A sword spirit is a sword spirit, and Feixue doesn't know right from wrong, doesn't understand reason, and doesn't like to care about those trivial matters. As a sword, she is a sharp weapon in the master's hands. Jue's order never asks why, but occasionally makes a small temper, like now, she is very displeased with Bai Jue's way of sending her away.

Of course the sword should stay with the sword master, live and die together.

"What are you thinking about?" Bai Jue shook his head, "Damn it...it's just that I need to work harder tonight... right, Baihu!"


The white tiger roared up to the sky, and there was a loud thunder on the ground, and the thunder light lit up the sky and the earth like a flash of day.

Fenrir and the white tiger stood on the left and right sides of Bai Jue, the majesty of the two divine beasts shocked countless creatures, the frightened birds did not fly, and the forest beasts crawled.

At the end of this Maoming mountain forest, the march of the hungry ghosts did not want to stop at all.

Bai Ge raised his hand and stood at the end of the forest sea, looking at the black tide that was sweeping in, he said coldly: "This road is one way, go to hell, you little bastards!"

Taunting before the battle is a habitual behavior, but Bai Jue's behavior of attracting hatred seems to make no difference whether he does it or not, because those crimson eyes are shining with a strong desire to kill. Ask for nothing.

Hungry ghosts, creatures that eat but are not full, because they have endless desires to eat, but no matter how much they devour, they will never be satisfied. In the occupied area, not even a single corpse or bone can be seen, and all flesh and blood livestock have been eaten clean, like crops under a plague of locusts.

If Bai Jue was an eminent monk or something, he might be willing to sacrifice his life to save the hungry ghosts from their hunger, but he is not, not only is he not, but his face is full of disdain for these monsters because they are too ugly to be worth saving, so he raised his hand and beat them. With a snap of the fingers, Shen Lei fell to the ground, and thousands of evil spirits fell down like leeks, turning into pitch-black coke. It can be seen that the difference in treatment depends on the appearance.

That's about it for writing about this battle in a joking way.

But in fact, Bai Jue is far more strenuous. The number of people he can stop is limited after all. When fighting in this relatively open forest and plain area, he can clearly see the attacking path of the hungry ghosts, and use the ice wall to isolate the battlefield. The area where he is squeezed is the only executable tactic, but there is also a huge probability of error.

Because... he is not invincible either.

At least when facing the sudden assailant, Bai Jue's defense seemed a bit late, and he was stabbed in the kidney.

The fire knife pierced the lower abdomen, and when the blade was pulled out, Bai Jue felt that his kidneys might have been roasted... Sprinkling some cumin might taste good, and he pretended to be relaxed thinking that he had already been counted. Ten red ghosts surrounded.

The appearance of the red ghosts is different from those evil ghosts with dry limbs and thin throats. Their appearance is closer to that of humans. They are dressed in armor, holding blades, exposed fangs, and can breathe fire from their mouths. They seem to be an elite team. That red ghost was exactly the same.

And on the outermost edge of the encirclement, there is a green-skinned hungry ghost, which threw the knife that pierced Bai Jue's waist. The green ghost has already woken up.

"...Phew, it's really giving me face that you took the initiative to find me." Bai Jue let out a foul breath, stared at the green ghost, and smiled: "I don't need to trouble you myself."

He raised his eyes, and the whole body was full of thunder. In just one breath, the dazzling white lightning transformed into a deep red thunder.

The red thunder and red lightning made this vast battlefield dyed with a thick layer of blood.

The white tiger let out a roar of fury and liberation, catering to Bai Jue's thoughts at this moment, he squeezed his fists, the bones of his fingers crackled, and the red thunder against him seemed to walk through the sea of ​​corpses and blood, even the red ghosts His eyes started to flicker.

"It just so happens that I'm not in a very good mood today."

Bai Jue waved his right hand, the afterimage remained in place, and his figure stopped outside the encirclement. He grabbed a red ghost's neck with his hands, and with five fingers, he threw the severed head at the green ghost's feet.

"Come on, have a good time with me."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

England, Buckingham Palace.

Fei Xuejian hugged Elizabeth and landed in the courtyard. Its speed was very fast. A ray of silver sword light flew across the sky like a shooting star. She could see everything too clearly. It landed directly.

Coincidentally, Gao Wen was also nearby because she couldn't sleep, and she rushed over as soon as she heard the movement.

"It's you." Feixue naturally remembered Gao Wen.

"Who are you? You broke into Buckingham Palace without authorization..." Gao Wen was talking, but her eyes quickly looked at Feixue's embrace, and her eyes froze for a second: "Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth!"

"She is very weak, so arrange medical treatment for her immediately. I don't guarantee how long it will last." Feixue simply delivered Elizabeth into her hands, and then the passionate sword energy surged all over her body again: "By the way, I will remind your Majesty. , The battle on the front line is urgent, it may not last long, let her stop hiding in this tortoise shell, my master said, let her prepare for the battle."

"Is the war urgent?" Gao Wen was puzzled.

Buckingham Palace is now the center of politics and warfare. Although it is not a front-line command, any military intelligence is reported to the military organization inside Buckingham Palace as soon as possible, and military communications are reported every [-] minutes to report the battle situation.

But the battle reported in the military communication ten minutes ago clearly stated that although they were also attacked by hungry ghosts, the number was very small. Compared with the tragedy of the previous few days, the defensive battle tonight was quite easy. Many officers thought this was a good sign, maybe it meant that the total number of hungry ghosts was decreasing, and if their numbers were really reduced to a certain level, they could turn defense into offense.

Ke Feixue's warning made her doubt again.

"What do you mean by the urgency of the war?" She hurriedly asked: "The attack on the front line today is the least in a few days, and the battle situation is quite optimistic..."

Feixue paused for a moment. She glanced at Gao Wen and said, "It took me an hour and a half to get here from Scotland, and the master is still there. I know what this means..."

Master...Gao Wen immediately thought of the gentleman who refused to reveal his name.

She trembled and said, "He's guarding the army of hungry ghosts? Alone? How many are there?"

"Who knows!" Feixue said coldly: "But the number is not less than several million! I don't bother to calculate that kind of calculation! I am not sure how long the master can last. If you trust my master, you can directly prepare to fight against the army. Prepare, or else..."

She didn't say the next words, but turned into a sword light and rushed to the sky, castrating faster than when she came.

Even if Feixue didn't say anything, Gao Wen knew what the subtext was... The attacks they encountered in the past few hours were probably only less than one-tenth of the vanguard army, and the main army was blocked hundreds of kilometers away , but no matter how strong Bai Jue is, he will be exhausted. Once his strength is exhausted, he will not be able to defend the millions of hungry ghosts, and the next line of defense will be the first line of defense.

Miss Gao Wen's scalp was numb, and she rushed into the top office of Buckingham Palace with Elizabeth in her arms.


The Lion King also has no mood to sleep, and she handles government and military affairs in an orderly manner.

On the one hand, it is necessary to take into account the people of the British region, and on the other hand, it is necessary to maintain the war...

Heroic spirits are not omnipotent, and she cannot conjure food and weapons out of thin air. These can only be supported by the reserves of the treasury. The depletion of many resources makes her frown and worry... Even if she has a huge amount of money, she cannot exchange for weapons and food , it is really difficult to be self-sufficient on the only land.

While she was thinking.

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