"My name is not important." Bai Jue walked a few steps casually: "You can call me whatever you want, and you can call me 'that man' if you like."

"How can you be so rude?" Gao Wen didn't expect him to be so casual.

"The title is not important." Bai Jue leaned on the railing: "I am a low-key person."

"Are you worried that your reputation will affect you? You saved my life, as well as the lives of tens of thousands of people in Dublin and thousands of soldiers." Gao Wen bowed and performed a knight salute to show her respect. She said: "I Thank you on behalf of all..."

"It's too early to say thank you now." Bai Jue said calmly, "And I didn't do it to get you to thank me, I just did it as a matter of convenience."

He looked in the direction of Ireland Island: "I have shattered the remaining space rift on Ireland Island, and the red ghost guarding the rift has been severely injured. It is not very time-consuming to deal with it, but there are still hundreds of thousands of people on the island. The hungry ghosts are hiding and need to be cleaned, and I don't have time to deal with them right now."

Listening to these casual words, Gao Wen was so shocked that there was nothing to add.

But considering that Bai Jue could stop hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts by himself, it seems...not impossible.

The enemies on the Irish island are not the most terrifying, but the heroic spirits have no time to clean them up. The Hungry Ghost Road on the Irish Island is just a fragment, and the real Hungry Ghost Road is in the northern part of the British Isle.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. At least we don't have to worry about the future. We can send troops to clean up Ireland later." Gao Wen paused and said, "Your Excellency, I have another request."

"Let's hear it." Bai Jue looked at her.

"Please help us conquer the way of hungry ghosts!" The female knight's words resounded loudly: "The situation in Britain is not optimistic now. Your Excellency has the strength, please help us and help our king to suppress the hungry ghosts!"

She saluted sincerely again, bowing her head in plea.

Gao Wen knew that her request was shameless and rude. Facing a person of unknown origin who didn't know his nationality, was not a native or even a soldier, he had clearly shown enough dedication and sacrifice, and obviously he had saved his life. Even though he was not willing to sacrifice his life, he still asked him to fight for Britain, and it was clear that persuading him to leave here was the best choice.

She has this obligation and responsibility, but the other party does not.

Perhaps, she did not have much hope when she proposed this, and she even imagined that if Bai Jue refused, she would immediately send him out of Britain, otherwise, once he entered London, he would no longer be so free. Protecting the country will not hesitate to use all means, even if it is a slightly rough method, it will not let go of such combat power.

She imagined this, expecting Bai Jue's rejection.

Then Bai Jue said calmly, "Hey."

"Really? You really refused, then I will make my subordinates shut up about you and arrange for you to leave... eh???" Gao Wen thought slowly before her head came to her senses. She was surprised He looked at Bai Jue in astonishment again: "You, you agreed?"

"Why didn't I agree?" Bai Jue asked back: "I came here to kill the six realms... No matter where you start cleaning, the result is the same, why not start cleaning from the nearest place now, of course, I can help You, but I am not your force, try not to interfere with my actions, and I will not affect you either."

"Yes!" Gao Wen nodded excitedly, even approached subconsciously, holding Bai Jue's hands, very hard, the girl smiled like a flower: "I will recommend you to my king, she will definitely agree! Thank you Your Excellency! Thank you very much!"

Bai Jue raised his left hand helplessly and rubbed her head lightly: "I have another request."

"Yes, what?" Gao Wen tilted her head.

"Do you want to become stronger?" Bai Jue asked.

"I want to!" She replied immediately, her eyes were full of determination, but soon those bright eyes dimmed: "But I'm too weak... In the dark night, I can't even wake up my heroic spirit. I am almost useless in the battle of the hungry ghosts."

"It's easy to become stronger..." Bai Jue recalled the knight ten years later, he stared at the girl: "Let me teach you."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

England, the capital of Britain.

Ten years later, it will be full of flowers and scenery, but ten years ago it was extremely congested.

The British city-state did not become the first battlefield, and the Hungry Ghost Dao invaded very quickly. Although half of the territory was occupied in just one night, no substantial results were obtained after that.

As the capital of England, the number of residents is already huge, and now there are a large number of civilians who have flooded into London because of the war, making the whole city look very congested, congested but not prosperous, and many people even have problems with their basic lives.

And the war has only started for less than a week, and no one knows how long this protracted war will last.

Buckingham Palace... the residence of the British royal family.

Bai Jue had been here before, and here he enjoyed the highest level of administrative treatment given by Elizabeth... He was also detained quite excessively, which made his feelings for this building very complicated.

As mentioned earlier, although the Lion King is the actual ruler of Britain, she is not the king. There is no queen in Britain today, only the Lion King. The title of the Lion King is also based on her real name. The British royal family used to be Live in Buckingham Palace, but now with the escalation of the war, Buckingham Palace was requisitioned by the Lion King and established as the main administrative and military institution, while the British royal family retreated to live in Windsor Castle.

In fact, for members of the royal family, Windsor Castle is more important than Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace is located inside the City of London. As a political center, its importance is equivalent to the Forbidden City of the Chinese Empire.

The emperor must be guarded at the very center. The Lion King rarely has the opportunity to come to the battlefield. Although her strength is strong, she is the ultimate strategic weapon and cannot be used at will. Therefore, if she leaves London and goes to the front line, it means that the battle has arrived On the verge of defeat.

Compared with the urgent war atmosphere in Britain.

Gao Wen's mood was surprisingly good.

For a girl of her age, it is not easy to meet someone close to her heart. There is a generation gap between being a heroic spirit and ordinary people. Members of the Upper Circumference Knights are not that close. What matters is loyalty, not friendship. If a companion betrays, as a subject, he should also kill the thief for our king.

What's more, even Gao Wen, who didn't keep the memory of her previous life, knows how the Lion King was killed by a rebellious son in his previous life. Rather, what he fears most is the appearance of a second or fifth child in Knights of the Round Table.

So she has few friends and friends, and most of the Knights of the Round Table also treat her as a junior because of her age.

Not to mention the Lion King. There are only government affairs and orders between the two parties, and there is no spiritual communication. At most, they only occasionally attend banquets and toast to celebrate. will come forward.

Therefore, Bai Jue's sudden appearance is very attractive to her, in every way.

Powerful and mysterious, it is easy to arouse the curiosity of others, and he speaks humorously without losing his humor. He even agreed to Gao Wen's willful request. From Gao Wen's point of view, he has almost no shortcomings. She understands it very well, and there is a little exclamation when she speaks to an old friend. This closeness and the groping made her favorability rise rapidly.

Of course, what interested Gao Wen the most was Bai Jue's way of becoming stronger.

If a heroic spirit wants to become stronger, the best way is naturally to break through the barrier and become a peak heroic spirit.

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