"The city is a bit dull, and such an atmosphere is not suitable for writing music. I'll come out to get some air." Mozart smiled amiably: "Although it's not appropriate for me to say such a thing as an Austrian, it's better for you to appease the people. Feeling better."

"I am not Emperor Charlemagne, nor a paladin. My job is assassination, espionage, intelligence espionage. Inspiring people is not what I am good at. Your Majesty left me to guard the city because I have no other use. "Dion looked into the distance, exhausted his vision, and looked at the distant Netherlands: "I only hope that His Majesty can return with great victory."

Charlemagne was not in Paris at this time, but went in the direction of the Netherlands.

It is indeed absurd to be an emperor and not stay in his own capital.

But this is also a helpless move. After analyzing multiple situations, someone must break the deadlock. The longer the delay, the more people will die.

The battlefield situation in Western Europe is very complicated. There is no six rifts in France, so it was not hit immediately. However, there are three rifts outside France, and these three rifts present a triangle to encompass it.

The first rift opened in Switzerland. There was only one new generation hero in Switzerland, who was still a musician. He went to study in Vienna, Austria. Judging from the results, Switzerland was completely defeated in just one day and died on the spot... …Thanks to the fact that a considerable part of the residents were transferred to the territory of Italy, the direct subjugation of the country was avoided.

The fissures that opened in Switzerland spread like a swarm of insects, one went to Austria, one to Italy, and one to the territory of France... Leaving aside the process, judging from the results, Austria One-third of it was saved, but it was also a stubborn resistance, and sooner or later it would not be able to hold on. This was the result of the full support of Hungary and nearby small countries.

As in the current situation, France was forced to choose defense and lost a large amount of territory.

Italy lost a third of its territory, but was held off by papal troops.

The Vatican has a seat of God, thirteen apostles, two saints and a saint. These are all fighting spirits at the level of heroes. Because Jesus was the first heroic spirit reincarnated in human history, the church has always been affected by it in its long history. Preferential treatment, each generation of popes can exert the power of the throne of God within a certain area centered on the Vatican, and the thirteen apostles have the combat power comparable to the third-level heroic spirits.

And the reincarnation of saints and saints who believe in Christianity has always been abundant.

As a result, although the Vatican is a small country with few people, it has a combat power comparable to that of a large country. The Vatican is located in Italy, so relying on the performance of the Vatican, Italy will not be subjugated, and it even has the strength to help other countries.

As an Austrian, Mozart came to Paris because of the church. He was originally looking for inspiration for composing music in the Vatican. When the war broke out, he came to Paris as a messenger to convey the message for the contemporary Pope.

However, he came a step late, and Charlemagne left Paris first, so he could only stay here and wait helplessly. The meeting between the two gods was destined to be delayed, and he brought good news, that is, A day later, a saint will arrive in Paris.

Those who can be crowned with the title of saintess in the church... are all real peak heroic spirits.

Note that while this is good news, it is only one of the cracks.

The second crack opened in the very center of Spain.

As a result, it is conceivable that Spain is helpless, located at the bottom of Western Europe, and the only place to retreat is Africa. However, whether it is Africa or America, they have been integrated by other worlds, and the process of this integration continues very slowly. , the outside world cannot interfere, even the laws of physics are in the process of being reshaped, it can be said that the original African continent died on the spot, and no one knows what happened to the people inside.

Of course, it's not completely dead, at least the circle around the Mediterranean Sea is relatively intact.

Judging from the results, Spain and Portugal were cold and crisp, and failed to survive five days.

A third rift opened in the Netherlands.

This crack is the most dangerous, connecting Shura Dao.

The Netherlands and Belgium were wiped out in an instant, and one-fifth of Germany's territory was ruined. In just one day, the Asuras eroded the territory at an extremely fast speed. Their number was wrong, but their strength was junior high, and they were extremely Good at fighting.

Asura, humanity, and heaven are the top three. Unlike hungry ghosts, asuras are intelligent life forms.

These three rifts formed a triangular shape that wrapped France perfectly. Even with the help of the Vatican, they could only restrict the animal road in Switzerland, but the animal road in Spain and the Asura road in the Netherlands were unable to deal with difficult problems.

In the end, Charlemagne chose to avoid the main force of Asura Dao, voluntarily evacuate the people, give up a large area of ​​territory, let the opponent in, use the fortifications to defend in Paris, gather the heroic spirits, and attack the cracks in Asura Dao.

This time, Charlemagne took away many heroic spirits including Roland and Astolfo, not only from France, but also from Germany. The number may be as many as ten or so, and there are only seven heroic spirits in the world. More than ten, one-seventh of the combat power is quite impressive.

Therefore, it can be said that it is only a matter of time before Shura Dao is defeated.

But this plan is not only too risky to put all one's eggs in one basket, it is to expose Paris, the core of France, to the triple attack... Even if there are fortifications, the number of heroic spirits inside is too small, leaving only Dieng and Bou Radamante (double ponytail gun), Bumei also led the soldiers to clear the animal roads that poured out of Spain.

Therefore, in fact, there is only Dieng, a heroic spirit, who defends the city. It is almost impossible to go out of the city to fight back. We can only rely on the city wall to fight a passive defensive battle. Fire two cannons to show that I am still fighting back, and I have not given up resistance.

Charlemagne has been away for two days, and Mozart only arrived yesterday, so Dion is now eager to succeed in the frontline battle, and is eager for more powerful heroic combat power.

The Holy Maiden set off one day behind Mozart, and it would take half a day at the fastest to arrive. When she arrived, it should be after dark, and the problem now faced was how to deal with Shura's siege battle.

In fact, because the battle plan must be kept secret, the people in the city don't know that Charlemagne has left. Don't retreat to Paris, and, as the weather gradually cools down, people flock to the central part for safety... Food is also a problem.

To modern people, the food crisis is indeed a ridiculous problem, but during the war, there was a shortage of supplies, and there was indeed nothing to eat. France has a population of about [-] million, and now more than half of the people gather in Paris. It is underground, with [-]-hour non-stop transportation, even so, the supply is still in short supply.

Fortunately, because Charlemagne's reputation is high enough, otherwise someone might have started to hold the white flag to parade or something.

Many people don't even know who their enemy is... Some people think that another battle of heroes has started.

"The actual war is much more cruel, should I tell them one by one?" Dion looked at the cruel scenery: "Or take pictures of these scenes, so that the people can see how incompetent our heroic spirits are? I Can't do it."

"Guarding the people is a very tiring task. We are both heroic spirits, but we live in different ways." Mozart said with emotion: "For me, a scumbag, a life that can compose music is already very good."

"Hmph, you are self-aware. I suggest you leave Paris as soon as possible." Dieng said, "Those who stay here will go to the battlefield sooner or later. Even if you don't want to, you will be arrested by His Majesty."

"Charlemagne's speech was indeed exciting, but it's a pity that it's not as good as the music. It's all a demagogic trick. I think I can leave, but it's not necessary." Mozart rubbed his hands: "And I think, as long as Staying in Paris, I will be able to find new inspiration for composing music, I have never seen the cruel scenes of war in my lifetime, this time I have to see it with my own eyes.”

"Crazy musician." Dion commented.

"It's a saint musician." Mozart corrected disapprovingly.

Dion continued to stand above the city wall and stared at the battlefield.

The majestic city walls cannot cover the entire area of ​​Paris, and most of the fortification walls are supporting barriers, so once a pillar collapses, the barrier itself will lose its effectiveness. The city wall where she is located has cracks. So the next wave of offensive should also be launched from this direction.

She didn't know how long she would last, nor how long the city wall could last, but it was a day to survive.

Mozart didn't bother seeing her so preoccupied, but suddenly, he heard something.

The musician's hearing is very sensitive, and he heard very sharp and dissonant sounds from the wind.

He immediately squatted down, even lying on the ground, listening with his ears.

The sound came from deep underground.

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