She raised her eyes with difficulty, losing even the strength to stand up again.

The ground under his feet turned into scorched earth.

At the end of the line of sight is the angry red ghost, its left eye is bleeding, growling something in a low voice.

Is that expression angry?It's so strange, it's obviously a monster, but it's still bleeding red...

At the cost of being covered in scars, he exchanged one of his eyes, is it considered a profit?who knows...

It's a pity that it wasn't a period of complete victory, otherwise it would have been absolutely beheaded at that moment just now, and even half of its life would have been replaced...

Well, the blood loss is a bit serious... My body is so cold... I can't hold the sword anymore... I'm not reconciled... If I were stronger, I would definitely be able to hold this place, and I would definitely live up to the king's entrustment... …

Her eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and they are even about to fall.

The red ghost held up the bone knife, and it seemed that he was about to cut off her head.

Everything is frozen in this moment.

Moments of life and death.

The cycle of cause and effect.

The girl didn't know that her life, which was supposed to end here, had opened a new page.

That page is painted with a white background.

In her gradually blurred consciousness, she heard Shen Lei fall to the ground, and saw a scene in her sight.

The red ghost's arm snapped off, and its blood sprayed high.

Immediately, its back stretched very long, as if it had fled, and fled in a panic...

Then, she couldn't hold it anymore, and her body fell forward, but what greeted her was not the cold ground, but a warm embrace, which reminded her of the quilt after the sun had finished drying, the warmth wrapped her cold body and her exhausted body. the spirit of.

Vaguely, she opened her eyes and saw a strange mask.

" are..." Her voice was very dry.

"Have a good sleep, after you wake up... you will be home." The voice said, "Good night, Gao Wen..."

Gao Wen quietly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Bai Jue caressed the girl's blond hair, her long hair smelled like sunshine, if it wasn't for the blond hair that left him with such a deep memory, maybe he wouldn't be able to recognize her at a glance among the thousands of troops Come... luckily he remembered.

Bai Jue stood in the flames and looked around. When he saw the still young Gao Wen, he realized what era he was in. This tragic battlefield was rarely mentioned, but it did exist.

"In the world ten years ago, the Battle of the Six Paths Demon Survey, as the sixth singularity, is not surprising at all... What should come will eventually come."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The other side of the battlefield is about to fail.

The artillery support is limited. Within ten minutes of Gao Wen trying her best to intercept the opponent's red ghost, the remaining two devouring ghosts have moved to the forefront of the front line, relying on their strong defense and high blood volume, plus devouring hungry ghosts to recover The ability of life value can advance the front line by more than one kilometer in just ten minutes, and once the defense line is broken, it is only a matter of time before the front line collapses.

The psychological pressure on the soldiers is already extremely heavy, and the last mile is the real battlefield of life and death.

They no longer have stronger vitality, and the number of hungry ghosts is still too large to count.

At this time, there are still several hours before dawn, and Gao Wen, the first commander on the front line, has disappeared, and may have died in battle... All this left a very painful blow to the hearts of the soldiers. There is no way to win the war, and my heart is already desperate, so I can only stick to the post and stick to the last period of time.

Not a single deserter appeared among them, even though they knew that victory was nowhere in sight.

On the front line, the female non-commissioned officer whose military rank is second only to Gao Wen's face is like water. She is not a member of the Knights of the Round Table, but she has known Gao Wen for a long time. There's only one, and she's probably already...

The lady officer gritted her teeth and picked up the radio. Seeing that the front line on the radar was about to be broken to the last kilometer, she decided to issue an order, an order to fight to the death.

She picked up the microphone and was about to speak.

But before the words fell, the microphone in his hand was pressed down.

"Don't rush to post an obituary, the person is still alive."

A voice came from her ears, the lady officer subconsciously pulled out the gun at her waist and pointed it at the comer, but her hand was empty, and her eyes blurred, the gun had been taken away at some time, and in front of her was a white man wearing a mask. The man with golden hair was full of majesty in those golden eyes, which made her feel like being watched by a tiger, and her whole body trembled subconsciously.

But then, the lady officer noticed the woman in his arms.

"Gao Wen... sir." The lady officer exclaimed.

"She had a fight with a red ghost. She lost a lot of blood and was about to go into shock. Treat her," Bai Jue said calmly.

"Alive..." The lady officer came back to her senses, and she nodded hurriedly: "There is a military hospital behind the battle line, and there is a medical warehouse inside. Please put her in the medical warehouse quickly, and then entrust her to the transport ship to send her to the hospital." Return home for treatment."

"...Aren't you going?" Bai Jue asked.

"The battle line is about to collapse." The lady officer looked down at the display screen. The red battle line was approaching the last kilometer, and the huge tide-like evil spirits were about to crush this fragile paper-like defense line. She pursed her lips, and immediately He saluted Bai Jue, his facial features without any makeup, his expression was like steel: "I must stick to this place, this is my responsibility as a commander... Thank you for rescuing Sir Gao Wen, she is an important battle for our side. Power! Saving the life of a heroic spirit is far more important than us soldiers!"

Bai Jue was silent.

These soldiers without extraordinary strength also have the courage to die generously, how could they escape?

He wanted to evacuate all the soldiers on the front line, but even if he said so, no one would agree.

Moreover, in the face of such a huge number of hungry ghosts, even he could not be able to guard a city for a long time by himself, and it would be too wasteful. It can be done, but it is not necessary.

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