Even though warships were used to continuously transport civilians day and night, tens of thousands of people still stopped at the port of Dublin.

And tonight is the last night of staying in Dublin. Gao Wen realized that this place can no longer be defended. The huge march of hungry ghosts will level everything in front of them and kill and eat all life.

Even if she stayed, it would be pointless, but...she had to buy enough time for the civilians to leave.

Therefore, she must stay.

This is not a will to die, but a reservedness as a knight.

She held the hilt of the sword, listened to the report from her ear, raised her arm and swung it down lightly, dozens of flares were released from the sky, lighting up the battlefield as if it were day, and then...she saw the locust-like Transit landscape.

A gust of wind blew past, raising pitch-black hideous heads all over the place.

Hungry ghosts gnawed on the earth, and when the morning light fell, springs gushed out.

Gao Wen's breathing slowed by half a beat, the number was more than she imagined... [-]?two hundred thousand?half a million?

Counting them one by one makes me feel too stupid, the numbers are meaningless, and these monsters are simply inexhaustible locusts.

Maybe he will die... Gao Wen thought so.

She closed her eyes and whispered a word that no one could hear.

Immediately, the girl drew out her sword and gave an order coldly.

"Light the cannon fire and leave no one behind."


ps1: I don't know how much this volume will be written, but I must fill in all the foreshadowing. There are actually a lot of content scheduled to be written. It's a pity that my big bookshelf is not in place yet, otherwise I should add more.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The roar sounded, and the smoke of the battlefield spread.

Tens of thousands of mines were laid within a radius of ten kilometers outside Dublin City. Those monsters did not know how to back down, so trap tactics were effective, and scorched earth tactics could effectively reduce their numbers and slow down their offensive.

Fragment mines, steel ball mines, and steel fragments can effectively destroy the monster's body when it penetrates into the monster's body.

The individual strength of the hungry ghosts is not strong. Most of the pawns who charge into the battle are pure ghosts. A human soldier can easily fight against two, and a heroic spirit can fight against ten thousand. However, the two sides are not proportional in number. Human soldiers The number has decreased a lot in modern times, because modern battlefields are more and more inclined to long-range offensives, rather than relying on soldiers to charge forward.

Therefore, Gao Wen's way of taking advantage of the long-range advantage is correct, using scorched earth tactics, incendiary bombs, broadsword landmines, machine gun bunkers, and all available means are poured into it, and as many as they come, they will inevitably die.

The combat method of bullets and bullets has never been a joke. During World War I and World War II, millions of ammunition were fired every day on the most tragic battlefields. Tactics have always been carried out without interruption, and bombings lasting several days are not uncommon.

The use of thermal weapons on the battlefield has already proved its tragic nature in the First World War, so that there are still a large number of weapons that cannot be used in international conventions, and these weapons are all lifted on the battlefield today.

As for the issue of weapon consumption, no one cares about it at all nowadays, and war materials have been moved into the battlefield since they were taken out.

The transport ships leading to the main island of Britain have been going back and forth within these three days. While transporting civilians, they are also continuously replenishing huge military supplies. Although it is said that wars are all about the economy, once they are militaristic, they will collapse first. On the contrary, it is the internal economy of the country, and the dissatisfaction of the people will erupt immediately, but it is out of control now.

At the moment when the Lion King's war order was issued, all the factories were converted into militarized processing, and all resources were invested to support this survival war that must not be lost, because the whole country would be buried with them if they lost.

Gao Wen looked at the land ten kilometers ahead. This is the last line of defense, and it can last as long as it can.

Undoubtedly, under such a huge pouring of firepower, the offensive of the hungry ghosts slowed down.

But it's just slowing down...

They are still approaching, slowly advancing at a distance of one or two meters, even death can't stop these hungry ghosts' desire to kill.

"The next step is the war of attrition..." Gao Wen stood at the forefront and commanded, her voice was calm, and the order was clear: "The incendiary bombs can't be stopped, scorched earth tactics, don't let them break through the defense line too early, civilians The transport and evacuation is still going on, and the frigates are docked at the port, and when they advance to the last five kilometers, they call for long-range artillery fire support from warships at any time."

Putting down the radio, she sighed under her breath: "It's savage."

A purely savage war has no honor or tactics, just killing and being killed. Since it is a war of survival, the two sides have no choice from the beginning, either to be destroyed by the other side, or to destroy the other side.

She is not timid, but she doesn't like this kind of battlefield very much. The smell of blood and gunpowder smoke makes her feel inexplicably stinging, and what follows... is hatred and killing intent. It's a pity that she is too weak to fight alone If she could, she would have rushed in a long time ago. Why stand here and watch the cannon fire fill the sky, and the flowers of red flames bloom and then wither.

The night is still long.

Three hours passed, and the huge number of evil spirits continued to decrease under the rain of bullets. Their corpses were piled up with ammunition holes, smeared on the ground, and then burned or shattered by the falling artillery fire again. , Going to the center of the battlefield to take a look, I don’t even know where so many corpses and so much mass went.

Although the number of hungry ghosts has been reduced, there is still no end in sight, and the battle line has been pushed to the last five kilometers. At this time, there are still nine hours before dawn... no, maybe longer, because it is winter.

It was late at night, and the cold wind was blowing.

Gao Wen's body is not cold, she has the blood of a heroic spirit, what is cold is her heart.

She wrapped her military coat lightly, breathed out white mist, and immediately there was a piercing warning sound from the radio.

"—Your Excellency the Knight, swallowing ghosts appear in the distance, there are thirteen ghosts in total!"

After the voice fell, Gao Wen looked into the distance. Under the light of the lamp, the huge creatures were getting closer. They were about fifteen meters tall. Standing there, they were as tall as several floors, with heavy steps and bloated bodies. The head is small, with a single eye, and the abdomen is a bloody mouth, covered with all kinds of fangs, like the best meat grinder, which can bite a car into pieces with one bite.

Ghost swallowing called them because this monster once swallowed three armored vehicles and a tank alive in front of countless soldiers.

If the superiority of the hungry ghosts put heavy pressure on the defense, then the existence of swallowing ghosts was a sharp battering hammer, a decisive battlefield killer, more terrifying than any heavy weapon.

This kind of monster can't even be shot by a tiger tank. Even if its body is incomplete, it will devour the surrounding evil spirits to replenish its body, and it can even devour the dead bodies of its own kind to make itself bigger.

Its destructive power to the azimuth front is amazing. Bullets cannot penetrate its skin, and incendiary bombs are also ineffective. Only the shelling of tanks can penetrate its tempered skin and muscles, and the continuous bombing of cruise missiles can kill it. .

But there is no air force here, and the air force has been withdrawn. The greatest vitality that can be summoned is the artillery fire of cruisers, but the power of long-range artillery fire is not enough, and no related enhancements have been made. In modern military, the navy is mostly used to fight against naval battles. It's not an attack on the shore, because the navy's air defense capability is too poor, and fighting near the coast, not to mention whether there is a target for you, even if there is, the air force will rub it on the bottom of the sea.

Therefore, frigates and cruisers are not equipped with large-caliber naval guns, and their attack power on the shore is insufficient. Fire support is the limit, but it may not be able to kill ghosts.

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