Fortunately... there are Heroic Spirits here.

Gao Wen held the knight's sword, and she said: "Give me the swallowing ghosts, and you call the fleet for long-range bombardment, so as to isolate them three kilometers away."

As the highest-level combat unit, the strength of the heroic spirit also has an absolute influence on the battle situation. The flexibility of individual combat units is extremely high. She can kill the hungry ghosts and come back, so she decided to do it herself. Kill and swallow ghosts.

Of course, there are dangers. After all, it is night, and Gao Wen's heroic spirit has been greatly suppressed.

She doesn't have much power to exert, even because she can't feel the sunlight, so the treasure can't be released. Facing the thirteen swallow ghosts, the pressure is naturally huge, but... let the swallow ghosts pass, and the people in Dublin will have nothing to do. Survive, once the defense line breaks through, the result is self-evident.

Gao Wen held the hilt of the sword, her figure disappeared into the night wind, muttering something in a low voice.

The powerful heroic spirits also have the fragility of mortals in the face of daunting challenges.

Time continued to pass, the soldiers staying in the position continued to tilt their artillery fire, and what happened at the other end of the front line, they could only see a very rare part, but the number of swallowing ghosts was decreasing.

From the beginning of thirteen heads gradually reduced to nine, seven, and now the last five.

But these five swallowing ghosts have been concentrated in one place.

The action of swallowing ghosts is extremely slow. Because of its huge tonnage, it is difficult to coordinate on the battlefield, so they will be separated. If they are all concentrated, they will be an excellent target for the heroic treasure... If they are separated, they will Can be broken individually.

For any heroic spirit, it is not a difficult opponent, but for Gao Wen today, the five-headed ghosts are gathered together, and she cannot release the treasure to wipe them out in one fell swoop. The danger of hand-to-hand combat is too high.

But she only paused for a moment, pulled out the blade from Tungui's head, and started charging again. The blade drew a straight line on the ground, and the hungry ghosts around who tried to stop her from sneaking were all in the light of the sword. Centralized into broken limbs.

No hesitation, or... no time for hesitation.

The body makes decisions one step faster than the mind.

The soldiers thought that the blond girl in the middle of the battlefield was worthy of the title of a heroic spirit riding a thousand horses, but they didn't know that she couldn't wake up the sleeping heroic spirit at all.

The cooled blood of the heroic spirit is slowly flowing, and she cannot activate her own heroic spirit, so what is working now is just a body that has been tempered and honed. Without the support of superhuman strength, it is not worthy of the name to be called a heroic spirit.

The strength she displays is the result of countless workouts.

Staring at the five swallowing ghosts, she slashed at them with a sword.

Jianguang pierced through the three swallowing ghosts from the center of their abdomen. Their mouths, which seemed to be the most terrifying and ferocious, were actually their biggest weakness. The sharp teeth cut through Gao Wen's arm, but she didn't stop , pointing his toes to the ground, his figure crossed a zigzag trajectory, and the sword light slashed towards the last two swallowing ghosts. The bulky monster couldn't avoid this sword at all.

However... the blade was stopped.

There was a red light in the corner of her vision, and Gao Wen lowered her head subconsciously. Something brushed past her forehead, and she felt a scorching pain. There was a roaring sound from behind, like a bell. The sound was deafening, then she raised her head, looked at the other end of her sword, and saw a pair of blood-red eyes.

It was a species that had never been seen before.

Red-skinned, about [-] meters tall, covered in lava-like armor, with a curved exoskeleton on his forehead, blood-red pupils, and a red bone knife in his hand...

Although she didn't know what it was, Gao Wen inexplicably understood that maybe it was the general.

Just as there is a wolf king in a wolf pack, there is naturally the strongest leader in a huge species group.

The red hungry ghost.

Gao Wen grasped the edge of the sword, she thought to herself, if she could kill it, maybe the crisis tonight would be over.

It took less than a second of thinking time from the instant formation of the beheading tactic to its execution.

Gao Wen swung the blade, and the knight's long sword rubbed against the bone knife, bursting out red sparks, and at the same time slashed at the chest and abdomen of the red ghost in rotation.

But the other party lightly shook the bone knife in his hand as if teasing, and at the same time it flicked away the knight's sword, it slowly swung down the knife.

Gao Wen was about to raise her sword to defend, but she saw the red light on the bone knife, and she took a step sideways to avoid it.

The bone knife fell, and a fire rose from the ground.

The fire spread, and the energy and aftermath of an instant excavated the ground in all directions.

It's just a knife... This power is no less than that of a peak heroic spirit.

Gao Wen immediately judged the power gap between the two sides.

Can't win... definitely can't win.

Although there is no shortage of Amway in this world who can defeat the strong with the weak, but that is when the time, place and people are in harmony and the gap in strength is not big. Peak Heroic Spirit.

This difficulty is comparable to that of an Ex-Machina analyzing machine desperately looking for a Flügel.

This analogy may be uncomfortable, but it is true.

The only possibility is to escape, but if she escapes, Dublin will definitely not be able to watch the dawn, and there are still more than [-] people in Dublin.

The lives of more than [-] people depend on one thought.

The answer was already clear. Gao Wen held the knight sword tightly. She was not even allowed to escape, so she could only buy as much time as possible.

"For a knight, death is worthy..."

Gao Wen grasped the edge of the sword, and she had already positioned this place for her death.

What followed was just a desperate struggle.

time flies.

The fight ended after thirty minutes.

Heroic spirits who cannot awaken the principles of heroic spirits are as fragile as mortals. They cannot recover from injuries, their physical strength will continue to be consumed, pain will affect their combat effectiveness, blood will gradually lose their body temperature, and their bodies also have fatal wounds.

Gao Wen realized that she would fail, but regretted that she lost too quickly.

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