee beans, planning to make a cup of apple coffee.

When cooking, he can always maintain a bottleneck mentality. This is not only his hobby, but also a portrayal of his life. A person's life is just basic necessities... Speaking of which, why does he like cooking? When the uncle adopted him, he didn't have such a hobby. He couldn't recall the past before he was ten years old, and many things were so vague that only a few words remained.

"I can't even remember my past, it's really a portrayal of living more and more confused."

Bai Jue laughed at himself.

When he was bored, he turned on his mobile phone, and the group was chatting.

He glanced at it, and then his expression became subtle.

Quincy: Don't say anything, let's light a candle.

Bei Gao: Hey, this kind of thing happened, everyone didn’t want it, I wish him wake up early (candle)

Ling Dao: Why so suddenly?Do you really want to keep a little thought? (candle) (candle) (candle)

Le Luo: This is really unexpected, there is no news for half a month, I am afraid it is true... (candle)

Big Whale: I am willing to trade my shame for ten years for coffee to wake up (candle)

Difficulty traveling: Too disrespectful?ten years?I use the shaman to go to the streets and go to the streets for three rounds to change (candles)

Shaman: This is right!Then I'll drink porridge and be single for [-] years in exchange for him waking up (candle)

Drink porridge: knock you, want to be single, slowly become single!I exchange Ye Yu Ding Ding ten centimeters shorter for (candles)

Ye Yu:? ? ? ... Forget it, I'm [-] centimeters shorter and I still have [-] centimeters, don't be afraid... I'll use Li Jianan's liver explosion for ten years in exchange (candles)

Li Jianan: Do you want me to die suddenly while working overtime?It's hard enough, then I'll pay it back with Le Luo's sex (candle)

Sister Fa: Then I will use Lingdao’s three-year vacation in exchange (candle)

Quincy: It’s okay to go around and come back, then I’ll use Beigao’s women’s clothing photos in exchange (candles)

Beigao: Riding Kun...I exchanged the video of Quincy dancing to the Pure Land of Paradise (candles)

Xiao Wu: Xiao Wu trades his snacks for ten years...three years...one month...a week for (candles)

Bai Jue silently sent a message.

Bai Jue: Very good, I have heard your thoughts, hurry up and deliver the tribute, and do what you say.

There was silence in the shirijiri group for about three seconds, and then...

A row of messages showed that Quincy had withdrawn a message, Beigao had withdrawn a message, Big Whale had withdrawn a message, and so on, and soon the chat history was completely withdrawn.

Sand Sculpture Group Friends: What happened, did we say anything? (+1)

Bai Jue: Re-reading is useless, I took a screenshot.

Bai Jue: Seeing that you guys are having so much fun, you’re even starting to barge, and it’s still a series of bars. I feel like I’m sorry for you sand sculpture friends if I don’t say a word. It’s fine if you don’t care about me at all. I’m still playing here. Hi, why didn't I see you compare butterfly swimming in a cesspit?

Bei Gao: Big Whale, it's your turn to embarrass yourself.

Big Whale: God?... Do I have to be ashamed?Ye Yu, drag Ye Yu up!

Ye Yu: Your friend of Aite's group died suddenly while working overtime, please call after he dies.

Lingdao: I went to eat.

Le Luo: I'm going to eat.

Sister Fa: I'm going to grab a meal.

Difficult to travel: Xiao Wu, let's go!I'll take you to see the goldfish!

Xiao Wu: No, I'm going to see elephants.

Shaman: Porridge, I have something to discuss with you.

Drink porridge: love, don’t watch, don’t listen, don’t have liver activities, save my mother first, have something to do tomorrow, have no money for this one, have an exam next Wednesday, didn’t write homework, don’t know about this question, Lanxiang, keep the university, don’t regret it , I don’t know about Amway, eat yogurt and lick the cover, eat potato chips without licking your fingers, don’t make appointments, the area of ​​your psychological shadow caused by my harm to you at this moment is about 9 square centimeters, and the rest are all ignorant.

Quincy: The event is on.

Li Jianan: I... I'm going to do my hair...

In the blink of an eye, the shirri group was empty.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Bai Jue spent about seven days of peace, and occasionally went out for a walk, but it was not far away, just to meet some friends.

Occasionally, he would talk to Da Jing about his life. Although this whale was engaged, he was still struggling in the Shura field of Jianniang, because Su Yuan'er had already belonged to Yihua Palace, and was no longer Jianniang, but belonged to Da Jing. The flagship of the ship has been replaced by the Zhiyuan, and the scene where the former good sisters eat vegetarian food together looks very comfortable in the eyes of Bai Jue, an outsider.

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