"The empress is really boring..."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sky will be bright, and the evacuated fleet will soon land on the British Isle.

Because of the different destinations, the fleet is divided into two groups. The transport ships transporting civilians go directly to the nearest port, while the warships transporting soldiers go to the port closest to London. As a heroic spirit, Gao Wen must go to the safest port Taking a break in the rear, I sailed around the British Isles.

Even the sea is full of troops.

Although Hungry Ghost Road has not yet demonstrated the ability to cross the sea, once the number increases sharply, anything may happen.

Gao Wen, who was in a coma, also woke up after the blood transfusion. She was still very weak, but no matter how weak the heroic spirit was, she was stronger than ordinary soldiers. Shaking, she realized that she was already on a ship?

But...how did you come back?

She clutched her head, temporarily unable to recall what happened before she fell into a coma, and only saw a blurred figure in her hazy vision.

"Sir Gao Wen, are you awake?" The lady officer heard the movement of the medical cabin, opened the door and walked into the cabin.

"You..." Gao Wen looked at her subordinates, she was surprised: "You, are you okay? What about the other soldiers?"

"Everything has been safely evacuated, don't worry, the civilians have all been gathered." The lady officer said: "Everything is exactly the same as the scheduled combat plan, and the scheduled combat goal was perfectly achieved."

The retreat in Dublin was actually quite difficult. After receiving the mission, all the soldiers almost had the will to die. It is a miracle that they can hold on now, and it is not a small military achievement. Instead, there was a touch of sadness.

"The battle was successful, and then?" Gao Wen asked her, "What else did you not say?"

"That... that Your Excellency has not come back." The lady officer said in a low voice.

"Which sir?" Gao Wen asked puzzled.

"Your Excellency who brought you back safely." Seeing the puzzled look in Gao Wen's eyes, the lady officer froze for a moment: "You don't know him?"

"I... don't know." Gao Wen leaned on the seat, put her hands on her forehead, and her long golden hair spread out between her fingers: "International conventions do not allow heroic spirits to leave their country, let alone me. Such an immature Heroic Spirit, the only ones who can save me in that kind of battle situation are the Peak Heroic Spirits, and there are less than four peak Heroic Spirits in the whole of Britain, and the guarding of the front line is already very difficult, so there is no time to rush to help us."

"It's not a heroic spirit you know, nor is it a native of the country?" The lady officer whispered: "So he is wearing a mask?"


Gao Wen raised her eyes, and she suddenly recalled the figure she saw before she fainted.

That pair of golden pupils, the flawless mask.

She was obviously someone she had never met, but through a mask, she had a familiar feeling.

"Where is he?" Gao Wen asked.

"Dublin." The lady officer lowered her head, gritted her teeth and said softly, "He stayed in the rear, and raised fortifications around Dublin, but I don't know how long they can hold... in order for us to evacuate safely."

"Ridiculous!" Gao Wen thumped the table hard: "What are you thinking! That's not a soldier, he has no reason to die for us!"

"I know." The lady officer clenched her fists tightly, then loosened them weakly: "But I can't stop him."

Gao Wen was silent.

Even now, she can't ask the battleship to turn back, but the helplessness and guilt in her heart make her drag her scarred body out of the door and onto the deck, with the sea breeze blowing, and a hazy wisp of light glows at the end of the horizon. hazy light.

She felt the power return.

The principle of heroic spirits has begun to become active again, and this power cannot be vented now.

If she could use the power of the heroic spirit and the Noble Phantasm, she would not need innocent people to fight for her on the battlefield in Dublin. It should be her who should have stayed there in the rear.

Gao Wen gritted her teeth, gripped the guardrail tightly with her five fingers, and her fingers sank into the steel, leaving clear marks.

Not reconciled, strong unwillingness filled every corner of the atrium.

Why, are you so weak?Relying on me alone is not enough to protect anyone, but instead drags down others because of my own weakness.

"I don't want anyone to die because of my weakness..."

"The weak cannot protect anyone. I must become stronger. If I can have the strength of His Majesty..."

"Whether it's a god or a devil, as long as it makes me stronger, I'm willing to give you everything I have..."

She whispered words that no one could hear.

Just talking and praying like this... But she knows better than anyone else that there are no gods and demons in the world, only power can decide everything, and the winner writes everything, but this strong girl bows her head to pray to the gods and demons, which shows how much she is. Unwilling.

"Girl..." A bewitching voice came to my ears.

"Who, who is it?" Gao Wen hurriedly looked around, she had heard this voice not long ago.

"Are you longing for power?" The long voice sounded again.

"...Desire, of course desire." Gao Wen looked around, her answer did not hesitate for a long time.

"At a time like this, you should say, no, I'm longing for Naiko."

Bai Jue's back came from the other side of the deck. When his footsteps sounded, Gao Wen looked back. At that moment, her heart beat faster.

Dawn breaks, the sun shines from the other side of the horizon, the light illuminates the English Channel, dispels the darkness and raises a warm morning wind, the wind mischievously blows Bai Jue's clothes, seagulls fly in the blue sea and blue sky.

He seemed to be coming in the morning light, raised his hand and straightened his wrinkled hair, with a calm and unhurried attitude: "Do you mind if I take a ride with the wind? Currency doesn’t necessarily work.”

"Well, I don't mind." Gao Wen let go of her clenched hands, her heartbeat was inexplicably fast, her cheeks were also slightly red, she avoided Bai Jue's sight, turned around, and after tidying up her appearance, she came back to her senses: "I haven't asked your name yet..."

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