Bai Jue immediately turned around and retreated to the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms. Before leaving, he glanced at the Third Airport, which was still fighting, and Teresa and Raiden Mei, who were still fighting fiercely with the Third Herrscher. He hesitated for three seconds, and bit Gritting his teeth, he turned around and returned to the coffee shop. Under Altair's surprised gaze, he opened the passage to Chaldea again, and at the same time, he prayed frantically that it would not come true.

The moment when he shuttled through the gate of the myriad worlds.

What appeared in sight was still Chaldea, but it was no longer a familiar scene.

The bone-chilling air was filled with cracked walls, frozen blood, and the corpses of mercenaries.

The originally quiet and clean Chaldea no longer existed. The facility itself was destroyed, the walls were pierced, the cold air from the outside was poured in, the electricity could not be supplied, and the energy source was cut off.

Bai Jue walked along the corridor towards the depths of darkness.

Everything he saw told him—that he was late—that fact.

Chaldea repelled Gaitia from the crisis of the burning of humanity, passed through seven singularities, and finally penetrated the Temple of Time and protected humanity, but at the same time, it also told others that Chaldea, as humanity, The fact that the guardian exists, if there is a next enemy, it will inevitably disintegrate Chaldea in the first place. As long as Chaldea is eliminated, the last resistance force will no longer exist.

Therefore, if the plot of FGO is to continue, Chaldea itself will inevitably be destroyed. This is a necessary fact and an inevitable way for the development of the plot, but Bai Jue has never realized this.

In other words, he was aware of it, but subconsciously ignored this fact.

After a long period of stagnation, the plot deduction of the collapsed world started to work again.

The plot of the second part of FGO has finally arrived and staged.

Bai Jue also fell into confusion, which side did he choose?

In the collapse of the world, he doesn't know the direction of the plot, and he doesn't know whether the Valkyries will be safe in the end...

As for whether Matthew and Da Vinci are still safe in Chaldea, he is not very clear. Heroic spirits cannot fight without their master...

Bai Jue walked anxiously through Chaldea, and encountered killing hunters on the way. Without any extra words, he raised his hand and held down their heads, burning them into ashes.

Just as he was hastily inquiring about the safety of the remaining personnel in Chaldea.

A sharp prompt sounded.

Bai Jue's fingertips tingled, the sharp glass cut through his palm, and blood dripped, but he clenched his fists tightly, gnashing his teeth, never before being so confused about choices.

[The sixth singularity has appeared, there is no need to delay, the savior please leave immediately]

[Please be careful, this singularity is extremely dangerous, and the foundational value of humanity is EX]


ps1: Although I was thinking about whether to write a light-hearted plot before entering the sixth singularity, but after thinking about it carefully, let’s forget it, I don’t need to deliberately delay the plot, write it earlier, and I will finish it sooner. Easy... This volume can be regarded as a foreshadowing recovery volume in various senses... Ah, blackening blackening~


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Blood dripped down the fingers.

Bai Jue looked at the empty Chaldea, where the traces of dilapidation were broken.

The safety of everyone is unknown, and he really wanted to confirm the safety of everyone, but the alarm bells in his ears rang loudly.

The sixth singularity has been produced.

The existence of an EX-level singularity itself is a symbol of a huge disaster. If you can't rush to the singularity immediately, the center of the fifth heavenly universe may collapse, and not only one or two worlds will be destroyed by then.

Restoring the singularity is his inescapable and inescapable responsibility and obligation. It is something Bai Di entrusted to him, and Bai Jue has never evaded it. He fulfilled his obligation, but this time... his first time Have the urge not to turn back.

Too suddenly, everything came too suddenly.

Chaldea was suddenly destroyed, and the prelude to the Great War of the Collapsing World kicked off, so what about Heian-kyo?

Bai Jue gritted his teeth, he no longer wanted to confirm Ping'an Jing, he didn't even want to take another step, because he was afraid that if he took another look, he would not be able to turn around and look back, even the scene in front of him, he had to look away.

Human beings are short-sighted creatures. They can only see the scene in front of them, but they cannot see the more distant future. Just because the scene in front of them is already hopeless enough, they will even subconsciously forget what is still in the distant place. More cruel things are happening.

You may be the savior, but you can only save one world.

Choose one of three, or even one of four, or one of five, which world would you choose?

If you have to give up the remaining ninety-nine people in order to save one hundred people and one person, can you turn around and leave?

The choice today is much more difficult than the choice between [-] million and [-] million in Kyushu Island, because the people Bai Jue cares about are suffering disasters, and he has to choose one of them.

A sense of powerlessness gradually spread, and confusion and hesitation stung him.

But even so, Bai Jue didn't even have any time to hesitate, not even to think, not even to be sentimental, he had to force himself to make a rational and reasonable choice.

Bai Jue let go of his palm, suppressed all his emotions, turned around seemingly indifferently but with great difficulty, and stepped into the door of the space. He knew that maybe on the extremely ice land thousands of meters away, Matthew, Sherlock Holmes and others are being hunted down by the hunters, but he can't turn his head back. He doesn't dare to gamble, and can't gamble, on how serious the consequences of soft-heartedness at this moment will be.

Because, he is the savior.

"Look, what a high-sounding, what a sad person."

Bai Jue swallowed the bitter words and returned to the coffee shop.

The cold air was pushed back, and the warm air hugged him again, as if all the catastrophes in the outside world did not happen, as long as he stayed here, even if the world was destroyed, he could still maintain a leisurely life, but everything he cherished would be destroyed. no longer exists.

His face was so ugly that Altair realized something.

The floating globe in the coffee shop has completely turned into a scorched earth-like crimson red, and the danger signal continues to spread, and Jun Ji realizes that it may be far worse than the singularity, otherwise the confident store manager How can you be so struggling.

"The store manager..."

"The sixth singularity has been created, and I have to go." Bai Jue said in a low voice: "This time, I'm not sure how long I can come back. The EX-level singularity is a corridor intertwined with cause and effect, and the flow of time cannot be guaranteed to be consistent. , maybe I can come back one day, maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe a year."

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