He lowered his head and looked forward. There were countless wreckages and bones on display on the beach. The wreckage and bones were piled up into mountains, and they were piled up on the shore like that. When the tide ebbed and flowed, blood-red foam spread out, and the blood was stained red. the whole coast.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

The corpses were still intact, and there were seabirds and scavengers hovering in the sky.

This place is like a battlefield that no one cares about. There are mountains of corpses and corpses left in the wilderness. Endless death and sadness are being vented.

Bai Jue was stunned. This was the first time this kind of scenery appeared in the singularity. He even wondered what kind of timeline he had come to. Is it a world war?Or another period?

No, the bones on the ground are not only human beings, but also many strange creatures, all of which have completely different shapes and shapes, but they don't seem to be intelligent life, but more like evil spirits crawling out of purgatory.

Bai Jue was silent for a while, and then he looked around, and it was still a strange land.

"First find a nearby city and find out what happened..." Bai Jue let go of his soul power, and his perception continued to spread, spreading around him like ripples, and a three-dimensional three-dimensional map began to be constructed in his mind. This is indeed an island, and it is not a small island.

Since there are people inhabited and the island is very large, Bai Jue immediately associates it with Kyushu Island, but it is obviously wrong. The race of the corpse on the ground is not the yellow race of the Asian generation, but the standard Caucasian.

"In other words, could I have come near Europe or America?" Bai Jue frowned halfway, he thought for a while, and then looked to the other side not far away, where fire and smoke could be vaguely seen.

On the way, he saw broken road signs and well-built roads, which made his heart a little heavier. These are the creations of modern civilization. Human society is constantly improving on the premise of the development of civilization. Modern military The strength must be stronger than the ancient military strength, but even so, there will still be such a tragic scene, which makes Bai Jue unimaginable and at the same time speeds up his pace.


Ireland, Dublin.

The full name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its territory consists of the two major islands of the British Isles and the Isle of Ireland, and Dublin is the political and cultural center of the Republic of Ireland.

It is located at the mouth of the River Liffey, very close to the center of the East Island of Ireland.

This is a cultural capital. In the [-]th century, it was the second largest city in the UK after London. There are universities, science and technology museums, art galleries, etc. all over the place. The academic atmosphere is strong. There are hundreds of years of buildings here. Everywhere you look, it has the oldest library in Europe and is world famous for brewing stout.

The many prefixes make Dublin famous all over the world.


When the flames of war ignite, whether it is the ancient capital of a century or the capital of a thousand years, the creations of all civilizations are incomparably equal, and its value actually seems so insignificant in front of the real killer.

The battle line outside Dublin is very long, and there are no ancient fortresses in the modern facilities. Such facilities cannot achieve sufficient protection in modern military equipment, but if there is a thick city wall here, it will be enough to defend against the tide The monsters that come in like.

Someone stood in front of the ancient building and looked forward. Hundreds of years ago, the building under his feet was a fortress used to guard against the barbarians. Over the centuries, it has become a tourist attraction, and today it has to take on the responsibility again. The duty of guarding the homeland.

Perhaps tomorrow morning, it too will collapse and be destroyed.

Gao Wen stood silently in front of the silent sculpture of the scholar. Looking at the twilight scene, she was emotional but speechless, because the sense of absurdity and unreal emptiness in her heart had been running through the past few days.

It was only three days since the war started.

In three days, the island of Ireland has been completely occupied.

Judging from the mighty national strength of the UK, it is unimaginable, but it is also a fact.

The brutal truth that cannot be explained away.

Even if the military power invested in the unit of apostles is not enough to face the mountains and seas of enemies, there are too many of them, tens of thousands, and the huge hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts charge regardless of casualties. The numerical superiority and violence crushed the front and destroyed all fortifications.

The so-called tactics are not effective at all, because they have no fear of life and death.

Even if they were lured into a tactical trap and annihilated tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands in one go, it only slowed down the offensive and bought a little breathing time for their own side, so it was barely delayed for three days.

Yes... procrastination.

Gao Wen chewed the slightly bitter vocabulary, and the shadow continued to lengthen against the background of the setting sun.

While procrastinating, retreat and gather the civilians as much as possible, so as not to hurt the people, the land should be given up.

It was also thanks to the fact that these monsters would not attack during the daytime, which reduced the casualties of the people to a convincing enough level, but once it was night, their number was endless, as if they could not be killed no matter how hard they were killed.

For the past three days, Gao Wen didn't know how she spent every night. In the long defense battle that dyed the coastline blood red, after paying the price of countless blood, she finally retreated to Dublin.

The people in Ireland must be transported to the British islands through the St. George Strait, because the island of Ireland can no longer be defended. By the beginning of the war, two British spirits had died in battle, and two heroic spirits had fallen in three days.

Fortunately, there is the King of Lan, who guards the city of London, and can guarantee that half of the British islands will not be captured. Draw a center line from Manchester to Hull and resist with all their strength. Only then can they barely hug Britain. A third of the land will not be lost.

Taking advantage of the time when the battle line was being built, the knights of the round table had the spare power to rush to the aid of the island of Ireland.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is rushing to help, because Gao Wen is the only heroic spirit who has arrived in Ireland. As for why Gao Wen came...of course it is not because she is strong, but precisely because she is weak.

Gao Wen has not been a member of the Knights of the Round Table for a long time. She is now only a third-tier heroic spirit, and she is still a long way from the peak heroic spirit. Although the Lion King accepted her allegiance, he did not use her as a positive combat power. Because she is really not strong enough.

The special reason of the heroic spirit made her maintain her peak combat effectiveness only during the day, but these monsters all launched their attacks at night, making her appear dispensable on the frontal battlefield, so the Lion King sent her to Ireland, Order her to do her best to ensure the safety of civilians.

Gao Wen knew the deep meaning of the king, it was to prevent herself from going to the frontal battlefield to die, and also to prevent herself from being reduced to a foil... But in fact, this was the first time since she was reincarnated that she saw the cruelty of the battlefield with her own eyes. Ireland is not as good as Britain The battle lines on the island were fierce, but there were still a large number of soldiers killed, and countless people could no longer open their eyes.

Whenever night falls, Gao Wen feels that the blood of the heroic spirits in her whole body is in a downturn. She hates why she is weak, and she very strongly hopes for an earlier sunrise, even though she knows that no matter how much she prays, she will not be able to change the established facts.

Because she is powerless, unable to guard a territory like the Lion King, because she is not strong enough, because she is weak, so people continue to die in front of her eyes, and she can only watch helplessly.

Gao Wen withdrew her gaze from the tall scholar sculpture, and the sunset in the sky was about to take back its last ray of light.

As the sun sets, the light begins to dissipate from the end of the line of sight, and the sun finally sinks to the end of the horizon.

She heard the sound of the earth shaking.

She felt that death was approaching.

She felt that the restless blood of the heroic spirit was gradually cooling down, and the extraordinary power belonging to the heroic spirit dropped to the freezing point again.

She gritted her teeth silently, turned and stared at the city gate.

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