"Please, Your Excellency." The lady officer urged again.

At this time, the telegraph sounded and the announcement came from the radio.

"Notice! All the civilians have been transported away! All the people have been evacuated safely! The retreat order can be issued in front of the front line! The transport ship is docking at the port of Dublin, please be sure to arrive within [-] minutes!"

After the words fell, a huge stone fell from the lady officer's heart.

I thought it was necessary to maintain the transportation overnight, but it was completed so quickly. I am afraid that I gave up a lot of supplies in advance to escape.

"Understood, we..." Madam Officer was about to say just now.

But the scarlet alarm came on, the battle line was broken through again, and the last kilometer was at hand!

She hastily turned around and looked at the battle line through the binoculars. Under the illuminated lights, the dark mass of hungry ghosts was already very close to the end of the battle line, and they were crushing over in a destructive manner, as if they were going to eat up the earth. do.

She could feel the ground shaking, and every step of the huge ghost swallowers fell, the building trembled for a few minutes.

The lady officer sighed in her heart, she knew she couldn't go... the straight-line distance from the port of Dublin was [-] kilometers, even if all the equipment and materials were left behind, it would take at least a few minutes to prepare for an immediate evacuation, and at least [-] minutes to reach the port Left and right, and as long as the fire ceases, the front line will be crushed and destroyed immediately, and they have no time to escape.


Before the lady officer could finish speaking, the radio in her hand was snatched away.

Bai Jue pressed the call button on the radio and said in a calm voice, "We will definitely arrive within thirty minutes."

"Understood." The other end said and hung up the communication.

The lady officer felt that this person was unreasonable, and she shouted: "You, what are you talking about? It is impossible for us to escape. Once the artillery fire stops, the front line will be destroyed immediately. There is no time to escape!"

"So, just stay here and fight to the death?" Bai Jue asked back.

"Otherwise, what else can I do?" The lady officer bit her lip: "You think I want to die? Do you want to bring your comrades to die together?"

Bai Jue said indifferently: "You feel that there is no time to escape, just because no one can stop those hungry ghosts, so what if I can stop them?"

"Are you kidding me?" The lady officer frowned and said, "You think you are the lion king?"

Bai Jue asked again and again, "What if I can?"

The lady officer was silent, she took a deep breath: "Can you really stop them?"

"How long do you need?" Bai Jue asked calmly.

"Ten minutes, ten minutes is enough." The lady officer said, "Ten minutes is enough for us to get rid of them."

After saying this, she herself felt extremely absurd, how could anyone stop this army of hungry ghosts for ten minutes?

But when she looked down and saw Gao Wen's peaceful sleeping face, she suddenly felt that it might not be unbelievable. Anyway, staying here... is death, so it's better to take a gamble.

"Ten minutes is too short, maybe thirty minutes..." Bai Jue said lightly, his attitude and tone were like haggling at a vegetable market, 'How much is a catty of leeks?What?One piece eight?Go grab it!One piece five, no more! '.

But this is not a vegetable market, and those hungry ghosts are not waiting for Karma's leeks!

The lady officer just thought it was extremely ridiculous, and when she came to her senses, she had already taken Gao Wen.

Bai Jue handed the sleepy blond girl into the arms of the lady officer, and ordered: "By the way, take her to the hospital...don't let her die."

"I know, I know..." The lady officer nodded dumbly, she didn't understand how she would believe it, how she would agree...

"I'll send out a signal later, evacuate immediately if you see it, don't look back, understand?" Bai Jue finally warned: "You only have [-] minutes, I have something to do, it is impossible to delay too long."

He spoke in the tone of a busy man, stepped on the railing with his toes, flew into the night sky like a frightened bird, and galloped across the sky like lightning.

The next moment, Bai Jue landed on top of the two swallowing ghosts in the center of the front that was about to be destroyed.

Then, he stomped them into powder.

The literal meaning is powder, the thunderbolt penetrated the defensive shell that swallowed the ghost, and the huge thunderbolt pillar completely carbonized their structure, and the fragile carbide was black, and it was smashed into dust under a little hard trampling.

He fell to the ground, and Thunder's power was unleashed.

Bai Jue put his hands in his pockets, his eyes were full of calm contempt, the ferocious hungry ghosts were not even living things in his eyes, this kind of uncivilized beast would not struggle even if it was destroyed... the killing of them is even Not killing, just cleaning.

"Fenrir...raise the ice wall." Bai Jue ordered.

There is a breezy night in Ireland in winter, but there is never a moment when it is colder than it is now.

An ice wall curtain up to tens of meters rises from the ground and surrounds Dublin in a circular shape, turning it into a solid barrier to isolate the hungry ghosts. Some of them try to approach, but the hungry ghosts who are close to the ice wall have no time to stretch out The paw scratched the wall, and it was frozen into ice by the terrible cold.

Bai Jue was lifted from the ground to the highest place in an instant. He stood on the top of the ice wall, his back was hazy in the white mist under the bright moon.

The field of frost is a forbidden area for life.

Fenrir's ability can be called omnipotent, and it is the strongest wide-area function. As long as the opponent is not strong enough to ignore absolute zero, under Fenrir's frosty breath, you can come...as much as you want.

The ice trails spread, and with every breath of the ice wolf, the battlefield filled with countless corpses and filled with gunpowder smoke was covered with a layer of frost. This layer of white ruthlessly eroded everything, swallowed everything, and drowned everything in the snow under.

No one could see this scene. Since the ice wall rose, all the soldiers were stunned.

The lady officer reacted quickly. She thought this was the signal given by Bai Jue, and immediately summoned the soldiers to gather at Dublin port for evacuation.

In the process called evacuation, which was actually fleeing, the lady officer carried the fainted Gao Wen on her back. She was silent, listening to the voices of the soldiers talking and the happy smiles from the rest of her life, her mouth Can't help feeling bitter... No one else will know who saved them, and they don't even know that the benefactor who saved them is at the forefront of the battle line!

Even if he has a way to stop so many troops, is there still a way for him to escape?Once the warships withdraw, the entire island of Ireland will be the domain of hungry ghosts!How can he leave?Maybe...he didn't intend to come back at all.

Thinking of this, Madam Officer, she exalted Bai Jue's great self-sacrifice in her heart, and felt even more distressed in her heart in an instant. Amidst the laughter of others, her tears fell and wet the girl's blond hair on her back.

And Bai Jue, who was sitting on the top of the ice wall, just silently... yawned.

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