
Bai Ge's faint words resounded loudly.

"Within a month."

"I want the whole world to return to peace."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Bai Jue talked about things that were natural to him.

But for the Lion King, Gao Wen, and many heroic spirits, they couldn't do it, at least they couldn't say it out loud, let alone say it logically.

Because of identity, because of family and country.

They are the heroic spirits of Britain, and it is their duty and responsibility to guard the country, but to guard the world... They never had this idea, or never thought that the world needed the guardianship of the heroic spirits, even the Lord of England would not dare to speak absurdly world.

This concept is too broad.

What the Lion King can do now is to guard Britain. If he can't even defend Britain, let alone the world, but Bai Jue can say it so easily, as if with him, the Hungry Ghost Road is just a small...not worth mentioning simple trouble.

For a moment, the Lion King clenched her fists, and she said: "I really can't do this, I haven't considered this issue about the world, at least I won't consider these issues until I solve Britain's plight. "

"So, people still have to rely on themselves." Bai Jue calmly said: "So, there is no need to talk about those falsehoods. I have penetrated the copy of the British region earlier so that I can intervene in the European continent. I just need you to tell me the frontline information. I have enough freedom of movement."

"...We need to talk about it." The Lion King shook his head: "Military operations are not that simple, and they involve the whole body."

"If you want me to stay with you to fight the war of attrition, forgive me for refusing. I don't have much time. This time I am in a hurry more than ever... The reason why I can stay and talk to you is because I have to Have enough patience." Bai Jue has no intention of turning a corner: "If you don't plan to make a quick decision, then I will leave Buckingham Palace and go to France now. For me, it doesn't matter which country I deal with first."

Having said that, Bai Jue's attitude is clear enough.

Gao Wen wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say.

"The battle line is being established in Britain, and the danger of throwing everything at one basket is too great." The Lion King tapped her fingers on the table, and she said in a deep voice: "I can't let my knight accompany you on the adventure, and now the Knights of the Round Table have just lost a peak heroic spirit , Britain cannot afford more losses."

"So you just need to give me enough freedom of action and intelligence sharing." Bai Jue didn't intend to let the other party focus on his own course of action: "I will make other decisions by myself, don't worry, even if there is trouble, I will There will also be riots outside the battle line."

The Lion King frowned, and stared at Bai Jue with holy blue eyes, she was worried...

Neither his identity nor his purpose can be judged... It is a pity to give up such a combat power for nothing. If possible, it is most appropriate to keep him in the nearest place for a period of observation, but he did not This intention...

The Lion King still considers Bai Jue as a heroic spirit-level combat power. He has never seen it with his own eyes. Who would dare to believe that Bai Jue has the strength to end the war by himself, even if it is the Seat of God.

The conversation stalled.

Bai Jue waited for the Lion King's decision.

Of course he understands that it is the most appropriate way to stay and work for the Lion King for a period of time, and then take on high-level tasks after increasing his trust, but he does not have enough time, not only because he cannot wait, Chaldea cannot wait, Lian couldn't wait, and neither could the other countries in the singularity.

Since you want all of them, you can't take the ordinary strategy route, you should crush them with absolute strength!

If the Lion King does not agree, he will not waste time and go directly to France. The reason why he is willing to come to Buckingham Palace slowly is because he wants to meet this future friend. If he can get the approval of the Lion King And help, the odds of winning against Liu Dao are naturally greater... Just like the basis of playing RPG games is to collect friends.

In the not-so-long but extremely tormenting silence, a message broke the calm.

A three-dimensional projection was lit on the table in the conference room, and an English gentleman in a black suit appeared on the screen. Must report to you..."

"Let's talk." The Lion King didn't ask Bai Jue to back off.

"The royal family requests that you send troops to Edinburgh to search for the whereabouts of the princess."

"I have already declined this matter before. Edinburgh has already fallen completely, and there is no possibility of rushing to help." The Lion King said lightly.

"I know Your Majesty has rejected this request, but...the royal family said that the princess is most likely a heroic spirit who has not yet awakened. This time I went to Edinburgh to awaken her heroic spirit blood." The agent gentleman reported with a bow.

"The royal family's...heroic spirit?" The lion king's blue eyes stared at the projection. Even if it was just a projection, the gentleman still tensed up, as if feeling the dazzling gaze close at hand: "Are you sure? The royal family is sure?"

"This is what the prince said himself." The gentleman said sincerely: "The royal family must not dare to trouble Your Majesty with this matter."

"It's obviously a heroic spirit of the royal family, but they don't want to tell me..." The Lion King half closed his eyes, and she said, "Let me think about it."

"Yes..." The gentleman ended the communication as if he was pardoned.

"There is such a thing." Gao Wen said in a low voice: "It is actually the heroic spirit of the royal family."

"Is the heroic spirit of the royal family special?" Bai Jue asked puzzled.

"Naturally, the royal family has existed since the founding of Britain. It is a very special bloodline of heroic spirits. Although there are not many heroic spirits reincarnated in the royal family, each of them is an excellent ruler." Gao Wen explained: "If it is the queen, it will mean that Britain is not far from the next take-off... But why has the royal family kept this news?"

"Probably because I was afraid that I would kill her." The Lion King revealed the royal family's intentions: "I am in power but not called king, and I don't let the royal family call me queen... They think I dare not succumb to the position of prime minister. He will play this kind of cleverness, use various methods to curb the awakening of the heroic spirit's blood, and even bring her to Edinburgh to be raised, just to avoid my eyeliner."

"...This group of royal families." Gao Wen said bitterly: "Playing the piano randomly."

"If a queen is really born, what if I return to power?" The Lion King whispered: "It's just that their own actions ruined a possible bloodline of a heroic spirit, which made this king feel very bad..."

"My king, are you not going to rescue him?"

"It's not that I don't intend to, but it's impossible." The Lion King shook his head: "The distance is too far. Edinburgh is located in the Scottish region of northern Britain. Now the transportation system is completely paralyzed. Any support will never come back, even heroic spirits must be prepared to fight day and night, the Knights of the Round Table can't spare any extra troops to rescue, the most important thing is..."

She said solemnly: "Edinburgh is adjacent to Glasgow, where the Hungry Ghost Road is."

Going to the enemy's camp to save people is simply a lunatic's act.

Let alone an unawakened heroic bloodline, even a peak heroic spirit is not enough to rescue.

"If you go, you can do it, right?" Bai Jue said inappropriately: "Londminia, the storm gun, is enough to pierce half of Scotland, clear the mountain area, and directly target the hungry ghosts." If a treasure comes from the gate of Dao, it will definitely not be able to bear it."

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