The roaring sound was endless, and the sound was getting closer, and even the trembling of the earth became clearly visible.

A huge war beast appeared in sight. It walked on the ground, with six legs and no tail. Its huge body was thirty meters high, heavy, and bound by steel-like iron chains.

It was clearly a strange monster in the beast realm, but now, it was shackled and used as a siege weapon by the Asuras.

There was more than one giant beast, and there were more than [-] of them.

It's not that the Asuras don't have plans to attack the city, but they are preparing, and now that they are fully prepared, even the monsters in the animal realm have become their playthings. This group of Asuras... are not comparable to ordinary creatures at all, they are Born killers.

Dion felt every hair in his hair tremble.

Paris, I'm afraid I can't hold it anymore——!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under the gloomy sky, at the end of the battlefield where the smell of blood has not dissipated, the array is advancing like a city wall, with overwhelming momentum between the advances, huge war beasts fall down, the ground shakes, and the ugly The Asuras stared at the ramparts of Paris.

The quantity... over a thousand.

Yes, over a thousand asuras.

The number of people over a thousand is enough to make Dion tremble or even tremble.

Because that is the way of Shura, and those are Shura who are good at bloodthirsty.

Back then, only [-] Asuras exhausted a German peak heroic spirit in the way of encirclement and suppression. At the beginning, the king of Belgium led [-] personal guards to defend the capital Brussels, and only persisted for half of the time under the siege of [-] Asuras. In an hour, just half an hour, the heroic spirit fell, the soldiers died, like a candle that was extinguished, Belgium immediately perished after the fall of the capital!

And here, there are thousands of Asuras!

Not to mention that Dion would feel his scalp tingling, even the paladin Roland had no confidence in being able to hold on here.

No, in the final analysis, this is no longer a question of whether it can be defended, but a question of whether it will be directly penetrated. Once the city wall is broken, it is impossible for the second defensive barrier to be built on such a large scale. They persisted in the invasion for too long, and this group of Asuras was not a human being when they fought. Not only can they resist but also fight, they can deal high damage at the same time, even if they have strong individual combat capabilities, they have all kinds of tactics. , and even train the monsters in the animal way to be siege equipment, it is simply a super invincible ultimate snakeskin enhanced cooking soldier.

Dion has almost seen the scene where Paris was bulldozed all the way to copy his hometown, and the scene of the war continued to death.

It's just that she still doesn't understand why Charlemagne has led many heroic spirits to surround the hometown of Shura Dao, and the other side has gathered so many Shuras and headed straight to Paris...

This is to change homes?We must be bloody!Thirty million people are in Paris—!

Mozart was also muttering in his heart, he was not French in the first place, he came to Paris just to find inspiration to write a song, by the way, he only arrived yesterday, and today the other party is about to destroy the city.

This literal scum musician had already had the idea of ​​smearing oil on the soles of his feet, thinking that if he didn't leave, he might really be caught by Dion and tied to the French flag pole as a sign to swing in the wind.

No, I have to run... Mozart just tried to run away, and then he was caught.

"Mozart." Dion said coldly: "Let's leave here together today, and I, the captain of the dragoons, will accompany you to die at the forefront. At least I won't insult your reputation as a talented musician. At least the people of Paris will respect you in the future." To commemorate you leave a tomb or something."

"You speak Chinese dialect so well! What do you mean by leaving here? If you want to sacrifice your life for the country, don't drag us along. I'm not French. I have no reason to die here with you as a dignified Austrian citizen. Please make it clear, I am only thirty years old this year, even if I hide underground, I will not die until I am seventy or eighty years old! I can’t die earlier than in my previous life!” Mozart shouted: “Hey! What are my sleeves for! I warned me that the dress is the Royal Orchestra of Vienna dress, which is a super collector's edition, very expensive!"

"Austria doesn't actually exist." Dion said lightly, "Even if it exists, it will soon be gone. You have no nationality. I don't mind signing for you before you can become a French citizen."

"Sign it as soon as you sign it, what does it mean to sign my face!" Mozart tried to struggle, but he couldn't get rid of Dion's slender arm: "I warn you to let go, I won't spread this fire! I’m a mere musician, what do you expect me to do, at most I can direct the orchestra, do you expect me to kill people in the air by playing the strings like Tristan? Please, I only have five fingers, not six fingers Qin Demon!"

"I just want you to die with some dignity. You will definitely die if you leave Paris. I look forward to the arrival of Miss Saintess early, and maybe you can save a dog's life. As a heroic spirit, you must have a sense of dedication." Dion looked at the The trampled stakes and tombstones said in a low voice: "The hymn of human beings is the hymn of courage. Monsters don't understand these things. Knowing why you died is a good thing."

"Excuse me, sorry, goodbye, I don't want to hear it! Aren't you forcing me to set a flag to send me to my death?" Mozart's desire to survive was extremely strong, and he shook his head again and again: "I tell you this is useless! If you kill, you will die!"

"Ara, as a Heroic Spirit, if you don't exert a little bit of heat, you can only die." Dion looked back and smiled so gently: "There is nothing to be afraid of anymore, please rest assured, after this matter is over, you will definitely be able to write Make the best tunes."

"No one can hear the music written in heaven." Mozart scratched his hair frantically: "You have time to drag me to blow yourself up, why don't you just think about how to solve it honestly!"

"Think about it." Dion nodded.

"and then?"

" can kill yourself." Dion replied, "It can be less painful."

"I don't need a gun! Believe it or not, I used a monkey rubber band as a slingshot to hit your glass!"

"You speak well in Shenzhou, what's the point?"

"Well, I want to go to Jixia Academy to study abroad. I learned it privately... Now it seems that I can only tell you how to sing and sing. If you want to learn, I won't teach you if you want to learn."

Mozart didn't resist anymore, because the Asuras were already close at hand, the distance was less than a few hundred meters away, and he had no chance to run if he wanted to, the attack had already started.

Those who fly in the sky, those who run on the ground, and long-range firepower, everything that should come has come.

The modernized armed corps did obstruct the attack, but the actual effect was too small. The large-scale firepower attack only bombarded part of the monsters, and the Shuras in the center didn't lose too much.

Every Shura has a combat power above the level of a tyrant in Resident Evil, and is flexible and cunning, very good at fighting... RPGs can't bombard them head-on, maybe the large-caliber shells of tanks, or the missiles of aircraft, but this level of firepower It is impossible to cover the battlefield instantly, so the possibility of hitting is extremely low.

Dion even saw an Asura borrowing the missile and throwing it back to shoot down two fighter jets.

It was a one-sided massacre, but... so what?

She is confident that she can face ten Asuras at the same time and deploy her treasure. With the home court advantage, she can face hundreds of Asuras at the same time.

But that's not a hundred, it's a thousand.

The Asuras are extremely good at wheel warfare. They will maintain an encirclement circle of about [-] people, and then use dozens of people as a combat group to encircle and suppress them, and then rotate in time. They are very patient and will not immediately launch a fatal attack, because the individual The strength is not as good as that of a human, so it is impossible to inflict fatal injuries on the heroic spirit immediately, but it can bleed a little bit of powerful prey.

Heroic Spirits would think that they had delayed them, but in reality they had fallen into their trap.

Use up your energy and drain your blood.

When he couldn't even dial the Heroic Spirit's principle, Heroic Spirit was scarred all over his body, and he didn't even have the last resistance.

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