What remains here is only a piece of undead.

Bai Jue looked at the back of the Lion King leaving.

He said to himself: "Is that why you are reluctant to be king?"

She would rather leave the royal family alone, but she hopes that one day a new heroic spirit will take her place...

It's ironic, people in the royal family have to take precautions against the Lion King, for fear that she won't let go of power, but she is the one who most expects the birth of a new queen, and in the end it is self-defeating, and instead the newborn hero is imprisoned.

It wasn't until after the Lion King left that Gao Wen came to her senses. She recalled the scene just now, with a bitter expression on her little face, as if she was about to cry: "Your Excellency, why are you acting so recklessly and angering the king like that?" , I almost thought you were going to be..."

"It's okay, I'm still alive, right?" Bai Jue touched Gao Wen's head, and he smiled, "What's more, she won't kill me, I understand better than anyone else."

"The king is very tolerant." Gao Wen lowered her head and said reluctantly, "But I have to send you to France..."

"I'm not going. I won't go anywhere until the problem of the Hungry Ghost Way is resolved." Bai Jue looked at the direction where the Lion King was leaving: "I can't let her go, I can't let you go, and I can't let Britain go..."

"But the king gave orders..."

"I'm not her knight, and she doesn't decide where she wants to go." Bai Jue said lightly: "She thinks that her actions are reckless, that it is impossible, and that powerful enemies are terrible...then I can only tell her in my own way. , some things are not predestined, it is man-made."

She just didn't wake up from the long nightmare.

It's just that nightmares are nightmares after all, and one day they will wake up...

"I'm going to Edinburgh."

"Go and go back..."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Lion King wandered alone in the garden of Buckingham Palace. In the Buckingham Palace in London, even though it was sealed with heavy magic, you could still hear the outside movement, the sound of vehicles, and the sound of people walking.

Noisier than ever, but just noisier, not more prosperous.

In just a few days, the huge world was not at peace.

Her mood has never been so complicated, as if she once watched the empire she created with her own eyes go towards dusk and sunset.

She took over Britain during the first War of the Heroic Spirits. At that time, Britain also became extremely decayed due to the war, and most of the heroic spirits died. She was already the Seat of God at that time, but the people never knew it.

The king of Britain asked her to protect Britain and lead the people.

She agreed, and became the Regent of Britain ever since.

Since then, Britain has had no king or queen, and she has never ascended the throne.

It is not that the Lion King is greedy for power, but that there has been no suitable candidate for a long time. She has never objected to people from the royal family participating in politics, but she refuses any royal family to succeed to the throne, just because the crown is too heavy for mortals to bear If you want to wear her crown, you must bear its weight... If it is not a heroic spirit, no one can take over the heavy responsibility in her hands.

Even after a long time, the Lion King still failed to cross the threshold in his heart.

She does not regard herself as a real king, but as a temporary caretaker. Once there are enough suitable successors, she will be the first to announce her return to power to the people.

Before that, she must keep the British Empire alive.

Before welcoming the next successor, she must guard the land, so even in the most extreme way, she must guard the gate of Britain, so in the face of attack, she chose to block half of Britain's islands and establish multiple lines of defense, Block and delay Hungry Ghost Dao's attacking pace.

I'm afraid other people won't understand why the Seat of Gods didn't choose to take the initiative to attack. If it was the Knights of the Round Table led by the Lion King, they would definitely be able to sweep the Hungry Ghost Road without retreating.

Yes, the Lion King himself knew that if she made a move, she would definitely be able to sweep the Hungry Ghost Road and wipe out the British Isle.

But... then what?

There are far more battlegrounds in the world than just Britain!

Can she clear the realm of hungry ghosts, can she clear the realm of animals, the realm of Asura, and the realm of hell?

The defeat of other battlefields is a matter of time, and the power of ordinary heroic spirits is not enough to deal with it. The Hungry Ghost Dao is only one of the three evil ways, and its strength is relatively weak. The most terrifying Heavenly Human Dao is located in the Shenzhou Empire, and there is no news from there. .

Can't win, can't win no matter what.

Even if you defeat the Hungry Ghost Dao, as time goes by, you will lose sooner or later.

So after thinking about it, and after very difficult thinking, she finally made such a choice.

—keep the fire of Britain.

She has the holy spear, the anchor of the storm, the tower of the storm that holds the surface of the world together.

As long as the true posture of the Holy Lance Longominiad is released, the Storm Lance will turn into a sky-reaching storm barrier, guarding the last territory of Britain inside the storm wall, and other heroic spirits who are also the Seat of God will not be able to break through the storm The wall, this powerful defense is also enough to isolate the disasters of the six realms, and preserve the last fire of mankind.

So before that, no matter how many territories and people she lost, even if she lost the knights of the round table, she could not make a move. As long as the British peninsula was kept, the moment the wall of the storm rose was her victory.

She can't just watch the country she guards perish in a war that can't be won at all, so she might as well make thorough preparations from the beginning and try her best to keep Britain!

This is the Lion King's pride, her persistence, and her inner thoughts that she cannot tell anyone.

It happened to be spotted by a stranger today.

The man wearing the mask saw through his thoughts in just a few words of conversation, and immediately he asked himself angrily, "Are you running away?" Such questioning made him angry and helpless.

It is natural for him to be angry.

Because as the Seat of God, he actually gave up his plan to fight the moment the war started.

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