"Your Excellency..." Gao Wen anxiously pulled Bai Jue's sleeve, signaling him not to say these words.

"Are you reluctant to destroy the cities of Britain under your own hands, or..." Bai Jue glanced at the Lion King, and asked tentatively, "Are you afraid?"

The moment the words fell, Bai Jue saw a pair of angry eyes.

The sharp killing intent flashed in the holy blue eyes, just like the first time Bai Jue saw the lion king who had cut off his emotions in Avalon, with a cold face, she stood holding a gun, and the billions of brilliance of the holy gun hovered in her hand , the wind at the end of the world blows, and at the end of the tower, she is so majestic and majestic, as sacred as a storm that dominates the world, that is the posture that the Seat of God should have.

In an instant, Bai Jue even felt amazed.

However, the next moment, the awe-inspiring and sacred aura in the pupils suddenly melted away, turning into delicate sadness, and the holy blue pupils were filled with humanity, and they were no longer so clear and pure.

She let go of her anger and killing intent, and chose tolerance and understanding.

And looked away, without arguing with Bai Jue.

"Perhaps you are right." The Lion King said, "Let me think about your matter..."

As she spoke, she turned to leave.

It can be cold.

Bai Jue raised his hand, pressed it on her shoulder, and said coldly, "Stop for me..."

His behavior was very disrespectful, and his tone was even less respectful, but the so-called court etiquette had been forgotten. At this moment, nameless anger was burning in his chest. Although he didn't know the reason, he was very angry, and his anger was full of displeasure and depressing.

Bai Jue finally realized that what he had felt since coming to Britain...is not right.

This is the country guarded by the Seat of God, why is it retreating steadily under the attack of the Hungry Ghost Dao, why is it forced to give up the island of Ireland, and why the Lion King chose to retreat from the beginning to the end.

She has the Spear of the Storm, a heroic spirit who is infinitely close to the gods, and she chose to retreat and defend.


Bai Jue was very angry.

The Lion King was taken aback.

Gao Wen, on the other hand, saw Mars hitting the Earth, and the scene was backgrounded.

The Lion King came back to his senses, she glanced at Baijue: "Let go, I can forgive your disrespect."

"Do you want to escape?" Bai Jue asked.

"Escape? Escape from what." The Lion King was inexplicable.

"Defeating the war and subjugating the country is terrible to you, isn't it? I don't want to let the nightmare happen again, so... are you afraid?" Bai Jue didn't let go, but grabbed her wrist very hard.

The Lion King was silent, she glanced at Baijue: "I'm just fulfilling my responsibility as the head of state."

Bai Jue said coldly: "So you let your subordinates die and watch from the sidelines?"

The Lion King stopped breathing, turned around and shouted: "Watch your words!"

There was a gust of wind in the atmosphere, and she was furious.

Bai Jue continued calmly: "What I said is the truth, if it is really that scary, if you are really afraid of that kind of future, why don't you just hide in Avalon and continue to immerse yourself Go to the dream that can't wake up? The soul of the country's destruction."

"Shut up!" The Lion King gritted his teeth, she was finally offended, like a dragon being touched against its scales, the blood of the heroic spirit was scorching hot.

"If you are angry, try to kill me?"

Bai Jue lowered his voice, he was provocative.

The storm appeared, the strong wind swept the atmosphere, and the meeting room was suddenly turbulent.

A finger stopped in front of Bai Jue's heart, only a few centimeters away, and the surging power of the holy gun was able to penetrate his body, penetrate his heart, and kill him on the spot.

But even so, Bai Jue still showed no sign of resistance. He didn't draw his sword, didn't move, just stood there, staring at the Lion King coldly with his golden pupils.

The blow failed to fall.

Just a centimeter away.

The Lion King's fingers did not fall.

The power of the holy gun was brewing at the fingertips, and the holy golden light flickered endlessly, and finally dissipated into nothingness.

The Lion King's expression was complicated. As the gust dissipated, Ling Ran's murderous aura dissipated. Those holy blue eyes landed on Bai Jue's mask, as if he wanted to see his expression, and then he stopped slowly. It landed on the fingertips that I couldn't move.

She held her breath for a moment, then sighed softly.

She turned around and broke free from Bai Jue's hand.

The Lion King turned his back to Bai Jue and said.

"Your Excellency, please leave Britain."

"Gao Wen arranged for the ship you left on."

"Cross the English Channel and go to France..."

She just left this sentence and left.

Nothing was said, nothing explained.

Because the Lion King himself knows that explanations are useless, and they are useless in front of Bai Jue.

She couldn't get back the feelings she had in the past, nor could she get back the glory that belonged to King Arthur.

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