There was a sound like a stone falling on the cold stone slab.

The girl fell on the stiff floor, breathing extremely weakly,

She opened her eyes, her frail body didn't even have the strength to move a finger, and her immature face was full of exhaustion.

Her lips were chapped, her whole body was weak, and she raised her eyes, her dull eyes quietly staring at the door under the sparse moonlight.

The door was closed tightly... cut off all possibility of life.

Here is the interior of the closed cathedral.

Its outer layer is used to provide worship for believers, while the inner layer is a solid and reliable defensive fortification. It was built hundreds of years ago, but it has never been used. This secret is only known to a very small number of people. Including the British royal family.

Elizabeth is not clear, she is only in her teens, and she has never heard of many things... But she is very smart, and she knows the use and structure of many things at a glance. Although she is young, her reading volume has surpassed ordinary The sum of the books a person reads in a lifetime.

The extraordinary wisdom and brains shown since she was a child, without exception, proved her specialness, and also proved the blood of the heroic spirit hidden in her body... From a very young age, as long as she can remember, the relatives of the royal family warned her to go to the Don't show your strength, don't suppress your awakening, forget whatever you dreamed in your dream.

She didn't ask why, because she knew that her relatives wanted to protect her, so she grew up as an ordinary princess, until finally one day, she couldn't restrain the awakening of the blood of the heroic spirit, it was an uncontrollable instinct, in order to ensure She will not be noticed by the Lion King. The royal family sent the most loyal guards to send her to Edinburgh. The surrounding area is made of the strongest magic stone material, which is enough to isolate any fluctuations and shocks.

But when the ceremony was held.

The earth-shaking changes have begun.

The army of the Hungry Ghost Dao swarmed out at the moment when the moon sank, like a tide, engulfing the entire city in an instant with absolute numbers.

Elizabeth stood in the center. She witnessed the great changes in the world with her own eyes. The guards of the royal family wanted to replace her in the safe underground palace. Her actions were also very eye-catching among the crowd. Dozens of civilians followed. People's instinctive desire to survive hopes to hide in a safe barrier.

The royal guards were reluctant to agree, but Elizabeth agreed.

She thought that although this change was terrifying, it was only temporary after all. The foolish people who attacked in the UK would be quickly wiped out by the Knights of the Round Table, and she just had to stay here and wait.

As a prince and aristocrat, it is only natural for her to have such thoughts. The British royal family will not sit by and watch her die here, not to mention that she is still carrying the blood of the heroic spirit, so she readily accepted more than [-] civilians. Following her order, the guards closed the gate from the outside, leaving three guards to guard Elizabeth, and the others stayed outside to guard.

After that... there was a long wait.

Elizabeth vaguely remembered that on the first day, although everyone was uneasy, they calmed down under her persuasion and comfort. Although everyone was not used to it, they were still able to persevere.

The next day, many people were hungry and thirsty, and wanted to find something to fill their stomachs. At this time, Elizabeth still generously took out the small amount of stored food, although the food was enough for her and her guards. It took only one or two days, but for more than twenty other civilians, it was only a share of one or two meals. They expressed their sincere gratitude and swore their allegiance to the British royal family forever.

On the third day, the crowd became anxious. They had no idea what the outside world was like, so they could only stay here, but there was no food or water here, and sooner or later they would die of hunger and thirst. Elizabeth tried her best to persuade everyone to calm down. Although she herself was very hungry and thirsty...but she herself didn't know if help would come.

On the fourth day, the crowd became more restless. Instigated by some people, more than half of them began to blame her. Some people scolded the royal family for failing to protect the people and Edinburgh. Elizabeth could no longer suppress the anger of the crowd. She could only retreat to the side in disappointment and uneasiness, and endured silently, praying in her heart that rescue would come soon.

On the fifth day, a dead body was found...a middle-aged woman died in a corner, her arms were full of bite marks, and a lot of blood flowed out on the ground, the blood had already cooled down...this proved that someone was drinking raw blood .

Elizabeth couldn't believe it, this kind of cannibalism was simply insane.

In such a closed place, once cannibalism starts, it is self-evident what the result will be. In the end, everyone will become a beast that devours the same kind under the impetus of hunger and thirst.

She immediately ordered the guards to execute the six participants, because their bodies were covered with blood, and there was blood between their lips and teeth, and the traces could not be hidden.

Her order was very effective, but in fact, both she and the guards were extremely weak, with no food or water...

On the sixth day, several dead appeared again, but these dead were not killed, but voluntarily. They chose to commit suicide, neither willing to wait for the non-existent hope, nor willing to become man-eating beasts.

Elizabeth held back tears, because among the suicides were two of her bodyguards.

On the sixth night, Elizabeth was woken up. Under the faint moonlight, she saw a group of people gnawing around the corpse. Blood spilled from the corners of their mouths, and flesh and blood were chewing between their teeth. They were losing their humanity with every bite. , and his expression is crazy and pious as if he has obtained nectar.

She covered her mouth and was about to retch, but what she spit out was only gastric juice.

On the seventh day, the last guard started bloodletting. He left three bottles of blood for Elizabeth, and told her that it was voluntary, and hoped that His Highness could live. Then he sat in the corner and bowed his head silently, but looked , he seemed to be just asleep.

Losing the last guard, the time has come to the seventh day, she knows that she has probably been really abandoned... no one will come to save her, and she is the one who brought everyone into hell with her own hands, she looks at the guard The remaining blood bottles, these three bottles of blood can allow her to support her life for a while, but what's the point?If she drinks blood like a fur, what is the difference between her and a wild beast?

She was crying and laughing, her expression and mind gradually numb.

On the night of the seventh day, she was extremely weak and was caught.

The group of flesh-eating people saw the guard died, so they boldly targeted her body. They sneered and pressed Elizabeth's limbs, but even if they didn't do that, she couldn't move because she was too weak.

Most of the people who survived in the end were a group of people with insufficient willpower. They were not satisfied with devouring the corpses of the same kind, because flesh and blood would rot, even in this winter, the room was filled with a lot of flesh and blood. Can't leave for a long time.

This group of people frantically spoke the words in the Bible, and they wanted to sacrifice her blood as a royal family to taste the taste of fresh flesh and blood. They took a fancy to her body. Her fingers will suffer heavy punishment, and now they can do whatever they want, how can they not be excited... But in the end, it's just the madness before death.

Elizabeth was not afraid of death, and she had seen too many things she didn't want to see in just seven days and nights.

But she doesn't want to die in the hands of these people, she doesn't want to be their plaything, and she doesn't want to be their meal... She is a princess, even if she dies, she should die with pride instead of being cannibalized by this group of people The beasts were slaughtered...

Maybe it was unwillingness, maybe anger, maybe sadness, the emotions of struggling between life and death awakened her long-sleeping heroic spirit.

Even if it is only the most basic heroic spirit, it is not something these ordinary people can compete with. Her power is awakened so quickly, and everything is as if it is a matter of course. The light is woven into a small crown. Several bloody fragments.

The wild beasts panicked. They realized what kind of existence they had provoked. They knelt down and begged for mercy, shouting "I was wrong, let me go by God's will", but Elizabeth couldn't hear a word. Going down, she knows that there is no so-called god in this world...

After killing the last few people, she stood in the center and looked around... Flesh and flesh were piled up, corpses were everywhere, and the living human beings seven days ago had turned into such a tragic appearance... But the road is their own What you choose, what the outcome is, is up to you to decide.

Elizabeth was walking step by step. She looked at a door that was far away but seemed very close. She approached step by step, but she couldn't lift her hand, and she didn't have the strength to push the door open again... In fact, she knew it very well. , I can't push this door open, I just subconsciously want to leave here, leave this hell, escape, no matter what, run away quickly.

Finally, she fell three steps before the gate.

This is the scene before, she fell in front of the door, looking at the closed door, the emerald green pupils gradually dimmed, gradually grayed, her breathing gradually weakened, and the signs of life disappeared.

The girl looked at the door quietly, but her outstretched palm could not touch it.

Still despair, pure despair.

No hope of redemption, no possibility of salvation.

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