No one will come to save her, she has already been abandoned, abandoned in this hell, even if she looks up at the scenery above the heaven, it is just a dream after all, and she can't touch it with her hands.

Because, all of these are the results brought about by her personally, and this hell is a cage of flesh and blood created by her own hands.

Those men and women who fell in the pool of blood seemed to issue a curse of resentment, wanting her not to be free, and wanting her soul to be engraved in this hellish scene forever, look at how bloody the scene she created by herself.

... Am I not worthy of being saved?

She whispered like weeping, cold tears ran across her eyes, and her palms were about to fall.

However... this time, she really grasped the hope.

Warm palms held hers.

Her weak eyesight refocused, and the door that was closed like despair had been opened at some point, and gusts of warm wind were blowing.

The veil of despair was torn apart, and the sound of curses surrounding my ears returned to silence.

The visitor landed on one knee, holding her little hand like a knight, and protecting it in his own hands. Those golden eyes were full of tenderness. Even if he couldn't see his face clearly, at the moment before falling into a deep sleep, Elizabeth also She still heard the words that saved her soul.

"Thank you for being alive... I'm here to take you home, Your Highness the Princess."


ps1: The right time, the right place, the right words... The strategy is complete (funny)... Thinking about it carefully, the battle of the demon survey has become a tragic conference.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although it was just a glimpse, Bai Jue also saw the miserable scene in the closed room.

His rich imagination instantly told him what would happen here in the past. Most of the things that would happen in the closed space were similar, and would eventually turn into cannibalism of the same kind...

It’s just that she never thought that she would have experienced these things ten years ago. For Elizabeth, this is probably the secret that she least wants to be known by others. Maybe the whole world only has Bai Jue now and her past. know.

Bai Jue looked down at this familiar silhouette. Elizabeth was lying quietly in her arms. The girl was as thin as a feather and might be blown away by a breeze at any time. The last fire that kept the life alive... It's just that this ray of fire will never last until dawn.

"The possibility is almost non-existent, the tenacity of human beings... Yes, no one should save you, but I am here anyway. Since I am here, I will definitely take you home..." Bai Jue raised his eyes, Staring at the dark secret room, the fire of Nirvana instantly reduced everything in the room to ashes without leaving any residue. He turned around and jumped into the wind.

Next, is to race against time.

But the moment Bai Jue had just left Edinburgh, there was a roar that reached the sky.

It didn't come from Edinburgh, but from the other side not far away.

The crack that reaches the sky is like the scar left after the scroll of heaven and earth was pierced by a dagger. Endless black blood flows out of the dark crack. Ghosts, countless hungry ghosts howled, flooded the fields, plains, and mountains, and flocked to the other end of the horizon like locusts, flocking to the first line of war defense.

That is... Hungry Ghost Road.

The lower three of the six of them!

Bai Jue has never seen such a huge crack. Comparing it to himself is almost equivalent to the comparison picture of Jing Ke and King Qin's flying ship in FGO New Chapter 2.3, which is completely out of proportion.

Time was running fast, and Bai Jue just glanced at it not far away, and galloped all the way before the tide of hungry ghosts came, he didn't dare to raise the height... If the height was not enough, he would instead He was frozen in the air and became a living target. In fact, the speed of flying in the air was far inferior to his footsteps. Bai Jue, who stepped into the realm of super speed, could tell ordinary people what a real reporter from the Celestial Dynasty is.

With Bai Jue's speed, he quickly widened the gap with the Hungry Ghost Wave, but while running, he looked back, galloped above the woods, raised a little height and looked, he was shocked to find that the Hungry Ghost's wave The number seems to be too much.

No, this number is too exaggerated.

Bai Jue frowned, released the holy soul, and Fenrir sounded the horn, and several tens of meters of ice walls suddenly rose from the ground.

But in less than thirty seconds after the ice wall was raised, it was broken. The crimson light pierced through the ice wall, and the collapsed ice wall was shattered into countless ice crystals. The hungry ghosts marched without stopping.

"I see, there really is a general, not just an attack without a plan. In the battle last night, Britain lost a Knight of the Round Table, so Hungry Ghost Dao chose to attack with all his strength tonight, and he was able to break through my ice wall. The strength is definitely not inferior to the third-order heroic spirit, at least it is also a hungry ghost at the level of the previous red ghost, or is it higher than that?"

Bai Jue paused, he looked at the army of hungry ghosts behind him, and then at the end of the horizon.

Now there is still a straight-line distance of about [-] kilometers from the first line of defense in Britain. If such a large number of hungry ghosts attack the line of defense head-on, I am afraid they will not be able to defend it... and the second line of defense has not yet been built. A line of defense collapsed, and the unformed second line of defense behind it was also destroyed in a very short period of time. At that time, it would directly threaten the area south of Manchester and approach London.

Once this happens, the Lion King will definitely not be able to sit still.

But... Bai Jue would despise himself if he used this method just to force the Lion King.

Then, tonight we must defend the first line of defense...the only way is to share the pressure of the line of defense, just like facing a flood, building multiple lines of defense is the most effective way.

…If you can’t build backward, then build forward.

If you are alone, can you keep it?

The number of hungry ghosts in front of me is different from the hundreds of thousands in Dublin. Maybe the number has exceeded one million, maybe two million, maybe five million... In short, it seems too stupid to count, and it is not an enemy of the same magnitude. .

Worst of all, there are heads and elite monsters in this group of monsters.

Most of the hungry ghosts are not regrettable to die, but a strong hungry ghost is like a hidden reef under the tide, or an Internet policeman in a group of squirrels.

No... It's not a question of whether you can defend or not, but that you must defend part of it. If you can defend half of it, the defense line can share half of the pressure.

Bai Jue stopped, and he called out Feixue Sword Spirit.

Feixue's white-haired girl in human form landed beside him.

Bai Jue ordered: "Send Elizabeth to London, notify the first line of defense to prepare for the war, and also notify the Lion King."

"Master, I'm your sword. If I'm not by your side, how can you kill the enemy..." Feixue took Elizabeth unwillingly, and muttered, "Also, bring speed is limited, so I can go back and forth I'm afraid it will take several hours."

"At least faster than me." Bai Jue patted her on the head: "If you're worried about me, go and come back quickly."

"Hmm..." Feixue glanced at Baijue reluctantly, and immediately turned into a beam of white sword light and rushed straight into the sky.

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