Bai Jue is as stable as an old dog. He firmly believes that there is only a loyal friendship between him and Yingling as a comrade-in-arms, and there is no dirty deal behind it. You can see their eyes and mine are full of admiration and trust. It can be seen that love is stronger than gold, it must be I was moved by my noble personality charm, and gradually gained positive energy. Even Guangdian Zhongju couldn't find any loopholes in the exchange of such positive energy.

"Your Excellency..." Gao Wen was indeed moved, at least she had never seen such a noble personality who gave so much without asking for anything in return, and she couldn't help admiring him.

"You don't need it, so I won't force it." The Lion King nodded quietly, without further words. She accepted it quickly. It is true that there is really nothing in Britain today that can be given to Bai Jue. Want to come to such a strong man Do you want anything?She also didn't want to get entangled in such a trivial matter, just like two people going out to eat and arguing over who will borrow the debt, it is a meaningless act of charging a lot of money to save face.

Bai Jue looked down at the brewed Darjeeling black tea. He picked up the teacup, lifted a corner of the mask, and took a sip: "The craftsmanship is good. The British are really particular about black tea, although I'm more used to drinking coffee and Kuo Luo."

After putting down the teacup, Bai Jue noticed that The Lion King and Gao Wen were looking at him.

"Why do you look at me so strangely?" Bai Jue asked.

"It's nothing... I thought you couldn't drink black tea."

"It's not sleepy black tea, why can't you drink it?... You didn't put Mongolian sweat medicine on it, did you?"

"Then why are you unwilling to take off your mask?" Gao Wen asked with a sly smile, "I'm curious about what your Excellency looks like."

"Put away your curiosity, curiosity will kill the cat." Bai Jue shook his head: "The mask is my reserve, and wearing a mask to save the world is a man's romance, just like driving a Gundam and a drill."

"Put on the mask, and the world will know who you are, and take off the mask, and you can be anyone in the world." The Lion King looked away from his mask and said, "Are you afraid that you will encounter trouble after the war? In fact, you don’t need to do this, why not accept the crown you deserve? If anyone in the world slanders you because of this…they should be punished.”

Bai Jue shook his head and laughed: "I didn't think about such a complicated thing. Whether I wear the mask or not, it's there. As long as what I do doesn't change, it doesn't really matter who is under the mask. It doesn't matter at all. As long as someone can perform this duty for me, it doesn't matter even if the person wearing the mask is not me."

As he spoke, he put down the empty teacup.

"Thank you for the black tea, I have to go." Bai Jue got up, the blood stained on his white clothes dried up and solidified, he only rested for an hour, drank a cup of tea, and couldn't wait to rush to the next battlefield.

"...Where are you going next?" Gao Wen asked carefully.

"On the other side of the English Channel, I don't really want to run too far, but fortunately, I can take a short walk. The European countries must also be in distress. I also want to see the second God's Seat." Bai Jue said flatly. Said: "It's just that I don't know the battle situation, I still have to go first and talk about it."

"You can wait for us to contact France or other European countries." The Lion King said quietly.

"Just contact me anytime you have news. I'm a restless person, and I can't stay in one place for too long." Bai Jue turned around and asked, "By the way, that royal princess..."

"Her Highness Elizabeth is safe, her life signs are stable, but she is still asleep and has not woken up yet." Gao Wen hurriedly stood up: "Do you want to see Your Highness? She will be happy."

"..." The Lion King, who was robbed of his lines by his subordinates, picked up the teacup silently, as if he had been shot by an arrow in his knee, with a delicate expression on his face.

"It's fine for me to go alone, so I won't bother you. Britain's affairs are still very busy, and it's inconvenient for me to continue to disturb you." Bai Jue declined Gao Wen's kindness, and seeing the girl's resentful expression, he smiled and comforted : "You also need to become stronger quickly. According to the way I taught you, it will be a matter of time before you step into the fourth-order threshold. Let's become the pillar of the round table as soon as possible."

"Well, I remember." Gao Wen cheered up quickly, and nodded vigorously. At this time, she was still a young girl knight full of vigor. Compared with the mature and intellectual appearance ten years later, the gap is quite Pretty big, but both are hers.

Bai Jue's golden eyes looked at the Lion King. He paused for a while, considered his words for a while, and said goodbye: "See you on the battlefield."

He bowed slightly, with his left hand behind his back and his right hand on his left shoulder, as if he had ended the etiquette that men do to women during the dance.

A little bit of magnificent red appeared on the fair cheeks of the Lion King, and she nodded slightly: "See you on the battlefield."

The two said goodbye tacitly. Although they said goodbye on the battlefield, no matter how they heard it, there was a strong hint.

The Lion King interprets this as an invitation to dance.

Bai Jue interpreted this as the meaning of making big moves together.

In short, there is a very subtle deviation in the thinking between the two, and this little deviation does not affect anything, but Bai Jue's vow of "I will never flirt with girls" should be taken as a joke, it is so fragrant. once.


"Your Highness Elizabeth, it's time for you to eat something..." The nurse persuaded in a low voice: "Although the nutrient solution is just a nutrient solution after all, you are growing your body after all, and you can't do without something. These are nutritious liquid foods .”

Elizabeth stared at the food on the table. Although it was not greasy, it was nutritious food, but its color still made Elizabeth feel nauseated. Even if she didn't want to, she still recalled the hell scene she had seen with her own eyes.

She gritted her teeth and shook her head: "I don't want to eat, you go out..."

"But..." The nurse was neither sitting nor standing, restless, she didn't know what Elizabeth had gone through, but now His Highness couldn't even listen to her parents, she didn't see anyone, she didn't say anything. When she was busy, no one cared about her willfulness, otherwise the health of the heroic spirit would definitely be taken seriously, fearing that after a few days of tossing, even the knights of the round table would come to feed her just the right meal.

Elizabeth's face was very ugly, she just looked out of the window quietly, her eyes were silent like a doll's.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and he took the nutritious meal from the nurse with one hand, and said with a smile, "If you don't want to eat, leave it to me to deal with go take care of other people."

As he spoke, he sent the nurse out the door, looked at the skinny girl on the bed, and said, "diet to lose weight?"

Elizabeth heard a familiar voice. Looking back, there were waves in her calm eyes. The mask that used to soothe her nightmares in her sleep appeared in front of her eyes. She opened her eyes wide in surprise, full of surprise and embarrassment. Believe it, she thought it was just a dream, but she didn't expect it to be real. She asked other people who saved her, but almost no one knew who it was, and naturally they couldn't answer her.

"Yes, it's you..." Elizabeth's voice was a little hoarse.

"It's me, little princess." Bai Jue sat by the window and picked up the nutritious food: "Why don't you have the right food? How can you grow taller if you don't have the right food? Although it's good to be a loli all the time, but you want I know, cuteness is vulnerable in front of sexy, the important thing is strength, yes... eh, cough cough, in short, people always have to live properly, open your mouth obediently."

Elizabeth looked at him quietly, and shook her head: "I don't want to eat..."

"Don't want to eat this?" Bai Jue asked back: "Then what do you want to eat? I'll eat it for you next time."

"I can't eat it." She bit her lip, pinched the white sheet with her fingers, a few crystal tears appeared in her numb eyes: "If I eat it, I will spit it out, every bite seems to be chewing human flesh." Like flesh and blood, you...see it?"

She didn't tell anyone about this matter, only Bai Jue and her secret.

Of course he saw the hellish scenery smeared with blood, but Bai Jue heard her question, but did not answer her question. Instead, he lowered his head and pretended to smell the nutritious meal, and then said disgustedly: "What a strange smell, how can you give it to the patient?" To eat this, I really don’t understand, for people with weak stomachs, of course I have to sacrifice the ancestral food of my Great Heavenly Dynasty..."

He took out a bowl of porridge from behind.

Thin rice porridge, pure white, not mottled at all.

For Elizabeth, this may be an ordinary food that she has never tasted.

"Come on, try it, I made it myself, although the taste of this white rice porridge won't change much." He picked up a spoonful of steaming white rice porridge and placed it in front of the girl's lips: "Be obedient and open your mouth."

Elizabeth stared at him.

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