But they couldn't refuse, so they could only look up. This scene was so sacred, so ostentatious and gorgeous, full of vitality... It was not a pas de deux that was admired and admired at the ball, but a dance that belonged to war.

Bai Jue dominates the melody, and The Lion King follows his lead.

Every step down is a heavy drum, and every step down has a melodious tune.

What kind of dance is this? It is clearly exaggerating the wild war epic, as if shouting 'Everyone, I like war', waving the baton in the sky, watching the war on the ground and feeling excited.

Gao Wen's eyes were dazzled by the scene.

It's beautiful, really beautiful, overwhelmingly beautiful, even dazzling.

It was the first time she saw such a king. She smiled quietly and danced in the wind, completely different from when she was sitting on the throne. She really has a dazzling beauty.


Gao Wen looked at the two dancing wantonly, and suddenly felt a little pain in her heart, not because of jealousy, it was definitely not jealousy, how could she be jealous of the king?It was just a little bit of envy that she herself didn't want to admit.

Maybe it's the envy of this ultimate battle dance that no British girl can enjoy, or maybe it's the envy that she can have such an excellent dance partner.

On the other side, Tristan did not continue to express his words of 'really sad', but quickly and keenly noticed: "No, it's not just dancing, gathering again, the storm is gathering..."

As the Knights of the Round Table said, this dance is not meaningless, it is to accumulate strength, but during this relatively long reading time, the two danced a war dance to pass the time, just like ordinary people waiting The reading of the game is like lighting a cigarette.

The dance steps of the two gradually reached their peak.

Even the sound of their heartbeats seemed to merge into one dance, their pace became faster and faster, with transcendent physical fitness, and excellent soul tacit understanding, this dance has the power to make the world double dance champion ashamed to autistic As the dance steps approached the end of the song, the dance dedicated to the storm also completely awakened the limits of the strength of both parties, which were released along with the resonance of the soul.

Thunder, storm.

The blow of destruction that fell from the sky smoothed out the cracks in the realm of the hungry ghosts.

The wind and thunder dance together, the violent storm and mist merge with lightning and thunder, and another violent force is injected into the already brutal force. The storm and thunder are intertwined into a strange vortex. This force exceeds the sum of the superposition of the two forces. , multiplication and addition are distinct arithmetic.

Bai Jue and the Lion King stopped dancing at the same time, and fell backwards after freezing the woman. The man was holding his waist. As the dance stopped, the fierce soul collision gradually subsided, and the endlessly reverberating sound of drums also Returning to zero, even though they have a trace of fatigue, but compared to this fatigue, it is more of a hearty release, as if all the pressure has been completely eliminated.

Bai Jue stopped the king's soft and slender waist, staring at her holy blue eyes... the battlefield behind him, the Taotie in the center of the battlefield was huge and moved slowly, devouring everything around him greedily, and it noticed the thunder falling from the sky The storm, but Taotie was not only not afraid, but opened his mouth, as if wanting to swallow it up, the result was self-evident, the full blow of this thunderstorm was several times stronger than before, if it was not deliberately controlled, it would Its power is enough to penetrate the main island of England and flatten one-third of its territory.

Taotie's body swelled more than ten times in size, and finally couldn't take it anymore. It turned into a burst ball and shattered his body to pieces. The cloud layer did not cause any actual damage to the British Isle, but it also shaved off a few mountains, and emptied the hungry ghosts that had just been refreshed by the way.

Bai Jue slightly raised his hand to help her up, but the Lion King still didn't leave, but leaned on his arm.

"What's wrong?" Bai Jue asked strangely.

"Help me," ordered the Lion King.

"Ah?" Bai Jue thought to himself, big sister, you can't touch porcelain... I didn't touch anything just now, I just touched my waist and hands!

"The power loss is a bit big." The Lion King said in a low voice: "I haven't used the Storm Spear with all my strength for a long time... Just help me for a while." She said, silently pinching the corner of Bai Jue's clothes, lowering her head: "I need to rest for a while before I can use the Storm Spear again. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you for the time being."

"You just need to rest." Bai Jue said to himself, "I'll take care of other things, I'm very strong."

"Thank you." She lowered her head.

"...You're welcome." Bai Jue thought it was thanks to him for stopping so many hungry ghosts for Britain: "I can't just watch Britain fall, I just need to spend more effort."

The Lion King raised his head slightly, glanced at Bai Jue's eyes, she hugged Bai Jue with her backhand, stood on tiptoe, and spoke forcefully.

"Thank you for letting me see my weakness."

"Thank you for showing me the possibilities of the future."

"Thank you for caring about me, an undead who has been wandering for thousands of years."

She let go of her hand slowly. At that moment, the dawn broke, and a ray of light fell from the end of the clear sky without clouds, illuminating the gentle smile that only Bai Jue could see. The king let out a long sigh of relief, as cute as a child.

"Now, I can finally end my nightmare and move on to the future."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The rift in the Hungry Ghost Dao was resolved, and the remaining problem was just to wipe out the Hungry Ghosts remaining in the British territory. The battle that lasted for more than a week was finally over. The remaining trivial matters did not need to be solved by Bai Jue. British natives are fine.

Of course, according to Bai Jue's request, all his information will not be kept in the records of the government and the army.

People just need to know one fact.

The Lion King went out and returned triumphantly.

As the patron saint of a country, the Lion King's popularity and prestige have already reached the peak, and it is most appropriate for her to carry this feat. On the contrary, if the truth is told, the people of the whole of Britain will With the same 'You? Are you kidding me' emoticon pack, frantically swiping the screen and talking nonsense.

But if you don't tell the truth, it doesn't mean that you can really pretend that nothing happened.

Therefore, facing Bai Jue's generosity and open-mindedness, even the Lion King asked in astonishment: "You really don't want anything?"

"What I want, you can't give it." Bai Jue spread his hands: "I can't say nothing, I will definitely have someone who can't stand it later, and I will need everyone to help at that time, leave a contact information Just give it to me, I don't ask you to be on call, don't ask for carry, just don't ask for cheating."

"Solving the war is the job of the heroic spirit, how can it be regarded as a reward..." Gao Wen whispered dissatisfied: "Does your Excellency regard us as mercenaries who are only looking for profit?"

"I didn't say that." Bai Jue took advantage of his height and patted Gao Wen's head, and said with a smile: "It's great news for me that you are willing to help, and I don't need anything else , In fact, I am still very confident in saving the world."

Could it be that the Lion King gave him a title or something?Don't be kidding... If you really take these honors to yourself, you don't know how much trouble you will have in ten years. If it becomes a reason to talk about tiger skin, you will have no peace.

Reasonable... Assuming that I don't flirt with girls now, I'll be more peaceful, and I won't be confused with the small reformers of heroic spirits, and there won't be so many troubles in the future. You see, someone like me has a B number , Seriously saving the world, not even flirting with a girl.

What?you say dance?Dancing can't be regarded as teasing girls, it's just ballroom dancing, it's a skill reading!

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