After ascending to the throne of God, Charlemagne did not rush to rebuild his empire. Instead, he maintained the original regimes of various countries, and it has continued until now. His name is still only the emperor of the French Republic, and does not involve Germany, The internal affairs of Switzerland, Belgium and other countries, but he still protects these countries in the name of the seat of God.

Because they are surrounded by the same king, the relationship between the surrounding countries is very good. The Western European generation has a strong cohesion, and the center of cohesion is in France, no, to be precise, it is in Charlemagne.

If the Battle of the Six Paths of Demons had not occurred in history, perhaps under the leadership of Charlemagne, Western Europe might really be able to form a powerful alliance in reality. Even if Britain did not cooperate, they would be enough to besiege the city.

But... the problem is that the war came too suddenly.

Although Charlemagne is the Seat of God, he has no skills at all.

When neighboring countries such as Germany, France, Switzerland, and the Netherlands were invaded at the same time, he had to choose one of these countries. Although Germany is not without heroic spirits, Switzerland and the Netherlands are small countries that do not have the national strength to support such a large scale Huge war, and heroic spirits are divided into levels, just like when you draw cards, you always want to draw five-star heroic spirits.

In the Shenzhou Empire, Britain, Tsarist Russian Empire and other regions, at least there are card pools for five-star heroic spirits, but in other regions... the upper limit of the card pool is three stars, and even if the card pool is pierced, it will not be able to give peak heroic spirits.

What's more, even if you get lucky and a heroic spirit with a higher rarity is produced, the other party must go straight to France and be included in the roster of paladins under Charlemagne. After several years of training, who will remember that he is People from any country... haven't established a national concept, and they certainly won't go back to their hometown.

So, in summary.

The situation in Western Europe was far more chaotic than in Britain.

No matter how chaotic Britain is, it is still one country, while Western Europe is far more than one country. Scheduling, deployment and even information transmission are blocked by the country's political system and barriers caused by language barriers.

In this kind of sudden battle where the ass is stabbed with a red-hot iron rod, all the people involved are too busy to take care of themselves, and they have no time to care about other people. It is better to expect others not to stab them in the back than to expect others to rescue them. Adding insult to injury at times is much more sad than being pierced by a second-five boy. It can only be said that everyone is smiling in peacetime, and loses the MMP on the spot.

There is no love and friendship in e-sports, and neither is war.


Having said that, Bai Jue crossed the middle of the English Channel and the Strait of Dover, and arrived in Western Europe.

Before he left, he snatched a satellite locator from the armaments department of Britain. He could confirm his position and no longer get lost. He even used the automatic navigation function, which can be said to be very user-friendly. Navigation The synthesized voice of the phone is still very nice, it can be... I don't know how much higher it is than the backgammon point reader, and only Huawei Smart can compete with it.

He is now landing on the coast of northern France. Not far away is Belgium, and further north is the Netherlands.

But from the traces seen around him, it seems that the place he arrived at is the battlefield.

It didn't take long to find a corpse that was so cold that it was covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

Bai Jue inspected the deceased. He seemed to be a commoner. When he died, he was chopped into two pieces. The other half of the corpse fell more than ten steps away. It can be said that it was quite tragic. It was probably that he was not completely dead after being cut in half and continued to crawl. He was stabbed in the back and rushed to the street on the spot.

Unlike the hungry ghosts encountered in Britain... the monsters here don't seem to be cannibals.

The hungry ghosts in the Hungry Ghost Road, not to mention the dead, eat clean corpses of the same kind, even garbage, and roasted gluten. It seems that the enemies that France encountered were not such environmentally friendly foodies, that is to say, they were not in the realm of hungry ghosts, but one of the other four realms.

Ah, popularize the basic concepts here.

In fact, there are only five in the battle of the six realms of demon investigation. Humanity is the world, that is, this world, and it is not considered an enemy... But only five does not mean that there are only five cracks. The cracks have different sizes, and they appeared on the islands of Britain and Ireland before. The two fissures are one large and one small, the standard is primary and secondary, and large fissures may also proliferate, and the location is not fixed.

Bai Jue raised his hand and closed the eyes of the stiff corpse, and then he noticed that the corpse stretched out a finger and pointed at the ground before it died, as if pointing in a certain direction, the blood on his finger The bottom also flowed in the pointed direction, but it had dried up and frozen.

Bai Jue swung down the flames to incinerate the corpse, and walked towards the pointed direction.

Soon he found a French farm. There were many fences for raising livestock on the ground. The buildings were not high, but the livestock in the farm were still there. The cattle and sheep were eating grass, but no one could be seen.

Continue to walk along the farm, and came to a small town in France. There should be a lot of residents here, but there is still no living person to be seen. There are a few bloodstains on the ground. The doors of supermarkets are open, but there is no one at all. .

When Bai Jue walked along the road to the center of the town, he saw countless human heads on the traffic lights at the central intersection... These heads were hung on the traffic lights like trophies, and a large number of corpses were piled up at the intersection. It looked like a war painting of a barbaric era. Because it was winter, the corpse decomposed very slowly, and the expression of the dead was covered with a layer of white frost.

"...The spoils of war? They are monsters different from those hungry ghosts who only know how to devour. They take pleasure in killing, but they don't attack livestock. The way of Shura, or the way of hell?" Bai Jue didn't seem very angry because of this, he just Some regrets, but also helpless, just snapped his fingers silently, let Huo Huo send these people off for the last time, he thought calmly: "If it is not the hungry ghost, there should be no restrictions on moving under the sun, In this way, the war may continue even during the daytime, and the situation in Western Europe may be more severe than I imagined... just in case there are multiple cracks..."

He glanced to the south and then to the northeast.

Paris and Germany respectively.

"...Let's go to Paris first, Berlin is too far away."

Bai Jue made a decision and ran towards Paris.

Even Bai Jue didn't know that Paris in front of the front line was in a tough battle to defend the city, and his current position was at the end of the front line, which was also the enemy's chrysanthemum position, the most suitable for launching the ninja called Millennium Killer surgery.

If you run all the way, sooner or later you will collide with the enemy's py on the ground.


Far away in Paris, the whole of Paris has been firmly closed by the towering city walls.

It seems to be a special enchantment device, which may have been established a long time ago. It is not an ordinary battle line built temporarily, but a very particular fortification. It not only uses a very hard shell, but also uses a special The enchantment is strengthened twice.

Even so... a corner of its northern city wall collapsed. Although it was not serious, the crack looked shocking no matter how you looked at it. It was hard to imagine what kind of offensive could break through this level of fortification.

At the end of the city wall, there are heroic spirits standing.

"Before His Majesty Charlie returns...the city walls must not be breached. Damn it, these warlike Asuras have no soul in single-handed siege battles! Don't you understand this simple truth!"


ps1: I didn’t consider that I would be stuck on the heroic spirits of France at all... Twelve Warriors can be written theoretically, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that I completely forgot to call the heroic spirits of France out for a show. The number of people is insufficient now, which is very troublesome. I am considering whether to propose the latest twin-tailed wife...


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the top of the city wall, the Heroic Spirit lowered her eyes, looking at the connected human heads hanging on wooden stakes in the distance. Such cruel and barbaric acts made her gaze icy cold.

"It's really barbaric. The siege battles rely on numbers, and they can't attack Paris with their numbers." Dragoon Dieng looked away: "It's just that the scenery is still too dazzling. I really hope that the snow will fall sooner this year."

"They don't know about marching formations. Shura just smells the smell of war, so when they come to fight, they are a group of war-thirsty creatures after all... They are not afraid of death." Another voice came, a A man in a suit and leather collar came. He was very handsome and young, with a strange aura on his body, and his fingertips seemed to be wandering in rhythm. He walked up to the city wall and bowed slightly to Dion: "Excuse me, are you looking at the scenery?"

"Mozart." Dion said lightly, "Is there something wrong?"

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