But what can she do?Because there is no hope of victory in this war.

It is impossible for the heroic spirits to gather under the same order, and the barriers between countries cannot be bridged, so it is only a matter of time before they are defeated one by one.

Everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, don't care about the frost on others' roofs...

What's more, now that every country has lost a large area of ​​territory, and even defense is difficult, how can there be spare power to help other countries?

The Lion King asked himself if she would send troops to aid France after breaking the Hungry Ghost Way...the answer is no, no...even if the two countries are only separated by the English Channel!But she will not send troops!

There are many reasons, but she will never take the initiative to help unless Charlemagne asks her for help.

Ironic isn't it?But human beings are such creatures, and so are heroic spirits... Different countries, different beliefs, and different skin colors are destined to be incomprehensible between people... Just like the curse of the Tower of Babylon, everyone speaks different languages , so far they can no longer coexist and co-prosper with each other.

The Lion King stood among the flowers, silently clenching his fists.

"My choice... is not wrong. As the guardian of Britain, this is all I can do."

"Even if no one understands."

Her murmur carried away on the wind.

Someone hurriedly chased after him.

"My king!" Gao Wen hurried over.

"Gao Wen... Didn't I ask you to send someone off?" The Lion King didn't look back.

"I'm very sorry, yes, I didn't... I lost sight of him." Gao Wen lowered her head in shame: "Gao Wen is willing to accept the crime for failing to fulfill the king's entrustment."

"Lost it?" The Lion King asked, "Where did he go?"

"He said he was going..." Gao Wen paused for a moment, "To pick up Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth... He said he wanted to prove it to the king."

"He went to Edinburgh?" The Lion King subconsciously clenched his fingers: "Show me what?"

"Your Excellency said that when he comes back, he will tell the king in person..." Gao Wen reported without confidence. In fact, Bai Jue asked her to convey these words. After being patted on the head a few times, she became dizzy He agreed, and only now did he feel a little scared.

It was just a surprise that the Lion King still turned his back to Gao Wen. She raised her holy blue eyes to look up at a piece of blue sky, and then slowly lowered her eyelids. The breeze blew by, but Britain in winter brought warmth. breeze.

Amid the scent of flowers, she walked away slowly.

"I am waiting……"

At this moment, the Lion King couldn't tell what his emotions were.She may also be looking forward to someone who can change her mind.

If the god can bow his head and admit it, then maybe there is a possibility of victory in this war.


"Human beings are fragile. Unlike swords, they will be discouraged because of a small defeat, and they will give up their plans to fight because they think it is impossible. Therefore, when they feel that they can no longer win, it is considered a real defeat. "

Bai Jue walked with his sword and galloped through the sea of ​​clouds.

"I saw this kind of frustration in the eyes of the Lion King... It's hard to imagine that the Seat of God would choose to give in. Although the difficulty this time may exceed the ability of any heroic spirit, she still gave up too early. Perhaps because of the failure experience in her previous life, she has a psychological shadow on the subjugation of the country, so no matter what, she is unwilling to work hard for an impossible thing."

"So, it's not difficult to change her mind, you just need to make her see the possibility."

"The possibility of victory."

Standing on the top of the sea of ​​clouds, Bai Jue watched the sun gradually set, leaving mountains and rivers behind him like a sun chaser.

Until he saw that ancient civilized city.

"What I challenge is nothing but the tenacity of human beings..."

"The competition is just tenacious. I have never lost to anyone, but this time it may be different."

"What we should bet on is whether the princess in this city is still alive. The Hungry Ghosts have occupied Edinburgh for seven days. Can she survive in a city full of hungry ghosts?"

As the sun sets, the bright moon rises, and the whiteness of the bright moon illuminates the earth.

Thousands of hungry ghosts rushed to the other end of the horizon like a tide.

Feixue Sword Spirit said: "Human beings are different from swords, the possibility of this is extremely small."

"That's right, how could a child in her teens survive and persist for seven days... But if she survives successfully, it proves the tenacity of human beings." Bai Jue said lightly: "It is absolutely impossible to exist. Survivors, rescuers who are absolutely impossible to succeed, the probability of the two together is extremely small... But it is because of this that the challenge is worthwhile. If I succeed, then I can tell her. "

"—I am the possibility!"

After the words fell, Bai Jue fell into the ancient capital.

He hid all his breath, and walked among the collapsed buildings like a ghost, looking for the last survivor who may have long since disappeared.


ps1: The battle of demon survey ten years ago was overwhelmingly desperate. Any heroic spirit believed that there was no possibility of victory. The pessimism of the Lion King was not without reason. Almost unanimous.

Therefore, the persuasion work that Bai Jue has to do is actually quite difficult. It is not simply to save people, but more importantly, to save other people's hearts.

Even if they are both heroic spirits, there is a big difference in thinking. Gao Wen thinks she is powerless and longs to die beautifully on the battlefield, while the Lion King has more power but chooses the most negative way to deal with it.

This kind of contradiction is the reason why the characters are so distinctive.

The reason why Bai Jue can do it is related to his past experience. If he doesn’t understand these people ten years later, he will not be able to see through the thoughts of the heroic spirits now... So, if there is a cause, there must be an effect... Yes , so none of the Bai family is innocent.


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