"I'm not! I'm not!"

"Stop talking nonsense, is your mother's master?" Bai Jue stared.

"What if I were?"

"I said who messed up the mandarin ducks for me. The feeling is not that I have aphrodisiacs on my body, but the fantasy of your fat house, right. I'm going to cut up your fat today and make it as an appetizer." Bai Feel sharpened.

"Boss, please let me go! I've been so kind to you, think about how many times Baidi has died! Haven't you brought a dog with you a few times?" Coffee took his heart at that time: "I can't change the plot. What kind of girl do you want, just tell me! Men are also fine!"

"Do a few tricks!" Bai Jue said irritably, "Me? Why did you put on such a weirdo... If I were Bai Di, I would cut you off right now. How come I was pulled out of the box when I saved the world so well? "

"Maybe..." Coffee laughed dryly, "Maybe it's New Year's Eve..."

"Pull me out after New Year's Eve?" Bai Jue said with a fake smile: "Is this asking me to work overtime and die suddenly? To be honest, I save the world with my ability, why should I be a person in the book? I’m about to break the Dimensional Wall, and sacrifice blood to you, the stupid author first...Huh? This is..." Bai Jue turned around and noticed the three rules on the computer screen: "The rules of the Holy Grail War? There is even a command spell? You Hand over your Command Seal to me!"

"Don't hand it in! How can I, a top-notch master like Tohsaka Rin, hand in the Command Seals as soon as I come up!" Coffee shouted to the death: "How can we fight without Command Seals! How can we grow crops!"

"Emmm... As expected of you, you can play tricks." Bai Jue thought about it seriously: "I think about it, my job agency seems to be a saber, with all attributes of A-level, two treasures and five skills, it's okay , Although it has been weakened, it has not been weakened too much... I was summoned to fight the Holy Grail War, who is my opponent? This range seems to be not specified..."

"It's better not to be the protagonist in other novels..." Coffee complained: "The annual meeting will be in a while, I'm afraid that when the time comes, a few stand-in messengers will follow along with the big move, and the annual meeting scene will become big guys fighting each other .”

"What are you afraid of, I will protect you!"

"No no no, I'm afraid you won't be able to stand it... There are too many big shots next door." The coffee board pointed with his fingers: "Sun Lang who imitated someone, Chu Li who was like someone Liu, and the third-rate slave who was stupid The author Zhao Huang, the captain's sword master... Sometimes, the author does not have a B number for adding combat power, and randomly adds it to the top of the ceiling. You see, which protagonist is theoretically invincible in the book, and a slap can smash a planet It’s not that there is no one, it’s just that if you switch to the three-dimensional, it’s hard to say who can fight better..."

"I think you look down on someone like me?" Bai Jue snorted coldly: "I'm a saber, do you understand saber? The one who can fight the most among the seven job agencies! Who among the three knights can be as lucky as me ? I am lucky to be A+++ level! There is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Civilized people, can you stop shouting and killing? With such a powerful boss, shouldn't we kill the mastermind behind the scenes?" Coffee muttered softly: "At the end of the fight, I found that the Holy Grail was filled with black mud. How did it break?"

"It makes sense." Bai Jue nodded: "As expected of being my author, I still have some brains, and I admire you, but remember to add less girls to me in the future..."

"Understood, add more men."

"Do you want to lose weight (physically)?"

Coffee hurriedly shook his head, and then he glanced at the computer screen, a line of words appeared on the screen.

[This teasing war is a civil war]

"Civil war?" Coffee suddenly thought of a possibility: "Could it be..."


"Follow the call, Rider Lingdao."

Ling Dao rode a war-armed scarlet horse, and landed in front of an ordinary college student majestically.

The college student looked at Ling Dao's feet with blank eyes.

He planned to play games all night for the New Year's Eve, but he came out to sell some snacks when he was hungry. Now all the snacks have been smashed under the horse's hoof, it's all money!

Lingdao's heart felt so cool.

"You, who are you? Cosplay is like this, I warn you, lose money, lose money!" Ling said angrily.

Then he was slashed at the foot by Ling Dao.

"I didn't expect my real self in this world to be just an ordinary college student... It's really shameful." Lingdao put his hand on his forehead: "I said, I am a rider, I was summoned, and we are going to fight the Holy Grail... …No, it’s a war.”

"Huh?" The college student looked confused.

"That's the thing, it doesn't matter whether you accept it or not." Ling Dao spread his hands: "I told you that I have also been strengthened, this time we may be able to beat that surnamed Bai."


"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

Ling Dao picked up Ling and rushed to the sky.

"Wait, at least let me turn off my computer! My overnight money!"

Ling made a series of screams and quickly disappeared into the night.


"You said, are you an archer?"

In a certain apartment, Li Mou, a social person who is in charge of the company's management, looked at this beautiful stranger in front of him expressionlessly.

"Yes, my name is Li Qinglian."

"God? Li Qinglian..."

"I'm Archer, the servant who will accompany you in the war."

"Go on, I'm listening."

"Our goal is to win seven survivors."

"Hey, are you a demon spirit? Someone broke in..."


Sword Qi pierced the phone in his hand.

Li Qinglian looked at Li with a blank expression.

"I thought my body in this world was amazing, but I looked like an ordinary person in society. It's too far away, it's really too far away..." Li Qinglian's face was full of dissatisfaction.

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