The office door was pushed open.

There was not even a knock on the door, but it was violently knocked open.

The Lion King was interrupted from thinking. He frowned slightly and looked at the rude man who was going. He was about to reprimand her as a knight for not messing with the etiquette of the upper and lower ranks, but before she could say anything, her eyes stopped on Elizabeth.

She had seen the girl, had given her a royal christening when she was only a few years old.

"Elizabeth..." The Lion King looked at Gao Wen, she got up and walked around the desk, stroking Elizabeth's pale face: "There are fluctuations in the principle of a heroic spirit, she is indeed a heroic spirit... how could the heroic spirit of the royal family be with you?" Here? Who brought it back?"

"It's a girl... No, your Excellency asked someone to bring it back." Gao Wen lowered her head and said, "Elizabeth is dying and needs the king's treatment."

"I have stabilized her heroic spirit, and there will be no danger to her life for the time being. It is caused by too weak vitality." The Lion King murmured: "He really did it... What about others? You just said that you asked someone to send her to her." came back?"

Gao Wen landed on one knee, and said loudly, "My king is invited to go to war!"

The Lion King hesitated, and she said, "This is not the right time."

"My lord! Your Excellency blocked the Hungry Ghost Dao army a hundred miles away from the first front line! Now the first line of defense is just facing the vanguard! The total number of Hungry Ghosts exceeds millions, and the front line won't last long!" Gao Wen pleaded again: "Please my king go out!"

"Millions..." The Lion King's expression faltered for a moment: "Such a huge number, are you sure it's real?"

"I'm not sure, but if it's Your Excellency, I'd like to believe it. He's supporting himself at the front line. Can we just sit here and watch him ignore him? My king, Your Excellency is not a heroic spirit, not a soldier, let alone a Our citizen, he has no reason to fight for us, and the reason why he is willing to sacrifice his life is precisely because he really wants to end this war! It has nothing to do with nationality, order, or identity, but pure belief! Gao Wen is a knight of the round table, I don’t want to disappoint such a caring person!”

Gao Wen raised her eyes that were as clear as water, and she tried her best to persuade the Lion King: "Besides, once you can't hold on, the first line of defense can't hold on, and the second line of defense hasn't been built yet, and it will also be defeated. By then, the city of England will also be defeated." It will be completely exposed in front of the enemy's iron hooves."

The Lion King is silent.

Of course she knew, of course she knew what would happen when the first line of defense was destroyed.

But if she left England, pulled out the anchor of the storm, and stepped into the battlefield, then the time she had sacrificed before would be meaningless, and everything she had arranged would become empty.

King Sheng's blue eyes quietly stared at the sleeping Elizabeth, and then stopped on Gao Wen's face.

"Gao Wenqing, you have changed... What made you change? Before that, your expression was always serious and impulsive. You wished to die on the battlefield. Mingzhi is definitely not a coward and weak... But even you are like this. It has changed, it is no longer used as a sharp sword, but has its own ideas, has recognized its own right and wrong, and can even give advice to the king... This should have been the work of Agguiwen."

"I'm sorry, Gao Wen's loyalty to my king has not changed in the slightest. When you need me, I will always be your sword and your shield. To die for my king is my honor as a knight of the round table." Gao Wen swore She was loyal, but then she raised her head slightly: "But... I have no memory of my previous life, no matter how loyal I am to the king, I still don't understand how much time the king has experienced... Everything Gao Wen said, I sincerely hope that the king will not regret his choice, and I sincerely hope that the king can end this long nightmare that has lasted for too is up to you to decide."

The Lion King slowly closed his eyes.

The long time flows in memory like running water.

Many things have already been forgotten. She will not remember some things for a long time, but unfortunately some things cannot be forgotten no matter what. In her memory, the scene of the destruction of the kingdom and the sunset she saw on the Hill of Gladiolus were the nightmares of her life.

So she doesn't want to be king, but she wants to protect Britain no matter what.

Make her drop her responsibilities to take part in a big gamble with an unknown stranger.

If someone had asked her if she agreed, she would have refused without hesitation.

But now she hesitated, not only because she owed Bai Jue a huge kindness, but also because...someone gave her the right to choose.

All along, no one has given her such a choice. It seems that there are many roads, but in the end they are all one-way streets. No matter how much you wander, you will always walk on the same road, including the ancient British kingdom. It is also a doomed end that she will die amidst the resentment of countless people, but she still drew the sword.

Therefore, she chose to protect the promise of Britain, which also made her give up the choice of fighting, because she knew that the result would not change in any way, human civilization ended here, and all she could do was to keep a trace of fire.

But, but...

Given a choice, would she be able to fight against her established destiny?

If... had a choice...

The Lion King opened his holy blue eyes, maybe... Maybe he really should believe in that weak possibility. As a heroic spirit, before she became a king, she was still a human being with flesh and blood, and she still had challenges. The choice of fate.

"Gao Wenqing..." The Lion King called softly.

"The knight Gao Wen is here." Gao Wen respectfully raised her weapon.

"Follow me out!"

The storm wrapped around her body, turning into silver armor, and her long golden hair was braided in the wind.

She crossed thousands of battlefields, stopped at the top of the hill at dusk, and slept with the nightmare in her heart. After that, she never pulled out the anchor of the storm, and what she controlled was only one-thousandth of the power of the Holy Lance, which was insignificant.

Only at this moment, she regained her previous mood.

But this time, it was no longer regrets.

"Holy spear, pull the anchor!"

The golden light broke the silence of the night.

With Buckingham Palace as the center, as close as the Thames, as far as Edinburgh and Christol, countless people in the British Peninsula looked up at this incomparably noble and sacred scene at the same time. Layers of weaving, like a tower reaching directly to the sky, layers of concentric circles of radiance spread out like ripples, and the golden radiance surged like waves.

Streets and alleys, pastoral farms.

Mortals and heroic spirits look up at this sacred light together.

Some old people raised their heads with tears streaming down their chests, and some children looked forward in ignorant eyes.

Afterwards, those who could not sleep because of the war, those who lost their homes because of the war, and those soldiers who fought hard in the war, all whispered the same voice as if they had found their faith.

"God bless Britain!"

"God bless Britain!"

"God bless Britain!"

In this louder sound wave.

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