He also went to see Bei Gao occasionally. This guy was really worried because he lost so many kinds of wine. As a reward, Bai Jue told him several special ways of brewing wine. The corresponding formula obtained after the coffee shop was upgraded, as to why there is such a comprehensive knowledge in the coffee shop, this question should be asked to Bai Di.

Bai Jue also went to Jixia twice, the first time was to visit Liu Xiu, but no one noticed that he was nearby, and he also found Bian Que for a chat alone. The medical sage said that he still needs to observe, but the heroic spirit has a long lifespan. Even if she is injured, she can recover in the end. After all, Liu Xiu has not yet reached her peak stage. She is a heroic spirit with the potential to be crowned. If she has the foundation stone, she can even ascend to the throne of God.

The second time I went to Jixia was to meet drinking porridge and shaman, nothing special, just a simple chat,

While chatting with Drinking Porridge, I mentioned that the shaman seems to be a little close to a primary school girl who is a doctor. Bai Jue is more interested. When he heard that the girl was only sixteen years old, a young girl, and a top student specially recruited, the savior immediately became murderous.

Your dignified uncle in his twenties will be immersed in a pig cage if he strikes at a sixteen-year-old JK.

Bai Jue decided to arrange a shaman, and it happened that he met Ye Yu and Li Jianan who came to Jixia for further study, so it would be even better, and the three of them combined to arrange.

Afterwards, Bai Jue took Fireproof Girl, Abigail and Altair to Australia and took a three-day vacation on Quincy's private island. The warm climate with blue sea and blue sky was indeed very suitable for living. to support.

Ling Dao and Sister Fa went to Egypt on a business trip.

Le Luo stared at a jewel of Ramses IX.

They still have their own lives, but they haven't had time to see each other again.

Bai Jue could avoid the spirits. Apart from taking a day off to watch Mary's concert in Berlin, Germany, and being her bodyguard for a day, he didn't have any contact with other spirits.

Including Meng Ke's wooden comb, Bai Jue has not been able to return it yet.

In seven days, Bai Jue's soul gradually recovered, his mental outlook became better and better, and he stopped thinking about troublesome things.

After staying in the main world for a long time, Bai Jue finally remembered that he should go to the collapsed world, Heianjing and Chaldea to have a look. Although he had reported his safety, it was only a letter, and he hadn't gone yet.

This morning, after breakfast, Bai Jue opened the door of the myriad worlds and went to the world of collapse.

This time the shuttle was much more difficult than before, maybe if Bai Jue knew in advance, he might not have pushed the door open.

The moment he passed through the door, a gust of wind rushed towards his face.

He smelled the smoke and the flames of war.

In just over [-] days, it seemed that something was changing in the collapsed world.

His feet were floating in the air, and the moment he left the Gate of Myriad Realms, he began to fall towards the ground, but he did not fall for too long, because a dragon-shaped Honkai beast that was deeply covered with silver passed from his eyes. Flying by, the huge wings trembled, and the air within a few kilometers gradually became scorched, scorching hot, and there were countless blue currents flowing.

Bai Jue is very familiar with it, it is a judgment-level Honkai Beast... Benares, the dragon pet summoned by Xilin, the Herrscher of the Sky, has four cores of flame, ice, thunder, lightning and darkness, so it has four forms , has the ability to manipulate the weather.

He used to kill more than a dozen dragons of this kind in the memory battlefield on average every month.

Having said that, the power of Benares is immeasurably strong for most of the Valkyries, and its appearance here, in a sense, also shows... the resurrection of the Herrscher of the Sky ?

He was still some distance away from the center of the battlefield. He spread his wings of fire behind his back, flicked his wings lightly, and flew towards the center of the battlefield.

The battlefield is above the sky. From a bird's-eye view, the scene here is indeed the third airport of destiny, a ring-shaped steel fortress, and a military fort hovering above the sky...

But now, this military fortress is also occupied by countless Honkai Beasts. In addition, there are still the wreckage of the Iron Titans on the ground.

Honkai Beast and Titan, iron and fire intertwined.

All these scenes made Bai Jue feel very familiar.

Then, he heard a crisp finger snap.

Looking far away, I can see countless holes blooming at the end of the line of sight, and waves of flames and shells light up at the end of the holes, and the torrent of destruction is perfectly displayed under the interpretation of space power.

Under the roar of artillery fire, pieces of steel titans fell down. The crystalline creation of technology seemed so fragile before the absolute mystery. The inclined artillery fire was originally their attack, but now the spear pierced through each other.

Benares circled in the sky, and finally landed behind the figure walking above the atmosphere.

Long silver-white hair, noble and arrogant golden eyes, and the Spear of Adun floating around.

It certainly does not prove that she is no longer the paramecium that she used to be.

Now it reflects another personality on the outside.

"I remembered..." Bai Jue murmured: "The last chapter of the plot I played at that time was... at the end of Chapter 8, the Herrsrscher of the Sky had just appeared, and Rita was about to be installed but not yet. , before Chapter 9 was released."

The scene at that time was indeed like the scene in front of me.

Leiden Mei fell to the ground. Even if she used the power of the third Herrscher, she couldn't fight against the Herrscher of the Sky who possessed multiple gems at the same time, and the following plot... even Bai Jue didn't know what would happen up.

The plot of Chapter 9 hadn’t been released at that time, and we could only get a few words from the official trailer, and from Chapter 8, it seems that it has been hinting that Ji Zi’s end is approaching, and Fu Hua is also very likely to ...

Bai Jue shook his head, all this is still uncertain.

When he was shaking his head, a figure fell from the sky, wearing black and white nun costumes and a heavy cross, it was Teresa.

The battle will continue. Teresa doesn't know how to restore Qiyana, who is the Herrscher of the Sky, and she doesn't understand what old man Otto is thinking, but she has to stop Qiyana here, even if she puts in All Valkyrie combat power.

Bai Jue thought to himself, it's a good thing he arrived here ahead of time, otherwise what would happen later is really unimaginable.

He is confident that he can suppress Herrscher, and then no matter what Ao Tuo wants to do, just drag him out and beat him up.

But at the moment when he was about to leave, a voice came from his ears.

"...Is it really good?" This voice has never been heard before. It is neither a white tiger, nor a phoenix, nor is it a Feixue sword spirit, but a more ethereal voice. It echoed in my ears, and asked in a low voice: " Have you decided to stay here?"

"What do you mean?" Bai Jue didn't understand.

"...This is not the only one, the time you can choose is running out."

After the voice finished speaking, it disappeared.

"It's not the only one, there are others... the same as the collapsed world, etc..." Bai Jue chewed on the meaning of this sentence for a while, and suddenly his back felt cold, if it was what he thought Same, isn't that...

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