Every knight of the round table has the potential to become a peak heroic spirit, but not everyone can do it.

Gao Wen can be said to be very talented. She reached the third level of Heroic Spirit at the age of thirteen, but now two years have passed, and she is still at the third level, and she is still far away from the fourth level. Therefore, She was naturally a little anxious.

The improvement of the strength of a heroic spirit is closely related to its own growth. The total number of heroic spirits in the world exceeds fifty or more, but the number of peak heroic spirits has always remained at around fifteen. It can be seen that the improvement of strength is not a simple matter.

Through the streets of London, the congested streets are impassable for vehicles, and only the spacious central streets can see vehicles.

All the way to Buckingham Palace.

The wartime atmosphere was so tense that people dared not even breathe aloud. Gao Wen, who was still smiling brightly before, patted her cheeks. After tidying up her appearance, she led Bai Jue into Buckingham Palace. Although some soldiers tried to conduct a body search or asked to remove the mask or something, but they were all dismissed by Gao Wen.

When I arrived, I was told that a military meeting was going on inside, and I had to wait for a while.

Gao Wen nodded after getting used to it.

With Bai Jue's super five senses, even through the heavy door, he could vaguely hear what was talking inside.

"... Losing a peak heroic spirit, can the frontline battle be held?"

"...the first line of defense can't hold up for three days at most."

"...Then give up the first line of defense and continue to retreat!"

"...Have you eaten too much brains! The second line of defense is still being built, and Manchester is behind the second line of defense! This is the most important industrial center. Without the weapons provided here, what do you use to fight!"

"If you lose a peak Heroic Spirit, you don't even know what the opponent is. If you don't retreat, the other two round tables will also die in the first battle! At that time, let alone Manchester, even London..."

"Shut up! You stupid John Bull! How dare you say that before the Lion King! I'll take off my size forty-five shoe and smack your stupid old ass in the face !"

It was very noisy inside.

Bai Jue shook his head helplessly.

However, there is nothing to do. In the face of absolute power and numbers, many things are meaningless. Hungry ghosts come too fast and there are so many. For island countries, the area they can defend is really limited, and the front cannot be stretched. Available native tactics are limited, and normal military tactics are often ineffective against an army that is tireless and fearless.

It’s just that I also heard bad news. A knight of the round table has fallen, and the heroic spirit of the peak has also died in battle. If it spreads, it will have a huge impact on morale.

The strength of the red ghost last night was good, but it was not comparable to the Heroic Spirit who liberated the Noble Phantasm.

Bai Jue folded his hands on his chest, leaned on the other side of the load-bearing column, closed his eyes and thought.

Seeing that Bai Jue closed his eyes, Gao Wen moved closer curiously, stood on tiptoe, and whispered, "Your Excellency, if you are tired, you can go to the lounge to rest, and I will take you to see me later. king……"

"It's okay, the meeting inside is coming to an end." Bai Jue closed his eyes: "I don't have anything important to discuss with the Lion King. For me, there are still some things that need to be understood..."

In fact, he planned to kill all the way at the beginning, and he would solve the troubles in Britain as soon as he got rid of the branch of the Hungry Ghost Road in Ireland, but when he heard the news of the fall of the Knights of the Round Table, he had to give up his plan of being a lone hero. The passage of Tao is so easy to solve, I am afraid that the Lion King has already gone alone, and it will not take so long.

The military meeting inside came to an end. A group of men, women and children in military uniform walked out. The total number was about [-]. There were no Knights of the Round Table or Heroic Spirits. The masked man was stunned for a moment, then nodded to Gao Wen and left. They had also learned about last night's military battle report.

It's just that Bai Jue's participation in the war was not reported, just as he himself hoped, not to leave any paper war records.

A familiar female voice came from the hall of the meeting room.

"come in."

"Yes." Gao Wen walked into the hall, raised her sword to the king in the center and saluted as a knight: "My king, the knight Gao Wen returned successfully. Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life and completed the task entrusted to me by my king!"

"Thank you." The Lion King Sheng's blue eyes stared at Gao Wen: "This is a difficult task for you. You can complete it and return it smoothly. You are worthy of my Knights of the Round Table. I am very glad that you did not Give up your own life, Gao Wen."

"You are serious, my king..." Gao Wen blushed: "Actually, it is not my credit, but this... Your Excellency saved me and many soldiers. Without him, I would not be able to do it again. back."

The Lion King nodded slightly, she stood up, walked from the other end of the round table, stared at Bai Jue who was wearing a mask, her gaze contained scrutiny and faint curiosity.

Unlike her ten years later, the Lion King today does not know Bai Jue, he is just a stranger, she needs to judge whether he is worthy of her trust or not.

As the broad-minded Lion King approached the round table, he slowly said, "I would like to thank you for Gao Wen's matter. You have done Britain a favor and saved an important sibling knight for me. You Whatever you want, I can promise you a non-excessive condition."

The king does not owe favors, and the lion king promises everything.

This is the promised reward and also a temptation for Bai Jue.

Who said that the king doesn't understand people's hearts, you can see this one is quite understanding.

Gao Wen is not stupid, of course she understands, and hurriedly said: "My king, Your Excellency is not..."

The Lion King glanced at her lightly, and Gao Wen immediately lowered her head, not daring to say more.

"Remuneration?" Bai Jue met her gaze, and a little teasing appeared in his golden eyes: "I do have the reward I want, but it's a pity... I'm afraid Britain can't give it to me today."

Gao Wen's heartbeat immediately accelerated, isn't he afraid of offending the lion with his words?

"...But it's okay to say." The Lion King was not offended, or rather, she never showed it.

"I want this ridiculous war to end." Bai Jue said lightly, "Your Excellency, can you do it for me?"

The Lion King fell silent immediately, her plain gaze was suddenly filled with strong coercion, a slight but powerful wind pressure swelled in the atmosphere, she stared at Bai Jue, staring at Bai Jue as if a spear was about to pierce the mask. Him, as long as he dares to look away or shows a slight strangeness, it means that what he said is not true.

But the time passed by every minute and every second.

The Lion King couldn't see any of his flaws, and the coercion she released didn't affect Bai Jue's breath flow at all.

She is the seat of God.

There is such a strong man in the world?

"How?" Bai Jue asked again: "Did you give me the victory I expected?"

The Lion King was silent for a while, and she asked without answering, "Where do you plan to end the war? Is it Britain, or Europe, or..."

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